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Everything posted by un4given1

  1. You are losing out on all of the features XP offers to corporate environments... And Windows XP is still even more stable than Windows 2000 This is exactly the target audience for Windows XP. Windows XP certainly offers more simplicity and ease than Windows 98, hands down! 2005-1999=6 Before you get on here again why not do some reasearch... and if you have done the research then surely you need to spend a little less time sleeping in your math classes. And, if you aren't in school, maybe you should be.
  2. Yes, you can create a RAM disk. Why would you use Drivespace? Windows XP has compression built in. I had no clue what this man was trying to say because it makes no sense, that's why I didn't touch upon it. It sounds to me like he held down a key and Windows 98 typed faster... If that's the case, change your typerate. When I said Windows XP will get you there faster I meant more than just the shear speed of the PC. I meant the built in features, useability and everything else makes it easier and faster to work with almost anything.
  3. A little more on the last thing I spoke of... I am now director of IT for a small up and comming business. Windows XP combined with Windows 2003 Server has made my job so much easier. Without Windows XP I would not be able to set up the authentication with SharePoint Services... I would not be able to remotely manage and administer all of the systems from the comfort of my own home, I would not be able to allow our software vendors the ease of logging into our systems to fix issues with their software that otherwise might require a timely visit. I run Fax services from every PC in our corporation thanks to the built in fax software in Windows XP that allows me to manage everything from the server. Lets remember, Windows 98 doesn't allow for group policy. Now, I know I speak more on a corporate level than a home user level, but I would not run anything less from my home either. I use the built in VPN services to connect from my home to our network. I love Windows XP. Windows 98(se) is the Geo of the computer world. Sure, it will get you from point A to point B, but Windows XP will get you there quicker and you will enjoy the ride much more.
  4. OK, so you want to get technical about that... 6 years (it was 1999) But technically, Windows 98SE is just a "service pack" upgrade in my opinion. Or rather, the final product of an OS that they released too early. Windows XP has compatability built in... besides, I would rather run Windows XP with a small DOS 6.22 partition for dual boot rather than run Windows 98(se) just for the simple reason of playing old games. sounds like you might want to look into hiring a better IT staff... Since I have been working on Windows XP (in large corporate environments) there has been a great deal less errors, complaints and problems. It's all about how it's administered
  5. I said Remote Desktop Server... not the client. You can install the client on any PC, but you can't connect to Windows 98 using Remote Desktop. Next time, take a second and actually read EXACTLY what I said.
  6. Bill Gates' idea was to create a system that was user friendly from the moment you plug it in. You can turn this off, you know that right? 27 layers? c:\documents and settings\username\my documents 1... 2... 3... You can even shorten it by using %USERPROFILE%\My Documents Besides... why not just click the link on your desktop, or in the start menu? Or, just redirect your My Documents. You know, you don't have to keep it there. Right click on My Documents and you can change it's path. There is so much more functionality built into Windows XP. I'm sure you will start by saying "Anything that's in Windows XP can be installed on Windows 98..." Yeah? Really? Remote Desktop (the server piece) I'm not even going to take the time to list all of the features that you just can't have in Windows 98. Show me proof of this? I think you have it all wrong. Windows 98 is by no means more secure than Windows XP. The truth is that if you know how to secure your computer and your network you won't have this problem with most any OS. In most cases, Windows XP has drivers that are newer than the drivers you may have on your CDs. You can always use whatever you want, you just install them over top of what's there already. Do you realize how ignorant that sounds? You installed 3rd party software (which is freeware, as you said) and you say you have more functionality than XP? Well, yeah... But install those same "freeware" programs on Windows XP and what do you get? Tell me what tweaks and functionalities you have in Windows 98 that I can't have in Windows XP. Bet you can't name one. Windows XP or Windows 98... I have a gig of RAM in my PC. Who cares about minimum requirements... Noone ever said that. It certainly does it less than Windows 98 ever did. And, so... you saw a BSOD on a fresh install. Those aren't always because of software... hardware is a major cause of BSODs. I have had Linux crash on me after a fresh install. It happens. Ever taken your car to the shop and on the way home something else breaks? It's not impossible. It's still important, but with Windows XP it's less necessary to do it as often.
  7. you may have beat it a while ago, but go ahead and try to beat it now. 1994 does not work. And Yes, I did insert the key.
  8. Even when I entered that it didn't work for me.
  9. That room is unsolvable. The memo contains a URL that has a password on it for the safe. The URL is not a working URL. I only know this because I spent almost an hour playing with this and though "There is no possible way I missed anything!!!" So I cheated and looked it up.
