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Everything posted by GreenMachine

  1. @RaveRod: The ~99,38 part just takes a sub-string of the whole registry key. Reverse engineering showed me that this value had to be {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. I suppose TEMP3 might could be done away with - but I really don't remember why I deemed that was the way I needed to do it. It's working fine for me, so I won't be "fixing" it. The !s cannot be replaced with %s, because delayed variable expansion is required in the FOR loop, otherwise %TEMP% would only be evaluated once upon interpretation, and would always have its initial value, NULLSTRING in this case. In the same vain, you also need "ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION", and this would not work on DOS, just the CMD interpreter in NT/2K/XP. I will point out that it was IcemanND that gave me the pointers for this in one of his VB scripts.
  2. The Cabinet SDK is somewhat difficult to read, but well worth it if you are using and Microsoft Compression programs. There is much more to it than meets the eye upon first reading. What may be of interest, particularly to RyanVM, is that CABARC has the ability to include directory structure, where as MAKECAB does not. On the other hand, MAKECAB can be tuned for faster access of files in very large CABs, and I am not sure about CABARC. In any event, though they both perform similar functions, I have found that there are not interchangable for my purposes.
  3. Thanks, neophyte. It was late last night when I replied ... certainly didn't feel like working, and I knew you'd get it once pointed in the right direction! I never really looked into where those GUID numbers come from in this case, but I needed a generic answer for my desires, and as you said, "We have a workaround"
  4. I have experienced similar. My workaround was to give the RunOnceEx code a kick start from SVCPACK, using RUNDLL... (I don't remember the exact code). I don't have the tools with me to better answer your question, but I think the attached file, run just after ie6setup, should do the trick. IE6GO.EXE
  5. Adiel, please, please, please read my reply to an earlier post of yours, as well as the linked to article. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...=0entry172939 If so many of your posts are going unansered and slipping to the back pages, perhaps there is a reason ...
  6. Just sharing my experiences ... I did look into the registry when I ran them with and without QCHAIN, and that is what I surmised. And I do agree, we will probably not need it any more, but since I use the same procedure for WIN2K/WINXP/2K3SERVER, I leave it in there.
  7. I hate to insist, and even more contradict Aaron, but my tests showed that it WAS needed as recently as a few months ago. As my memory serves me (for all that is worth ...) it was for Type II hotfixes. The way QCHAIN works is it checks the registry key that contains the list of files that are to be overwritten upon next reboot, and the name of the file that will be used to overwrite. The new files are usually files named something like SET00n.TMP that replace .DLL or .SYS files. The registry key contains the name of the original file. QCHAIN checks the version numbers and removes any entris that subsequently replace a newer version with an older version. That said, if you do not have two hotfixes that replace the same file, you certainly will not need it. If you do have two hotfixes that replace the same file, and they are installed in the correct order, you still will not need it. However, in the XPCREATE list of hotfixes used recently (Pre-SP2), there were two hotfixes that replaced the same file, and the "later" hotfix (i.e. higher numbered hotfix) replaced a file with a lower version number than the earlier hotfix. QCHAIN resolved this issue. That was the only instance I can remember where QCHAIN helped. But, one was enough for me.
  8. I use this to turn the Network Icon on for all LAN connections when a cable is connected. I would think that you could modify it for your purposes. If you do ... I would like to see how you did it! @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /F "TOKENS=1 DELIMS= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}') DO ( SET TEMP1=%%A SET TEMP2=!TEMP1:~99,38! SET TEMP3=!TEMP2:~-1! IF "!TEMP3!"=="}" ( IF NOT "!TEMP2!"=="{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" ( SET REGSTR1=HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\!TEMP2!\Connection SET REGSTR2=HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\!TEMP2! REG ADD !REGSTR1! /v ShowIcon /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f REG ADD !REGSTR2! /v IPAutoconfigurationEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f ) ) )I think you, neophyte, can understand the code. If not, let me know, as well as the registry setting involved. Please do post back your solution: I would like this, too.
  9. QCHAIN functionality may be required of two hotfixes both update the same file. QCHAIN functionality is included in Type I Hotfixes, but (I believe) NOT in Type II Hotfixes. It's small, and easy to add to SVCPACK.INF. I will continue to use it until I see a good reason not to. My installations need it with XP SP1 + Hotfixes.
