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Everything posted by RainyShadow

  1. Not revelant to this specific case, but i place shortcuts in "Send To"and similar places instead of the batch file itself. Usually you get extra settings this way.
  2. Funny, NM27 shows blank page on that MOZ link... And trying to see it through google cache resulted in a captcha-loop. The page at W3cubDocs says "This is an experimental technology"...
  3. I tried with JDownloader, let it run overnight, and it was done but with a CRC error. I then imported that in qBittorrent and let it continue from there. After about 150MB more downloaded it was finished and CRC check was fine in both programs Did you try new profile in St52?
  4. So, it didn't actually finish copying files. Writing the bootloader comes after that. Did the installer ask you to press a key to reboot (while also counting down for automatic reboot)? I guess it didn't. Since you have another working Windows there, you can just use WinNTSetup to install XP.
  5. Sounds like the bootloader is borked. It may have also never been written to the disk if there is protection enabled in the BIOS settings.
  6. So, they are breaking the license now? The same one they used against Feodor?
  7. Clean, just created profile, didn't need any settings: Then uploaded with my NM27 :P
  8. Make sure you don't clear the imgur cookies after using that. Also, by "upload" do you mean the "add images" button? Works fine here in St52.
  9. Yeah, now try to build it for XP from source, and while you're at it also disable SSE2... P.S. Welcome to MSFN, hope you enjoy your stay!
  10. Looks like Feodor deleted the Mypal repo just a few minutes ago. Or, was it taken down?!
  11. That notebook probably has a PCMCIA (CardBus) slot, right? Why not make use of it? For my Dell Latitude x200 i have a PCMCIA USB controller and couple WiFi cards among other things
  12. Thanks, @nicolaasjan, i already got the needed UA for both sites. In the meantime though, i have put in there a little "greeting" for the next time that garden gnome checks the site stats
  13. And now they've done it for the normal extensions on the PM site. I haven't checked the basilisk site yet, but expect it to be the same. Same thing on the basilisk site. I wonder if the addon authors are aware. That snake Trollbin going at it again...
  14. I know this is about XP, but... Couple months ago i was tasked with transplanting the Win2K install of some old CNC controller system into a more modern Core I3-5-7 PC. As you could guess, it failed, so we ended up fixing the old system instead. Even if i had managed to get Win2K running on the new system, i doubt that i would be able to find any Win2K drivers for the integrated GPIO ports. It turned out, the local dealer/support company for that CNC controller was holding on to the fix in order to make the client buy the modern version...
  15. That is if you have a specific game in mind. When i haven't picked one yet, i prefer to filter the list to only the available (and working) games first, then browse that. Auditing is done once, then you don't need it again until you update either your collection, or the emulator. With each version new games get added to the supported list, often old ROM files get replaced with better dumps, and some ROMs/sets just get renamed without having their contents changed. Besides, i wanted to see what games don't need any ROMs (like Pong) in the current version Initially mame.exe was the emulator itself, while the frontend/GUI was a separate executable like mame32.exe, mameuifx32.exe, etc., and may or may not have the emulator built-in. You can use a dedicated frontend like QMC2 to browse for a game and have the emulator started with the needed parameters. In my v0.36 folder i have both mame.exe and mame32.exe If you use a ROM manager like Clrmamepro, it calls the emulator in order to extract the file lists. In my experience, using mame32.exe for this purpose always failed, so i had to get the clean (non-GUI) mame.exe of the same version and use it instead. When preparing a ROM collection for PocketCultMAME to run on my Windows Mobile 6.5 phone, i used the win32 build of MAME v0.34 to get the file list. P.S. This is turning into off-topic, sorry.
  16. Yes, it is. At least the UI part, i didn't try to start a game yet - auditing takes ages even with empty "roms" folder... [edit] Games work as well :P
  17. @cmccaff1 Well, i actually hadn't touched anything after v0.148 until recently. With all the other things to occupy my days, emulation took the back seat by that time... I have v0.106 backed-up, along with the MAMEFX and MAMEplus variants :P I don't remember clearly, but i may have been using mainly Win98SE back then, lol.
  18. https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#video-output-drivers Maybe direct3d or sdl would work? Or tctc, lol.
  19. Does Mypal Centaury have a notice during install (or in the included documents) which says something like "source code can be obtained here and there, blabla"? Maybe they're nitpicking about this? There should be a mention somewhere how to get the source. On the other hand, does PM or UXP have such a notice? Also, not sure about MPL specifically, but i think the license should be included (link may be acceptable too) with the distribution. Anyways, i tried the SSE/mingw build of Mypal - @feodor2 you should advertise these more I haven't been able to play a YT video normally (on this PC) since a long time. I usually set them to 240p, but even then there are a lot of skips and freezes. Now i played a whole short video in 480p and by the end the stats were saying "dropped frames: 0" The page loading before that was a long waiting with many requests to kill the script raping my CPU though. True, i had just a few tabs open, and the only changes were disabling WEBM and installing uBlock. We'll see how it behaves when i get 180 open tabs like in my NM27, or 150 tabs like in the St52, with couple dozen extensions
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