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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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well... since nobody answered me about "DataPattern" on SD1A, i decided to unlock the drive using AD14

Many thanks to everyone... it did very well. The hardest part was to get hyperterminal for windows vista.

Unbricked my drive and now backing data up on several dual layers dvd... soon I may get rid of this hd.


I used CA-42 with drivers taken here (a zip file with one executable). For people not getting it on vista, try running the installer on compatibility mode. Works like a charm.

I used an old CDROM analog audio cable to connect the pins.

I used a sata power cable adaptor cause my psu only has 2 and they are 10cm away on the same wires, so the adaptor made one free extension to a wire with 3 molexes.

I did not use the 3dr pin (GND) since the whole system is the same (i'm not using a notebook).

I unbricked it using AD14 firmware, and sequentially flashed the drive with SD1A.

I tried putty, netterm, and many other softwares for COM port communication, but none of them seemed to make the CTRL-Z work.

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well... since nobody answered me about "DataPattern" on SD1A, i decided to unlock the drive using AD14

Many thanks to everyone... it did very well. The hardest part was to get hyperterminal for windows vista.

Unbricked my drive and now backing data up on several dual layers dvd... soon I may get rid of this hd.


I used CA-42 with drivers taken here (a zip file with one executable). For people not getting it on vista, try running the installer on compatibility mode. Works like a charm.

I used an old CDROM analog audio cable to connect the pins.

I used a sata power cable adaptor cause my psu only has 2 and they are 10cm away on the same wires, so the adaptor made one free extension to a wire with 3 molexes.

I did not use the 3dr pin (GND) since the whole system is the same (i'm not using a notebook).

I unbricked it using AD14 firmware, and sequentially flashed the drive with SD1A.

I tried putty, netterm, and many other softwares for COM port communication, but none of them seemed to make the CTRL-Z work.

You try the cable only, you join RX with TX and type characters on hyperterminal.

You configure the hyperterminal at 38400, 8, N, 1, None

After you connect the cable to the PCB's hdd you can type Ctrl+z

If the connection is well the hdd responds F3 T>

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I checked my maxtor sata 500gb and it wont show in bios. also when connected and i try to detect in Victoria it wont show up [this proggy is supposed to show if there is a bsy problem]

the drive does spin up, but WIN XP takes a long time to start up.

can I solve the prob with the CA-42 cable?

what do i use to connect the cable to HDD pcb?

My drive cant be bricked can it? :-/

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2. It could be that the MooseDT-SD1A-3D4D-16-32MB.ISO HDD detection is different from MooseDT-SD1A-2D-8-16-32MB.ISO.

Maybe my method only works for HDD model using MooseDT-SD1A-2D-8-16-32MB.ISO.

I used the correct firmware for my HD. Maybe as you say, works only with your model.

I'll need to try using the **** cable...

Thx for the reply

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Well, I got an used CA-42 cable but it's not recognized by Vista or XP (using VM Ware). If I plug the cable, nothing happens. I have the drivers installed. I chopped off the connector and peeled the wires (by the way, this CA-42 has 5 wires, white, blue, red, yellow and black). The USB connector says "NOKIA Type: CA-42". Maybe this person sold me a defective cable, or a different one?. It didn't cost me almost nothing, fortunately, like 3 bucks.

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Thanks to gradius2 for initiate this thread and thanks to Aviko for his explain about yura's method.

Aviko, thanks so much. :hello:

Aviko's explanations are clear and all is fine. My seagate 1 toctet is now back, and my data also... :yes:

I used only a chinese copy of CA-42, 3,50 euros!

Thanks, many thanks and thanks all. :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

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I have some problems to enter the command mode...

I have a FTDI TTL-232R 3V3 Adapter and when I power on my drive, I can see the CC error -> cabling correct.

But when I use a paper card trick and power on the pcb by connecting the sata connector, I can't enter CTRL+Z.

For testing I have "local echo" enabled. When I enter a "b", I can see the "b". But when I try to enter CTRL+Z, I got a symbol which looks like a down arrow.

I use Hyperterminal 38400, 8 databits, parity none, stop bits 1, no flowcontrol.

Have you any idea?

edit: ok, problem is solved. I got the prompt after connecting gnd from usb to pcb.

Now I have done this:

F3 T>/2 (enter)

F3 2>Z (enter)

< pull off the paper card >

F3 2>U (enter)

Spin up

F3 2>/1 (enter)

F3 1>N1 (enter)

F3 1>/T (enter)

F3 T>i4,1,22 (enter)



And then there is no prompt anymore. I can't enter any commands. When I used the paper card trick again, I got the prompt...

What I have to do?!

solved: I haven't power off my drive... I have entered all command (post #513) and it works!

Edited by gamefreaktegel
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After you connect the cable to the PCB's hdd you can type Ctrl+z

If the connection is well the hdd responds F3 T>

That's the point. Nor PuTTY, netterm, ponderosa, and other terminal softwares made ctrl-z work. In fact, I don't even know what ctrl-z does on hyperterminal, so I didn't know how to "start" on these programs.