  10. I can load DVD ISOs in VPC by first loading a CD ISO, then replacing the CD ISO with a DVD ISO, while the VPC Machine is inactive. However, there are still problems accessing anything beyong the 2 GB point.
  11. If anyone has the actual hotfix, not the contained .sys file, but the hotfix named WindowsXP-KB884020-x86-enu.exe, I would be most grateful if they could email it to me. My email address is in my signature. Thanks!
  12. Please, Adiel, nobody is here to hold your hand. A simple Google for "PSKILL.EXE" (link below) links to the authors page as the first hit for this program. I find it very, very hard to believe that you searched for this before asking. If you did search, then I would highly recommend you find a tutorial on How To Search The Internet. There is an Aesop's Fable about the boy who cried "Wolf". Your numerous posts remind me of that. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...pskill%2Eexe%22 Lastly, though I suspect you are not a fan of reading, I would like to suggest you read the following before posting again. http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html Following the guidelines in that article will certainly help you in learning about Windows and Unattended Installations, as well as greatly improve your chances of having qualified members read, and possibly answer, your questions.
  13. There are other ways around it as well. I use Office 2003 now, but I believe they behave about the same. First, those shortcuts are not real shortcuts at all, but so called "advertisements", part of the MSI install method. I instruct Office not to install any of the standard "shortcuts" (advertisements), and then instruct it to add real shortcuts to the following applications (you guessed it:Word,Excel, etc). These shortcuts are placed in the AllUsers profile. I also instruct it to either run a program from the disk, or make it unavailable. Thus it never asks for the CD, as the allowed applications are already on the hard disk. Finally, I disallow it to create the huge MSI cache that it likes to put on a second disk. I install upon first logon from the Administrators profile, as I have not managed to install it before setup completes, e.g. CMDLINES.TXT or SVCPACK (actually, I never tried CMDLINES.TXT, just SVCPACK.INF). I have deleted the Adminstrators profile many times, and never had an issue with Office. As for Users profiles, a single profile is not an acceptable answer in my case. I use Roaming Profiles: the only way to go in a corporate environment. In the end, it has proved to be a satisfactory method for this picky S.O.B., and that is not something easily earned. But, as always, a succesfull installation is one that get used, and provides the end user with the tools needed to do his "real" job. Just the GreenMachine take ...
  14. Now now, let's not overdo it! I hope the Wallonian version comes out soon! Merci, comme meme, une fois!
  15. I have added a couple of RAID/SATA drivers, at the request of a couple members. These are the MEGARAID and VIAMRAID drivers. I cannot remember who you were at the moment, so please download the XPCREATE.CAB file from here, and replace the current XPCREATE.CAB. I noted that the VIAMRAID driveres seems to use the same PnPID as other VIA drivers, so I would strogly recommend not trying to install both drivers. If anyone uses these new drivers, please post how it goes. I will edit this post in the future for further updates to XPCREATE.CAB. The next version of XPCREATE will allow the user to add his own driver definition files. As usual ... Happy XPCREATIONS XPCREATE.CAB
  16. Thanks. Actually, LOGFILES.CAB is what I really like to see attached: it is simply XPCREATE.LOG compressed into a CAB file. I don't need XPCREATE.INI either: it is included in the XPCREATE.LOG , which is in turn in the LOGFILES.CAB. This is not a reprimand, more a note for future users! I also wish they didn't make me download 6 Mbs on my dial up connection for those RAID drivers: they should really make the F6 diskette available (again, not your fault!). So, now that I've got that off my chest, the problem is that I have not added support for those drivers, other than that you did fine! Please PM me an email address that I can mail you a modified XPCREATE.LOG file. Waiting on you ...
  17. 23. This is starting to get out of hand ... I'm leaning towards simply updating the XP Lists for SP2. I'm not sure about the 2K, 2K3 lists yet. Thanks for the offer of help. You could simply update the current list with what you do manage to test. I won't have much time for this until September. Thanks again!
