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nLite - Honey Turbo 9.1

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Posted (edited)

Hi there, sorry for "hijacking" THE thread, I thought nothing more appropriate than posting the bugs here in the most important thread of the latest release. And for the tweaks, I didn't want to start an in-depth discussion anyway.

Remember I am new, I don't know who of you(?) has written Nlite. I came from the German Nlite forum, where a user linked me here to post my troubles. I take the risk that you find me rude, what is not my intention, but I feel a bit pushed off here. Do you rate my comments as offense? Sorry for that. But on the other hand, you seem not to be responsible for the programming of Nlite and the tenor here is that nothing is to be done with the German version of Nlite as if no one has ever done it. Who has done the translations? And I really would like to offer my help for future improvements, at least for the German part.

Edited by WKjun


No not at all. Im just saying it would perhaps be more appropiate that it was in its own topic. You can always pm nuhi if you like, which would be recommended if you want to translate nlite.

If you didnt want to start an discussion on it, then it's kind of not logical you posted these posts in the first place.

Bruce : Yes. If that didnt work, there would be dozens of replies that it doesnt work. You have configured something wrong.

Results 1 - 10 of about 1,510 from www.msfn.org/board for Cannot create user account

Not attempting to be combative TranceEnergy, but 1,510 posts on the same subject that I posted about seems a bit more than dozens. :whistle::) And not one of the threads that I've read through, and I have searched and devoured about 100-150 posts on this subject so far, gives any indication that this feature of the software works as it is supposed to and the users have taken another track to perform the task that NLite is supposed to handle natively. I love the convenience that NLite has offered, but I think there is a bug. If there is not, then the user guide needs to be a bit more clear on what controls or settings might gum up the works in this area.


I have a small request:

If I remove the "Windows Sounds" component, there is a small cosmetic problem: the default selected sound scheme in Windows still contains references to missing files. This could be fixed by nLite by automatically selecting the "No sounds" scheme - since all sounds were removed.


I think you also need to take into consideration what theme you have selected. I personally have rewritten the luna and windows classic themes, copied by $oem folders, so that no sound events exist at all.

There's a lot of different things to fully be able to have no sounds as default.

But a good start would be this as a registry file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


And you also need to add for default user and other users, i dont think there's a local machine location for it, tho i havent checked.


Another thing I discovered about service dependencies:

WIA (stisvc) says it depends on Shell Hardware Detection (ShellHWDetection) and nLite hides it in compatibility mode.

If ShellHWDetection is removed, stisvc doesn't start.

But if ShellHWDetection is deleted from the registry multi-string: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stisvc\DependOnService , stisvc works fine.

Tested on a laptop with built in webcam. Everything works.

Of course, it may be different for different devices/functionality.


Posted (edited)

This isn't going to sound logical, but then again its windows. The reason as far as i see it , why dependency between shellhwdetection and windows image acquisition exists, is to have a message sent through any scanning apps that scanning is started. You know sort of like shellhwdetection acting as a messenger. To be short. There's very few dependencies that can't be deleted and things will still work. I'd leave things like ipv6 and other network things well alone though.

GrofLuigi : Just add this to your unattended installation to automate it :

reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stisvc /v DependOnService /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d RpcSs /f

This will force overwrite the key, should work just fine.

Edited by TranceEnergy

I'm currently checking into whats left over that nlite doesnt remove.

Source xp x64 sp2, and i find things like dhcpssvc.dll, dhcpsnap.dll (dhcp server/snapin managment), and stuff like plotter.dll, plotui.dll which must be like ancient files. I also dont think changer.sys (hardware capability of automatically changing removable media i guess), is a very commonly actually used. Also dvdplay.exe only starts windows media player 11, i dont need another exe to start the actual program.

In addition to this i would also like to request to be able to keep general printer driver, such as is in vlite program.

Currently i remove all drivers now and set this in keep files:




















Which allows me to install my usb printer (which sucks btw).

Also i think its kind of retarded that .mht file support is lost because one decide to delete outlook express, when the two does not have anything directly to do with each other. So i also add


to keep files, i havent tested with removal of OE yet (i wrote a batch instead), but hopefully it works.

That is that "Keep Files" overrule component selections of removal.

More over on ancient files, pentnt.exe (Pentium Floating Point Divide Error Utility 5.2.3790.0 ) isnt really needed unless well, one have a pentium cpu. Never had one so i cant tell anyway.

Also a bit of a funny one is wowexec.exe , now afaik this is 16bit emulation, no it aint the x32 wow. x64 doesnt support 16bit in the first place. One can run some installers written in 16bit but really 64bit os, well, i dont see much use for it.

