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Everything posted by Super-Magician

  1. Thanks for the response, but I was just about to edit my post above when my computer froze. Everything works perfectly now ! Thanks! Minor edit: Actually, it only works perfectly on my XP system. #3 (see above) still occurs on 2K. I am no longer getting any 403 or 404 errors.
  2. Although I like your point very much, I don't really think HFSLIP was built for such a setup. You would probably be better off with something like Windows XP PowerPacker (although it does still have its shortcomings here and there; it would be a much cleaner setup to use a script for it). Don't take my word for it though -- I don't want to speak on behalf of TommyP or Tomcat. Maybe they could create a plug-in file or something? I don't know.
  3. Nope, no download manager. I should have mentioned this last night, but here's what happened. 1. I was on a Win2K system and clicking on each link would give me a 'page not found' error (after accepting the disclaimer). 2. I went onto an XP system later and tried the links again. The two mirrors would download properly, but the main link would give me a '403 forbidden' error. 3. I finally went back onto Win2K and tested again. Since Tomcat changed the download system, I would be brought to a 'thanks for downloading' page after accepting the disclaimer. However, nothing would download at all for all three links.
  4. I'm using Internet Explorer 6. Would that be a problem?
  5. I tried again on a different computer, but only the mirrors work. The main link gives me a 403 forbidden error.
  6. Tomcat, the download links on hfslip.org are broken (404).
  7. Yes, sorry, I meant 60804 as opposed to 60808b.
  8. Does anyone know whether 60804 supports these (specifically, for XP)? If 60808b works, 60804 should work as well because nothing was changed between the two releases (except for KB917008 on Win2K). I'm asking because someone in the main thread is reporting a problem with 60804 on these new hotfixes.
  9. HFSLIP_60804 should support all of the new hotfixes except one for Win2K. Support for KB917008 is the only thing that's changed in HFSLIP_60808b. Are you sure it's not your source again ? Edit: The constant rebooting might have something to do with your WINNT.SIF file. Try HFSLIP once without it.
  10. I second that! I wouldn't do too much experimentation with HFSLIP + nLite if I were you .
  11. GOTO EOF is a command to transfer control to the end of the current batch script file (hence, EOF - end of script). However, unless command extensions are enabled, you must still define the actual :EOF label.
  12. Not to rush you at all , but when do you think you can either update your lists or provide a rough list with links to download each hotfix (like you did last time)?
  13. Tomcat will be working quickly to make sure HFSLIP will work with the new hotfixes. Most likely however, he will have to do some tweaking. Still, be on the lookout for a new HFSLIP release (if needed of course) very soon!
  14. A few things to mention: 1. Please attach your log file in ZIP format in the future. 2. Try running HFSLIP after eliminating the underscore in your folder path. 3. Run HFSLIP without your FIX folder files and the following files in your HFSVCPACK folder: 905474.exe and fcpack.exe Good luck !
  15. You are very welcome. Good luck with HFSLIP, and welcome to the forums!
  16. I have all the necessary files in HFTOOLS and all the necessary switches in HFANSWER.INI. However, the ISO creation section is skipped in HFSLIP_60803. Even forcing HFSLIP to create an ISO by setting AHTEST to MAKEISO produces Press any key to continue . . . I am thinking this is caused by the GETBOOTBIN bug fix. ISO creation worked perfectly in test release 60729b. My zipped up HFSLIP.LOG and HFANSWER.INI files are attached, if needed.
  17. I see. I wonder why no one reported that problem. Maybe not many people actually use the feature?
  18. What was wrong with fetching the boot image?
  19. Yes, kdla1957, please follow Kiki's guidelines regarding WindowsXPMediaCenter2005-KB900325-usa.exe and directx_apr2006_redist.exe. Do look at the directions on this page on which CAB files you need out of that DirectX file. I also noticed two additional things: 1. Since you included KB905474 (WGA Notifications), you do not need the older LegitCheckControl.cab. 2. You placed your MSI files in HFTOOLS. They belong in HF just like the hotfixes.
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