  10. This is how we do it here in Jacksonville, baby!
  11. OK. It's officially February 6th, and the Super Bowl is today. If you are down in Jacksonville, I hope you love our beautiful city (that's where I live). If you aren't in Jacksonville, well you should be. I'm not really rooting for any one team, I just hope for a good game, that's all. But, I would be interested in knowing who you are rooting for. Later!
  12. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system legalnoticecaption legalnoticetext Later!
  13. First, you should base it on their needs. If it's just a simple website in HTML then you would certainly charge less than a PHP site that allows for MySQL access. Will it be a one time creation or are they going to want you to admin and maintain it? Now, I like to get my name out so a lot of times a first time job I will charge less so that you get a recommendation. Let them know up front that it's a one time offer and that your rates do go up after completion. You will find before you know it you will be getting calls "I was recommended to call you. They said you could help me create a web page..." Good luck!
  14. Using Exchange Server here. If you have the resources I recommend it.
  15. There is an option there, I am sure of it. It's been awhile.
  16. You need to go into Active Directory and browse the Properties on your RIS server. You should be able to set it there.
  17. Anyone else out there using SharePoint Services? I would like to share ideas about how you use this. Here's how I use it.... I am the Director of IT / Operations Manager for a Debt Settlement company. I have used SPS to create an electronic application which allows our agents to sign up a new client, work out a payment plan for them and keep track of their sales through the day/week/month... It also allows for them to setup "follow-up" dates which when viewed using a calendar view shows them when they need to call back someone. For our customer service department I have created a ticketing application that allows them to record each call they receive and to pass that ticket on to others within' the department until it has been closed. For our Negotiations deparment I have created a ticketing application which allows our customer service department to request a settlement be done on a client's account. They can enter the creditor balance and once you input the settlement amount it calculates the percents. It also allows you to track other information pertaining to their job function. For our Accounting department I have created online Accounting Change Forms. These are online forms that our Customer Service department will fill out when a change needs to be done on an account. They just fill out the information pertaining to what they need done and it's sent off to our accounting department. I have also created an NSF database which allows us to track our NSFs and keep followups on them. I have setup the server to act as a fax machine, so all faxes are received by the server and place into a folder. They are also linked to SPS and viewable right online. I have made it possible to assign each fax to a person. I have created an online Time Off Request form where an employee can request time off and it will go into pending until approved by their supervisor. I have also created an online support system which allows employees to request support if they have an issue with their computer or software. Of course since everyone is locked from deleting an item and each item appends to the previous, it allows for me to track everything everyone is doing. I have increased productivity more times than I could possibly calculate while also making it easy to make sure each issue is followed through with and being able to hold people accountable. So, if you use SharePoint Services I would really like to know how you use it. I would like some ideas for other things I can do. If you don't use SPS and have any questions please let me know. I'll gladly help if I can.
  18. You simply need only place the winnt.sif file on the root of the floppy and it has to be in the drive during startup of Windows XP setup. Good luck.
  19. That would be nice, wouldn't it? The $400 for the phone is my own money though. But, since we share finances and everything, I always make sure it's OK before I make big purchases. Two years ago it was a Dell Axim, last year it was a Hitachi big screen. I figure she kinda owes me after the $350 diamond necklace I put on her for Christmas and the carat diamond she is getting for Valentines day (to replace the original engagement ring I gave her awhile back) Anyways... Enjoying my birthday by watching American Idol with my 6 month old and my 2 1/2 year old... woopee!
  20. I got only one present for my birthday... (Well, my fiance said it's OK for me to drop $400 on a new phone... but haven't gotten that yet) My sister got me a gold chain. It's a "rare" cut. They call it an "emerald cut" I wish I could post a picture of it. I have never seen anything like it. My sister and her fiance found it on their many trips to different jewlery stores. They dropped nearly $400 on it. I'm not a gold person. I have never worn necklaces in the past, but this thing is so awesome.
  21. All the more reason... I did my part contributing over the past year and a half
  22. Nintendo's biggest mistake... when they contracted Sony to create a CD add-on for their Nintendo 64. They decided when it was almost complete to pull out. Sony, being stuck with this CD device that was an "add-on" decided "Hey, lets just make it it's own console... oh, and let's call it 'Playstation!'" Yeah... that's one of the secrets about the Playstation that Nintendo doesn't want everyone knowing. Bet someone got fired... HAHA Oh, and for those of you who might not believe me... Here's just one of the MANY reputible sources you can find this at... http://inventors.about.com/library/invento...playstation.htm
  23. Maybe if Ashley Simpson were to pull the same thing, she might win some fans back... huh?
  24. Where do these files need to be copied to? What method are you using to copy them at this time?
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