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Hi guys, I have a Dell OEM 7200.11 750G drive and it went undetected. I am following the procedure to reset the hard drive. After I entered U to spin up, it is stuck at the command and doesn't go back to F3 2> even for a long time. Then I pressed enter, it give me the F3 T>, and I went to level 2 to spin up again, it says spin up complete elapsed time 0.000 secs. So I went on executed N1, then m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22. The last command didn't go back to F3 T> as well for 10 mins or so. I powered off and installed to my computer, it is now detected by BIOS but capacity is unknown. What should I do now? Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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After you connect the cable to the PCB's hdd you can type Ctrl+z

If the connection is well the hdd responds F3 T>

That's the point. Nor PuTTY, netterm, ponderosa, and other terminal softwares made ctrl-z work. In fact, I don't even know what ctrl-z does on hyperterminal, so I didn't know how to "start" on these programs.

Ctrl+z on hyperterminal sends one byte to the serial port: 0x1A Edited by pichi
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Hi guys, I have a Dell OEM 7200.11 750G drive and it went undetected. I am following the procedure to reset the hard drive. After I entered U to spin up, it is stuck at the command and doesn't go back to F3 2> even for a long time. Then I pressed enter, it give me the F3 T>, and I went to level 2 to spin up again, it says spin up complete elapsed time 0.000 secs. So I went on executed N1, then m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22. The last command didn't go back to F3 T> as well for 10 mins or so. I powered off and installed to my computer, it is now detected by BIOS but capacity is unknown. What should I do now? Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Have you unmounted the PCB?

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Just want to let u guys know that Seagate has fixed my ST3500320AS 500GB harddisk for free. :thumbup If you are layman like me, you may try opening a case in Seagate Support and follow by a call to their Call Center.

In my case, I first opened a case on 8Jan, got their first response on 21Jan recommending a harddisk replacement. After that, I called their Technical Support and explained there was already solution that they could not deny, giving them (and myself) a last chance before trying fixing it by myself. On 30Jan, their Technical Support called me back for address details, then triggered a UPS return label to me on 5Feb. I then shipped my harddisk to them on 9Feb. Now I have my harddisk back with BSY problem fix, firmware upgraded to SD1A. Now doing my backup.

Happy ending. :lol:

Edited by 709394hk
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Hi guys, I have a Dell OEM 7200.11 750G drive and it went undetected. I am following the procedure to reset the hard drive. After I entered U to spin up, it is stuck at the command and doesn't go back to F3 2> even for a long time. Then I pressed enter, it give me the F3 T>, and I went to level 2 to spin up again, it says spin up complete elapsed time 0.000 secs. So I went on executed N1, then m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22. The last command didn't go back to F3 T> as well for 10 mins or so. I powered off and installed to my computer, it is now detected by BIOS but capacity is unknown. What should I do now? Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Have you unmounted the PCB?

Yes I isolated PCB before powering on and remove the paper after Z. then U. Anyway it seems partially work even I didn't see the success message.

I have redone the whole procedure again. Now BIOS is showing correct capacity. But shortly after windows starts, it gives me blue screen and reboot to a menu and let me choose to boot to repair mode, then windows did some test and says fixed, but next reboot still fails. I guess there may be some bad sectors causing windows not be able to load. I'm using seatools to check the disk now.

Anyway I believe some data may be corrupted but some data should be accessible now. I'll get a sata cable to install to my computer to copy over data.

At least this is a big step forward. Big thanks to all of you for all advice on this thread!

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Hi guys, I have a Dell OEM 7200.11 750G drive and it went undetected. I am following the procedure to reset the hard drive. After I entered U to spin up, it is stuck at the command and doesn't go back to F3 2> even for a long time. Then I pressed enter, it give me the F3 T>, and I went to level 2 to spin up again, it says spin up complete elapsed time 0.000 secs. So I went on executed N1, then m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22. The last command didn't go back to F3 T> as well for 10 mins or so. I powered off and installed to my computer, it is now detected by BIOS but capacity is unknown. What should I do now? Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Have you unmounted the PCB?

Yes I isolated PCB before powering on and remove the paper after Z. then U. Anyway it seems partially work even I didn't see the success message.

I have redone the whole procedure again. Now BIOS is showing correct capacity. But shortly after windows starts, it gives me blue screen and reboot to a menu and let me choose to boot to repair mode, then windows did some test and says fixed, but next reboot still fails. I guess there may be some bad sectors causing windows not be able to load. I'm using seatools to check the disk now.

Anyway I believe some data may be corrupted but some data should be accessible now. I'll get a sata cable to install to my computer to copy over data.

At least this is a big step forward. Big thanks to all of you for all advice on this thread!

I think paper method is a bad method (sometimes it has a lot of problems).

Unmount the PCB, clean the contacts (motor and heads and PCB contacts too) and mount the PCB tightening the screws for make good contact.

Edited by pichi
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