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Found 11 results

  1. Cancelled project... The first part of this post is for historical significance only. This topic is specifically to discuss development of Winternight-Classic (which is an upcoming fork of the Firefox 3.0 codebase, but with support for the deprecated "Windows" GFX toolkit, Visual C++ 6.0, and Windows NT4/9x support included). The purpose of Winternight-Classic is to have a fork of Firefox that is "lightweight", but still supports semi-modern web technologies, and also still supporting Windows NT4/9x and Visual C++ 6.0. Update: After making Firefox compile using Visual C++ 5.0 SP3, having trouble with making RetroZilla (fork of Firefox 2.0) work with Visual C++ 5.0 SP3, and me still not having a working build of Firefox 3.0 using Visual C++ 6.0 and the Windows GFX toolkit (3.0a7 works though, but I can only support Windows 9x, and picture scaling is broken, with 3.0a2 being the last working version for that on the Windows GFX toolkit), it is probably for the best that I stick to Gecko 1.8.x, whether that is 1.8.0 (preferred), or 1.8.1 (what RetroZilla is based on). I personally like the lightweight UI of Firefox 1.5 too. Update 2: I was able to compile a Mozilla/Gecko 1.9.0a1 codebase snapshot from November 2006 using Visual C++ 5.0 SP3. Also, after reverting bug 371434, pictures now display properly in my Windows GFX modded version of Firefox 3.0a7. When I make Firefox 3.0.19 compile using the Windows GFX toolkit, and add Windows 95 compatibility, this project will no longer be marked as cancelled.
  2. I wanted to install Virtual PC 5.1 on to my Windows Me VM as i wanted to run Windows 7 on it, Which is possible. However i got two problems. My first problem was that Virtual PC thought i was running a unsupported operating system. I fixed this by booting into safe mode and then installing. The second and severe problem is that once i reboot, I get a Windows protection error for "NTkern" i tried removing all references of NTkern from the registry but it failed Does anyone know how this could be fixed?
  3. For some reason,DOSBox (X included) has non-existant emulation on 9x at least in a Virtual Machine. I tried X and MB6 (Megabulid 6) and it dosen't change things. It's close to turning up the sensitivity on the mouse 100x. The only way i can use 95 (In DOSBox) is with the keyboard. I use VMware. Any suggestions?
  4. Majority of people downgrade their VMware version to 5.0 for the legacy sound driver,Which is the SB128. But you also lose some features that were introduced in newer versions. This is a way to install the current sound driver, Which is the Ensoniq ES1370. Sound Driver for the ES1370. Supported: Windows 95/98/Me 1.Download and drag and drop the driver to your 9x VM. 1b.If that dosen't work, or if you do not want to install VMware Tools,Create a ISO/CD using a program such as ImgBurn/UltraISO etc with the driver in it. 2. Open and install the driver. It should be quick. If everything goes well,You will see a found new hardware dialog with the ES1370. 2b. On 95/98, You may see a 'Please insert this disk' error. It is ok to close that message. 3.Reboot and enjoy! If it dosen't work? If it dosen't work, Check your temp folder (Which can be accesed with %temp% in the run box) and there may be a folder with the drivers. Copy this folder to your desktop and try installing it using the 'Add new hardware wizard' control panel item. PROS: Full compabitlity with VMware, Possibly better sound. CONS: No MIDI support. I can't remember if it also dosen't work on SB128. Annoying message about no MIDI support. It's a dialog box at logon. Windows NT 4 also has a version of this driver. NT 4/Alternate CD Version In theory the installation process is close to the 9x driver. Comment below if there's any problems. -Nerdulater
  5. Lots of background information to this experiment; mostly irrelevant (other than the fact that I solved a long-standing problem with this laptop that I had mentioned here and I had been unable to solve previously; maybe more on this later in an appropriate topic). To make a long story short In the process of trying to set up Windows 98SE on a laptop I ran into some missing driver issues which in turn resulted in me experimenting to see if I can get a Windows 2000 driver stack for a "SDHost controller" device to load under Windows 98SE. The Windows 2000 compatible files can be obtained from these sources (3 versions available; probably others somewhere). https://www.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=1697704 https://www.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=1720873 https://support.lenovo.com/pa/en/downloads/ds003184 After unpacking these files and examining them for missing exports I found that the initial driver SDBUS.SYS is missing 5 WDM functions that are covered in the last WDMSTUB.SYS (from NUSB3.0e IIRC). The SFFDISK.SYS driver is missing another function, "IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice" which is not covered; but that won't matter unless the first driver can be successfully loaded. I modified the INF files to be Windows 9x compatible (including adding the correct corresponding lines for "NTMPDriver" and loading WDMSTUB.SYS with the SDBUS.SYS driver; note WDMSTUB and it's INF mentions are unnecessary if one has rloew's WDMEX package installed). (Also Note .SYS files also require changes that are part of rloew's WDMEX package; he may elaborate on this if he so chooses.) Attempted to install the driver. The Add Device wizard crashes out on the "coinstaller" DLL file SDHCINST.DLL, and I get the following error. "Setup cannot load the installer (sdhcinst.dll) for the SDHost hardware being installed. Contact your hardware vendor for assistance." I removed all references to the DLL file in the INF and the same error still happens, so the Add Device wizard has no other knowledge of the DLL file and thus the .SYS file must be calling it directly. (However this is a new "Class" of devices and it may be going to this file for [ClassInstall] properties; does Windows 98SE support a [ClassInstall32] section as used in the 2K INF?) Has anyone ever seen an error like this? The 'net seems to know nothing about it (obviously excluding the specific DLL name and "SDHost" text from any search as these aren't going to produce 9x-relevant results). I examined the DLL file under 98SE with Dependency Walker and no problems were reported. What could be causing Windows 98SE not to be able to load this DLL?
