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Everything posted by ringfinger

  1. Thanks for the suggestion... I'm only having to do this on 2 machines in the network. It could go up to around 5 or so at some point. I'm liking the Content Advisor though... it seems to be doing a superb job. Ohh... the poor security guards... what ever will they do now?! They will still need their DNS info for remote printing and other application uses.
  2. So heres my problem - we have a 'security' department at my work which basically all they do is sit around and surf the net all day and don't really do any work. The director of the department wants to block ALL websites accept our local intranet website and a news site. I've been playing around with IE's Content Advisor and blocked *.com, *.net, *.org etc and allowed the 2 websites he'd like to be accessed. It seems to be working flawlessly, blocking everything. Is content advisor a tried and true way to block sites? I've looked at trying to find workarounds on hacking the supervisor password but to do it they would either need to go into the registry (which they don't have access to) or install some cracking app (which they also have no access to). I need to block all sites as transparently, quickly and non invasive as possible. I'd prefer not to have to install any software on the machine but will look at options. Originally I was going utilize the host file until the director came back and said that he wanted ALL sites blocked. Any advice or solutions are welcome!
  3. Welcome to MSFN!
  4. Sounds to me like you may have clocked it up a lil to high or not matched MHz OC with the proper voltage to handle it. Check your voltages on your RAM and CPU and be sure its not getting to hot.
  5. Checked the host file? Maybe there's an incorrect entry for your DC...
  6. Welcome to MSFN!
  7. Indeed... that's some good info right there..
  8. Instead of using the wizzard... have you tried just joining the machines to the same workgroup and creating shares with permissions?
  9. I trust WD the most and don't trust Maxtor what-so-ever. I've seen entirely way to many go bad..
  10. Welcome to MSFN... the best forum on the net! Have fun... see ya!
  11. Uhm... few more details please. I know of the company "compuware"... but have no idea what your talking about!
  12. How many machines? Standalone or networked? If you're running these/this computer(s) in a network utilizing AD I would create a group with all the users you dont want accessing that folder and setup special permissions for documents & settings. If only on a few machines... just deny the particular users access in the security tab.
  13. I personally don't install drivers for my HDs... never really considered it effecting speed actually. Usually just plug them in and go with it..
  14. Since this is a new build and all... Have you checked in the BIOS to be sure that the RAM and CPU are running at the recommended voltages?
  15. A server based system for a network environment is one example... thats the primary thing I would think of...
  16. Most def capable of running Vista! I have the same sound card and love it, however I have an ATI based card... everything runs great.
  17. Check device manager to be sure that your NIC has a driver which is recognized by windows and that there are no exclamation points or question marks on any devices. And what kind of network are you attempting to create?
  18. Indeed. And like Gamehead said... tons of members with no contribution so don't worry about it!
  19. For anyone that cares, upgrading to the latest version fixed the problem. Should have done that in the first place!
  20. I too am in the hotel business and support 1500 guest rooms all with internet connections. Our sister property in Florida uses a web based program linked to a couple of redundant printers at our front desk. The guest uploads their document to this site, the site gives them a 5 digit alpha numeric code, they walk to the FD, enter the code on the printer and their doc prints. Unfortunately I don't have a name of the company or system ATM but I can get it.
  21. Have you tried deleting your OST file and having it redownload all your mail? Cached exchange mode? <- Although i don't think you'll have this on a POP3
  22. Hahaha... you got that right...
  23. Nope, don't have a template sorry. The majority of the AD settings are company wide across all our properties and implemented and audited by our corporate IT.
  24. BAH! 343... 352... who cares ... you didn't have to bust out the calc on me man. Thanks for the info on the vid card tho
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