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Posted (edited)
I don't understand why you guys are shelling out extra money for the serial to TTL converters, battery packs, and whatnots. the CA-42 cable works like a charm, cost less than 6.00 with shipping, and eliminates so much guesswork. i posted the ebay seller i used on the previous page, so you know where to get one that works for sure.

36 pages deep and it still sounds so complicated - when really it is not once you know what needs to be done.

This was my choice... I'm still waiting for my CA-42 arrive...

I have one ST3500320AS - SD15 that:

1 - Bought on july/08

2 - Started to cause a lot of bsods since november/08

3 - Caused IO error on my last usable windows session (4 days ago)

4 - After one last BSOD, started to show 0MB on bios setup (several tests on hiren's-boot-cd hdd tools)

5 - Got updated to SD1A via cd-r, still 0MB

6 - Got downgraded to AD14 via floppy, still 0MB

7 - Got updated to SD1A via cd-r, still 0MB

8 - Got downgraded to AD14 via floppy, still 0MB

9 - Got updated to SD1A via cd-r, still 0MB

and stuff like that several times...

My only concern is all the data inside it...

If I get data back, I'll back it up in several blank dvds and sell this "500G floppydisk" to the first " :w00t: " that I can.

As I'm waiting for my cable to arrive, I wonder: Did I mess the data by flashing the firmware that many times ?

Edited by neckilljo

I don't understand why you guys are shelling out extra money for the serial to TTL converters, battery packs, and whatnots. the CA-42 cable works like a charm, cost less than 6.00 with shipping, and eliminates so much guesswork. i posted the ebay seller i used on the previous page, so you know where to get one that works for sure.

36 pages deep and it still sounds so complicated - when really it is not once you know what needs to be done.

This was my choice... I'm still waiting for my CA-42 arrive...

I have one ST3500320AS - SD15 that:

1 - Bought on july/08

2 - Started to cause a lot of bsods since november/08

3 - Caused IO error on my last usable windows session (4 days ago)

4 - After one last BSOD, started to show 0MB on bios setup (several tests on hiren's-boot-cd hdd tools)

5 - Got updated to SD1A via cd-r, still 0MB

6 - Got downgraded to AD14 via floppy, still 0MB

7 - Got updated to SD1A via cd-r, still 0MB

8 - Got downgraded to AD14 via floppy, still 0MB

9 - Got updated to SD1A via cd-r, still 0MB

and stuff like that several times...

My only concern is all the data inside it...

If I get data back, I'll back it up in several blank dvds and sell this "500G floppydisk" to the first ":w00t:" that I can.

As I waiting for my cable to arrive, I wonder: Did I mess the data by flashing the firmware that many times ?

Your data is well.

Valenciano did the same and he recovered all data correctly.


As I waiting for my cable to arrive, I wonder: Did I mess the data by flashing the firmware that many times ?

Your data is well.

Valenciano did the same and he recovered all data correctly.

That is a good thing to keep in mind; for their shortcomings- they do exhibit an unusual resillience

Posted (edited)
That is a good thing to keep in mind; for their shortcomings- they do exhibit an unusual resilience

Sorry for my bad English, but, I really didn't understand what you meant. :huh:

Anyway... I saw somewhere a discussion about "empty values" versus "0" (zeros)... since I'm considering to fix my drive using sd1a, the command goes:

1 )) - m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22, ---->(DataPatern = "")

2 )) - m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22,0 ---->(DataPatern = "0")

3 )) - m0,2,2,,,,,22, ---->(DataPatern = "")

wich one of them is right? In case of item 2, isn't it dangerous to use 0 on DataPattern?

Edited by neckilljo
Posted (edited)

I bought this converter from ebay.


and used 2 AA cells for the power

I had to use a ground from the 3rd pin to the ground on the battery to get it to work

What was neat was mine came with a plug that i could strip wires and run to where I needed...

If anyone in Southern California needs help doing the BSY fix im more than willing to help.... if anyone isnt confident that they can do this themselves it really isnt *that* hard... the commands at first confused me but once you understand them it all works out good...

Also if anyone wants to buy my cable setup im more than willing to part with it... it just the serial/rs232 to TTL converter and battery/jumpers though... no USB to Serial converter as my computer still has a serial port on it...

Edited by iwantansi

im in socal and im desperate in need of your help. 1 person tryed to help me but i guess didnt know what they were doing and gave up. already spent enough money on that and got nothing out of it. as soon as i get it back id really like your help. where you at? PM me please


Hi everyone, I have already successfully recovered my data without RS232 TTL or using Hyper Terminal. I did it using an identical HDD which was a ST3500320AS, SD15 Thailand.

Ok, I successfully recovered my HDD (ST3500320AS, SD15 Thailand) with the help of my friend who has a working (ST3500320AS, SD15 Thailand). I told him about Seagate having firmware issue so he was afraid and he when to update his HDD. He was using MooseDT-SD1A-2D-8-16-32MB.ISO from hxxp://seagate.custkb.com/seagate/crm/selfservice/search.jsp?DocId=207951 (Change hxxp to http).

So now his HDD is using the SD1A firmware and working fine.

Below is quick reference that I'll be using in my guide.

Y: Bad HDD (SD15), Bad PCB (SD15)

* Z: Good HDD (SD1A), Bad PCB (SD15)

* Place the Bad PCB on the updated HDD (SD1A, remember my friend's updated HDD)

Connect Z to your computer but do not let BIOS detect the HDD by either disconnect the SATA or power cable or in my case using external power cable to turn on/off the HDD. If Z is connected and powered up, your HDD light will permanently stay on and may stuck at the BIOS screen.