More on 16bit, im not sure if winspool.exe is needed (Windows 16-bit WOW Psuedo Printer Driver (loaded as WINSPOOL.DRV), winspool.drv is a file of its own so dont be fooled by the description.

I was mentioning this back in may with more files, all of which i have tested to remove, but i didnt get a reply on the subject.


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Love this program, works perfect - always. Thanks Nuhi!

One thing I would like very much is using wildcards when selecting addons. That way you could just put addons in folder(s), and use the same preset....

It was a request sometime ago, but it has not been implemented...(?) http://www.msfn.org/board/nlite-v101-hotfi...amp;hl=wildcard

Edit: It would be nice if nLite remembered last used addon folder too ;-)

Edited by NoisySniper
Posted (edited)

maybe needs still some tweaking:

- no option to remove appwiz.cpl (i can use ccleaner or other programs, should also remove the program access link in menu)

- no option to remove compmgmt.msc (i really dont need this)

- no option to remove dvdplay.exe (im not sure if this got added into my cd or what... )

- i removed all languages, and still alot of code page files/keys are kept, and there are *.nls, kanji_1.uce, korean.uce etc. files

- i have *.bmp in my remove box but YAHOO.BM_ is still there...

- no option to remove MSI installer or windows installer...

- manifest files of removed CPL's are not deleted (nwc.cpl.manifest, wuaucpl.cpl.manifest, cdplayer.exe.manifest, windowslogon.manifest, etc. )

- what is wpa.dbl file?

- no option to remove SFC?(or are these files really required??)

- ntimage.gif is not remove i did put *.gif in my remove box

- win.ini and system.ini are not remove if i select to remove 16-bit support

- what is dpvsetup.exe? it has a directx icon

- no option to remove hard disk error check that runs at bootup..

- what is actmovie.exe?

- what are .mui files? i see a folder scripting but i disabled/removed all scripting.

- no option to delete wscript.exe (windows host script i disabled this)

- lots of empty folders... like ras, wins, usmt, shellext, 1025-3076, 3com_dmi, help, addins, etc etc

- what is Web folder in windows folder? i dont need it

- do we really need the system folder with only a winspool.drv? (is this from 16 bit support, then its not removed?)

- i disabled folder image for folders and it appears enabled in my installation

- no option to remove Themes service.

- no option to disable visual styles applied on the gui

- taskman.exe does not runn the taskmanager.... but i can run taskmanager directly. Please make a fix to run directly the taskmanager and not taskman.exe (and then also taskman.exe can be deleted)

- no option to remove the malicious software removal tool which is in my sp3 cd

- no option to remove TWUNK_32 and TWUNK_16 (and the twain files ofcors)

- no option to remove the lastgood state bit thingy..

- no option to remove setup.exe (i dont need this also)

- no option to remove regedit and regedt32

probally more commentry on it but thats it for now

Edited by mitsukai
Posted (edited)

BIG list :D

Q: no option to remove compmgmt.msc (i really dont need this)

A: this is very sensitive component! DO NOT remove it, because it can cause alot problems! for example , yesterday I found, that broken compmgmt.msc crashed .NET framework software with serious error code.

Q: no option to remove dvdplay.exe (im not sure if this got added into my cd or what... )

A: try to remove this file in remove box. but be carefull if You use Windows Media Player to open DVD Video Disc.

Q: i removed all languages, and still alot of code page files/keys are kept, and there are *.nls, kanji_1.uce, korean.uce etc. files

A: I'll try to find solution for this

Q: what is wpa.dbl file?

A: Windows Product Activation Database file. It stores information about Your computer activation status and hardware changes at each logon.

Q: what are .mui files? i see a folder scripting but i disabled/removed all scripting.

A: I'm not 100% sure, but I think these files is for Multilingual User Interface. If You use only Windows English Interface, it's useless

Q: do we really need the system folder with only a winspool.drv? (is this from 16 bit support, then its not removed?)

A: if You use printer, better leave this file as is. Every printer - even oldest and even supermodern notyetreleased printer can ask this file to work correctly.

Q: no option to remove Themes service.

A: There is option to remove it. But removal of THEMES SERVICE REALLY SLOWS EVERY PC!!!!! If You simply disable this service, it's OK!

Q: no option to disable visual styles applied on the gui

A: I saw somewhere in this forum XP visual style transformation to WIN2000 style.

Q: no option to remove the lastgood state bit thingy..

A: this is very very useful thingy, if Your XP does not start after broken or incompatible driver installed!

Hope it will help You! :):hello:

Edited by jkey

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