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Everything posted by likuidkewl

  1. No problem, I think I see you got a reply. Did it work?
  2. I had a small issue this morning after logging in, but now it is ok. Plus the calander says tomorow they want to have all the bugs out.`
  3. Have you tried posting in the Microsoft Newsgroups --Preinstall http://communities.microsoft.com/newsgroup...s.oem.windowsxp
  4. You need to get yourself a legal version of XP. This is caused by an invalid PID, Product Identification number, yours is probably somewhere between 641-649. So, dunno what to tell you if you need to revert back get yourself a copy of ERD2003 and use the Restore option in it, this will work only if you had system restore working. And it still we be screwed up.
  5. It is not downloadabel for all beta testers, just a select few if any at all. This mainly just a leak. And no it will not be dubbed RC2, why would they do something like that when the day before they release 2142 to us, how are they going to get your submitted bugs in that? This is just logical thinking.
  6. It comes in the windows OEM three packs you buy, or you can search yahoo shopping and you can buy it for about $5. There is no "warez" here.
  7. **** you beat me to it! Anyhow good luck, I hate sysprep.
  8. For the desktop, add your entries into the DT.CFG And my guess to launch batch files would be modify the setupreg.hiv..... On second thought I don't know about this because I know the flow in ERD is all about hardcoded *.EXE's It is worth looking into.
  9. I think that C:\Minint is hardcoded into the bootsect.dat so look through there and see what you think.
  10. Are you talking about trying to build it with the OPK, or the extracting the setup files of WinPE, I have them from the setup from 4051/4053 so i can check but I doubt it because I had to install optional components to get hta and VBS to work.
  11. Most 640's are ok, but the 641-649's are pretty much blocked.
  12. Almost as odd as where I live, for three weeks a suitecase of body parts would float ashore from the James River/Chesapeake Bay, for the longest time they had no idea who it was, but they finally reconstructed his body and got a sketch. Link after they found the second one: http://www.wtkr.com/Global/story.asp?S=1864208 http://www.wtkr.com/Global/story.asp?S=1860634 The third: http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/2004...00754-9021r.htm http://www.wtvr.com/global/story.asp?s=188...lientType=Print The Sketch: http://www.wavy.com/Global/story.asp?S=1912963&nav=23iiNbPk
  13. Microsoft has released a "new" version of Windows XP SP2 beta, to its Windows Beta testers. The file is currently only available in the form of the Network install(264.3MB) and a Express Install(1.53MB). I expect this to change soon as when I started downloading it was only available in English, as of now it is available in ENG/JAP/GER. Source: In-house
  14. Is this known to be the case with legit corp. keys from microsoft? Because ours is legal and we didn't have an issue with 2120.
  15. I have to disagree with all of the above, I find VMware to be a bit "clunky" when it comes to handleing whole operating systems, even the new version 4.51, If you are just trying to bootup the CD and see if it works then that is cool, but if you are trying to use it as an actual OS then I say VPC2004 or VS2005, also with VMware's support for Longhorn being very "experimental" I really have no use for it, as where if I tell VPC that Longhorn is XP it boots in about 1/4 of the time against VMware. Just my $.02
  16. What type of boot disk are you using, since it is in this forum I am assuming it is WinPE, and from your post I assume you want to launch it as soon as you put in the CD, you can do this a coupe ways, the safe way is to add a line to your startnet.cmd file to launch a batch file, I posted this in the forums somewhere. and also you can make it run, i.e. dangerously by adding it to the setupreg.hiv file under startup, don't quote me search first , key.
  17. See this post, I replied to you in, http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=19925&hl=. And really this isn't PE related more unattended windows related. I'll have to label this bad boy as a double post.
  18. Dude, it is easy in your unattended.txt just change the line: [uNATTENDED] Target Path="\Windows" to Which ever you want, and creating a filder that gets copied over is easy, Use the $OEM$ folders check the unattended guide from this site, located here: http://unattended.msfn.org/
  19. Are you looking to install the new OS to that dir ro something else I guess I am confused.
  20. You can get it my being on the beta, or by other means, of which are illegal here and will not be discussed. FYI the latest authorized build for most beta testers is still 2120.
  21. Just keep posting relavent material.
  22. Diskpart.txt DISKPART SEL DIS 0 CLEAN CRE PAR PRI ACT ASSIGN LETTER C EXIT CallDiskpart.bat %SYSTEMDRIVE%\I386\system32\Diskpart.exe /s Diskpart.txt To format the drive use this: format C: /fs:ntfs /v:(volume_label) /q /y
  23. A simple browse through the Unattended forum will cure your needs, there is gosh's post and site also the Nlite program, and jdeboeck's way.
  24. Figured that out, thanks though.
  25. Thanks when I get around to it again, I will see what my issue is.
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