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Everything posted by Super-Magician

  1. It seems that KB914440 (Network Diagnostics Tool) is not slipstreamed properly. The file is supposed to appear as %systemroot%\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe, but instead, it is placed in %systemroot%\system32 and named as xpnetdg.exe.
  2. I believe you're referring to KB902344 and maybe some others when you say "WMP10 ones with INTL." They are supported by HFSLIP. Let me look in my hotfix directory and check. For each month, I keep a TXT file of replaced fixes. Do you need all OSes, and is it only for those hotfixes on WU?
  3. Yeah, I'm surprised this is page is down. I posted something briefly about in the Test releases thread. Hmmm...
  4. Camarade_Tux, you sure you didn't remove anything like INF files when running nLite?
  5. If you still need testing, I'll do it for XPSP2 w/ WMP10 and possibly 2KSP4 w/ IE6+DX9+WMP9. On a side-note: Why has FDV's domain been suspended??
  6. Doesn't this right here answer your question quite clearly??
  7. From Documents and Settings? Well, I guess I should clarify . Move your HFSLIP folder
  8. Seems we're pretty much ready for a new final - especially since we haven't released one since August! But, I guess we should wait until AFTER October 10 .
  9. Hmmm...there doesn't seem to be a much of a problem. Try removing the duplicate KB890830 that you have. Oh, wait, you seem to have the wrong version of a few hotfixes. Compare your folder to Tomcat's list (in his sig). I believe your problems include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. You have the DX9 version of KB904706 (should be v2). 2. You are using KB917734 for WMP9 (should be WMP10). 3. You are including KB891122, which HFSLIP cannot slipstream - it simply contains wmfdist95, which you have already extracted, so remove it. There may be others that I haven't noticed. Also, as a precaution, try comparing your checksums with my list in this forum. And one more thing - remove the spaces and underscores in your path.
  10. Hmmm...I find it amusing that 61001a was 141 KB and 61004b is back to 147 KB !
  11. And what's with your file with the hyphen at the end of the name? dotnet11sp1.exe-
  12. NtegrA: The new version won't necessarily fix your problem. Only changes to WMP9 slipstreaming were made.
  13. Tomcat, I don't get why another copy of PIDGEN.DLL is required for WMP installation. The file is used by Windows Setup to verify the product key entered during setup and generate a Product ID. I guess WMP probably uses this different version for generating an internal PID (which you see on the About screen). Hmmm...
  14. Updated again for WGA Notifications (v1.5.0554.0).
  15. Link to post? In any case, WGAN has been updated to v1.5.0554.0. Direct Download Also, I tried installing the MCE version of KB902344 on my computer, but I receive an error saying I have the wrong version of the Windows Media Format SDK.
  16. 1. I believe you'll need to use a Resource Editor like ResHack to replace the images in setup.exe. 2. If you think you're up to the task, then it will work!
  17. Wow! Never knew that. Thanks!!
  18. Added KB925486 (replaces KB833989) and KB920958-v2 (replaces interim update KB925308). Also updated Roots Certificate Update to v9.
  19. Well, for one thing, you are including x64 DirectX binaries in an x86 system. Aug2005_d3dx9_27_x64.cab Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x64.cab Feb2005_d3dx9_24_x64.cab Feb2006_d3dx9_29_x64.cab Jun2005_d3dx9_26_x64.cab Also, try removing KB905474 as only an English version is available and supported.
  20. I am not sure why you would have to wait 28 minutes. Only thing I can say is to try it in a regular system (not virtual machine).
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