  18. I think the links I posted will hold the key. The Tool bar must be created (for all users), the HKCU settings must be updatd to include it, and something is set telling the system to refresh the list of available toolbars. Anyone of the three criteria not being met would cause these symptoms. That is, of course, only GreenMachine Speculation! Don't worry, enuffsaid, the wife won't find out. Reminds me of the joke: I woke up this morning and said to myself, "Self, you need a wife. It doesn't matter whose wife, anyone's wife will do!"
  19. I suspect that XPCREATE.INI has not been correctly modified, or you are using unsupported (by XPCREATEA) drivers. Post NEWFILES\LOGFILES.CAB, and I can take a look.
  20. For those interested: ; Allow WMP to play. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AIFFFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AIFFFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ASFFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ASFFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ASXFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ASXFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AUFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AUFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AVIFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AVIFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\InternetShortcut\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIDFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIDFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mp3file\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mp3file\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mpegfile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mpegfile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SoundRec\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SoundRec\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WAXFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WAXFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\wmafile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\wmafile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WMP.DVR-MSFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WMP.DVR-MSFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WMVFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WMVFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WPLFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WPLFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WVXFile\shell\open] "LegacyDisable"=- [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WVXFile\shell\play] "LegacyDisable"=-
  21. Thanks, grandruide. It looks OK, but I have not had a chance to test it. If you have tested it, does the LANGPACK work out? I take it this also means that SP2 FR is out. I guess the other languages will be soon in coming. Thanks again.
  22. Two "strange" issues: First, the log file (XPCREATE.LOG) has been "restarted". Perhaps it was open in an editor and could not be deleted upon XPCREATE start. Second, your whole CD is in SVC-DAS. This is indirectly causing the "hang" (see last line of log). I don't understand how either of those issues could be produced on their own, and I do believe a clean XPCREATE install, without modifying XPCREATE.INI should work ... In any event, there is certainly a problem with the starting files.
  23. Could be this: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=24839 Attach either LOGFILES.CAB, found in NEWFILES, if it exists, or XPCREATE.LOG otherwise. P.S. Welcome to MSFN, pretender04!
  24. Actually, I am still kind of on holiday. I'm on the road for another couple of weeks, but I have been spending some time updating XPCREATE, and keeping up with MSFN, thanks to laptop cumputers, G3 cell phones, and unlimited Internet access at a surprisingly good connection speed (and price). My vote still goes to it being connected to the mini-setup. I also highly suspect that a simple registry setting would add it back. I am also fairly sure that the following links are "related" Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Discardable Google: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navc...000000046%7D%22 (Search for "{00021492-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;EN-US;214842 I've not the time to look further: the course seems to be calling me. Please post, or PM, your findings.
  25. The Dialog Box I was refering to was the Welcome to WMP, which I have disabled on my box. That is what I maent by Mini-Setup, and I am only speculating that that is what gabriel_buc meant. I just tested on Windows Home SP2 (Standard HP Install), and Windows Pro SP1 (Standard GreenMachine Install). The HP Version runs the mini-setup (Welcome to WMP, Do you want me to overwrite all your custom settings, etc.). If I cancel out WMP does NOT start, and I (still) do NOT have the WMP toolbar in the list. I run again, accept the mini-setup, let WMP trash my settings, and do NOT cancel out, then minimize WMP, I see the dialog box you mention (check here to never see again, and the OK button). The first time I did NOT find the WMP toolbar. I maximized and then minimized again, still NOT checking the box, and then the WMP toolbar was in the list. As for the GreenMachine Install, I do NOT get any dialog boxes, WMP does NOT mess with my fine-tuning, and I do NOT get the WMP toolbar in the list. For me, this is the desired effect, so I'm happy. Note that SP2 was added to an installed XP Home HP Install, and that WMP had never been run before this test (thus the mini-setup). On the GreenMachine Setup WMP NEVER displayed any dialog boxes (I think: not my box), and has certainly run before. There you have it, enuffsaid, just my raw findings. I let you draw the conclusions. For my part, my modifications had the desired effect, so I won't look any further: I never liked that little toolbar! Hope that provides some insight. I guess if I had been more concerned, I would have run a registry before/after compare, but it was not my box, and I did not want to install any programs on it. Do post your solution!
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