  6. I was wondering if a motherboard with an embded processor would work good with Windows 98 or 9.x in general. I am refering to boards with a processor such as the celeron j800/900, n3050/n3150, amd a4-500, 16-5200 ,e-350, etc. These boards are cheap, low power, and minimal, making them seem pretty good for windows 9.x. I know they are probably too modern but it seems like a good idea. Just a thought here.
  7. Hi all, Can anybody provide me a link, or point me in the right direction of an all-in-one Windows ME update pack? Also, as a side note, does anyone have any tips for making ME more stable? Thanks a lot. Toby
  8. Hello, is there someone who has experience with Windows 9x on an Asus M3N78 motherboard with the nForce 730a chipset? I don't use the onboard graphics. Also, I have an external sound card which is compatible with Windows 9x.
  9. Hello everyone my name's Jason and I have a question. I currently own an old Pentium 4/HT based rig with the following setup: Specs- Current Case: Athenatech A4224BB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811190051 Psu: Antec 300w (Model: PP-303XP) http://www.antec.com/specs/p303xp_spe.html Mobo: ECS L4VXA2 (V1.0A? Not sure as there isn't any indication of revision A, B, or C labeled anywhere on the board; therefore I'll assume it's rev A.) with Socket 478. Bios rev. 1.1e http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Detail.aspx?CategoryID=1&DetailID=44&DetailName=Feature&MenuID=24&LanID=0 Cpu: Celeron 2.4 ghz (North Wood, no HT, no OC) Gpu: Nvidia Geforce 2 MX/MX 400 with 32mb or on-board ram (I think it’s just the mx version, not sure though). Ram: 768mb = 3x256mb of DDR1 ram at 333mhz Drives- 1 Maxtor 80gb ide HDD, 1 Zip Disk 100 ide drive, 2 Floppy drives (3.5 inch/1.44mb), 1 CD-RW drive, and 1 DVD-RW drive. OS: Windows Millennium Edition Ver. 4.90.30000 I wish to upgrade this rig to the following: Specs- Potential Case: Same (if possible). Psu: Same (if possible). Mobo: Same. Cpu: Pentium 4 3.06ghz (HT disabled). Gpu: Ati Radeon 9800 Pro/AIW or Geforce 6800 GT or better if possible. Ram: 3gb = 3x1gb of DDR1 ram at 333 or 400mhz Drives: Same. OS: Same. Audio: SoundBlaster Live! Or better. Will this set up work and what will I need to do to modify WinME to work with it properly? A few points of concern on my part I hope you might know how to fix/suggest a better method: Hardware Issues- Current Psu seems to hate my Molex to floppy power adaptors and will not start at all unless I use the two original floppy power cables. This also means that most of my molex cables are really close to the drives and I can’t extend them further to reach a gpu if it needs a molex power plug. The case I have isn’t very accommodating to large gpu’s and my Geforce 2 MX already takes up most of the space between the hard drives and it’s AGPslot. ACPI is completely broken and I had to disable it on this board as it causes random shutdowns and Windows Me can’t shut down normally with it enabled or it hangs on a black screen with a blinking dos cursor. Software/OS issues: I don’t have any software/OS issues yet but I’ll post them here if any should arise. Thank you for your time in reading this and replying. P.S.: If I posted this to the wrong forum section, just feel free to tell me where it should be or move it there if possible.
  10. This is not something that happens particularly often, but when it does, it can be extremely frustrating. Every once in a while, I may be browsing the web, playing Doom, RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, or doing something else on my Windows 98 machine, and suddenly, the shell stops responding and everything becomes unusably slow. Most of the time, I can do the three-finger salute, kill every open application and Explorer, and the desktop respawns, and I can go back to what I was doing. However, sometimes the system becomes so unresponsive that it completely locks up. The screen becomes a still image, the mouse pointer doesn't move, and the keyboard doesn't respond either. Even pressing the power button on the front of the case does nothing. Ctrl+Alt+Del has no effect, either. It's as if Windows was just frozen in time. I once let the machine sit for two hours like that to see if it would finish whatever it was doing, only to come back with it still locked up as ever. As much as I absolutely hate doing this, I have no choice but to hard reset. I hold the power button down for 5 seconds to forcibly power off the machine, and then turn it back on and wait for ScanDisk to take its sweet time checking the disk for errors before Windows boots up. This happens maybe once or twice a week for me, but it's still infuriating. Has anyone else experienced things like this? Are there any ways to diagnose this when it happens and find the cause.
  11. I've used Opera 12.02 many times in the past with Windows 98, but after reinstalling Windows on my desktop, I can't seem to get it to run or install. I downloaded the installer from here and set the KernelEx compatibility mode to Windows 2000 SP4, but when I run it, I get this error: Opera has failed to access or upgrade your profile. This may have occurred because your computer has insufficient resources available or because some files are locked by other applications. You may have to restart your computer before Opera will start again. I'm running Windows 98 SE on a 1.5 GHz Pentium 4 with 512 MB of RAM, so this is well more than sufficient resources, and I have barely anything running. I've run Opera before on this machine without any troubleRebooting does not help. I downloaded the file 3 times just to make sure it isn't corrupt, but I still get the error. I've tried Opera 11.64, and I get the same error. Extracting the setup files to a directory and trying to run opera.exe also produces same error. Right now, I'm stumped. Any ideas?
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