Make sure ONLY this HDD is connected to the computer. You won't want this firmware to screw up your other HDD.

Insert the SD1A firmware CD and make sure BIOS boot from it.

After the Firmware menu appears, reconnect Z and power on, and press 'S' to do a search for the HDD. When Z is powered up, you will hear clicking sound but its ok just let the firmware do the search.

After some time the search will fail to find any matching HDD and returns to the menu screen but the clicking sound of the Z is gone.

Do the search again by pressing 'S'. This time it will detect Z and return to the menu screen.

Now, depending on your HDD model (I press 'A' for mine), press either 'A','B', or 'C' and cross your fingers while the update takes place.

I waited about 10-15 minutes then message stating that firmware update was successful appears.

Shutdown the computer and put back the Bad PCB on the Bad HDD thus making back Y.

Boot up your OS and pray that your HDD is working again. Cheers! :thumbup


You may try different approach from the steps that I took but this is what I did and it worked for me.


My CA-42 cable has arrived.

I need nokia_connectivity_cable_driver_rel_6_81_1_eng.msi to install it but all the links I have found are dead.

Please someone upload the file or provide a working link.

I don't want to install PC Suite on this pc.

I need nokia_connectivity_cable_driver_rel_6_81_1_eng.msi to install it but all the links I have found are dead.

This is working for me:



Thank you, I had already downloaded it from a torrent just before you posted but it wouldn't work.

As my CA-42 was an imitation copy from ebay I discovered it used a different chip and downloaded a different driver which works fine.

Info here: http://verizonwireless.howardforums.com/sh...mp;postcount=47

Posted (edited)
After the Firmware menu appears, reconnect Z and power on, and press 'S' to do a search for the HDD. When Z is powered up, you will hear clicking sound but its ok just let the firmware do the search.

Thx for the data Death_Angel!

I have 2 identical HD (seagate st3750330as), one of wich is dead (BSY), and the other one is new and with the firmware updated.

I tried switching the PCB from one disk to another but when power up the hds (bios screen), the disc starts to make that particular "clicking sound" (cycling). And no luck with the detection.

Now that i read your post i'll try your method. Any other advices are welcome.



Death_Angel, i did exactly as u wrote

When I power up the "Good HD" with the "Bad PCB" it starts making the "clicking". After 30 secs it stops.

But no mater how many times I press "S" (to do a search in the firm utl), it doesn't recognize the HD.

"0 devices found"

I dont know what else can i do...

Any suggestion are welcome

Edited by Gygun
Posted (edited)


This is my CA-42 imitation.

There are 6 wires. 3 visible & 3 on the other side.

You need to connect:

1) White (Tx) to Rx on hard disk (yes wires are "reversed")

2) Green (Rx) to Tx on hard disk (yes wires are "reversed")

3) Red (GND) to Ground on hard disk

4) Orange (3.3v) wire is NOT used

5) The Yellow (R3) wire is NOT used

6) Blue (R4) wire is NOT used

7) This the correct order for the hard disk.

[Pin] [Ground] [Tx] [Rx] [sATA]

Thank you :thumbup

I nearly cried when I saw all my data, it has been weeks. I was afraid I was going to lose them. My hands where shaking during the entire process. I managed to lose two screws but found them :blushing:

I couldn't have done it without gradius, avico, the chap I used the guide of (big pictures with blue ca-42 cable, lost the page sorry can't remember your name).

Firmware updated. Very smooth sailing. Couldn't be happier :rolleyes:

Edited by htpc

This is my CA-42 imitation.

Yellow = R3

Blue = R4

Red = GND

White = ?

Orange = ?

Green = ?

I've peeled a bit of the black stuff but can't see the last three wires.

Since GND is Ground what is R3 & R4? Are these the TX & RX wires? Which is which? Do I need the other three? How do I connect to the harddisk (physically)? I already chipped off a cd-rom cable & just need to know which end goes where.


pinout Nokia ca-42 here:


But beware, all the cables ca-42 are not compatible. ( pin 6 and 7 as USB or TTL logic Tx and Rx )


Hi Gygun,

From what I observed, it could be:

1. Did you download the correct firmware update from:

This is mine (ST3500320AS):


This should be yours (ST3750330AS):


Can you confirm that you are using the correct ISO?

2. It could be that the MooseDT-SD1A-3D4D-16-32MB.ISO HDD detection is different from MooseDT-SD1A-2D-8-16-32MB.ISO.

Maybe my method only works for HDD model using MooseDT-SD1A-2D-8-16-32MB.ISO.

After the Firmware menu appears, reconnect Z and power on, and press 'S' to do a search for the HDD. When Z is powered up, you will hear clicking sound but its ok just let the firmware do the search.

Thx for the data Death_Angel!

I have 2 identical HD (seagate st3750330as), one of wich is dead (BSY), and the other one is new and with the firmware updated.

I tried switching the PCB from one disk to another but when power up the hds (bios screen), the disc starts to make that particular "clicking sound" (cycling). And no luck with the detection.

Now that i read your post i'll try your method. Any other advices are welcome.



Death_Angel, i did exactly as u wrote

When I power up the "Good HD" with the "Bad PCB" it starts making the "clicking". After 30 secs it stops.

But no mater how many times I press "S" (to do a search in the firm utl), it doesn't recognize the HD.

"0 devices found"

I dont know what else can i do...

Any suggestion are welcome

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