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News Update: xpize 5 One Month Away


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Is it possible to hook me up as a betatester? :) I'm experienced in deploying nLite + XPize in my organization and home. I'd like to contribute to the project as I love the new style bringing XP to it's fullest.

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No-one needs to be "added" to anything on Codeplex. That creating a codeplex account just means you're able to post bug reports on the Issue Tracker.

Just saving you guys time in the future.

W3bbo will probably overhaul the content on the xpize website to state this, as well as to adding a direct link to the forums.


From the xpize site.

Whilst the work on xpize 5 has continued in earnest, we've hit a few unexpected snags so the Beta release will be pushed back until late October at the earliest.

Progress so far:

* The resources have now been organised and collated into their appropriate sets. HappyDude will be converting them into Anolis Packages.

* The Anolis software library can now work with Bitmap and Icon resources but it's still rough around the edges.

* We've got a nice bunch of beta testers at the ready. If you're willing to risk your computer why not sign up?

* A friend of mine, Long Zheng, has agreed to run a story or two about xpize and Vize as soon as we hit release. Hurrah for friends in high places.

* We've got the latest batch of patched UxTheme.dlls from the original patcher Rafeal at WithinWindows so SP3 compatibility is assured.

In other words, W3bbo has been working on anolis, but he has been busy also. We're thinking to have a *more presentable* version by December (hopefully, earlier). Give him some time, as he is the only programmer working on the project. So far, it seems to be going smoothly ;) !!

Edited by Happy-Dude
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so tell me are you still using reshacker... - lol sorry im a bit out-of-date as being a full linux user ive had little time and space to keeping up to speed on any windows related stuf..

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I use VPC 2007 SP1 and unfortunately (or maybe its a good thing) I only use Home Edition SP3 (source not custom integrated) as it is the only XP OS I have 2 LEGIT< key word liscences for. So I can keep one for myself and one for you to battle against all those dreaded windows updates. Drop me a line if you want at staknhalo blank aol blank com

My post might not have come out that way, but I would really like to participate/help out/ give feed back/ lend suggestions :)

can also provide hosting for it on my ftp as well

Edited by staknhalo
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