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Everything posted by eidenk

  1. There is no testing to be done and you know it. Removing that line will just prevent the system backup directory to be erased by your makbackup.bat script.Do you take people for total idiots or what ? Anyone that's going to download RP4 is going to lose its system backup folder with all it's content. Of course at the next startup a new system backup directory will be automatically created by scanreg but it will contain only post RP4 install data. I have never seen this anywhere. A develloper has got a severe and extremely easy to fix flaw in its installer leading to major loss of data on the target systems and refuses to fix it !!!! It would take you five minutes to fix that and you don't do it, why ? You still distribute that file, don't you ? So fix it please. And what was this purpose ? The only purpose I can see in it is that it prevents the ones who download and install your pack to properly and fully uninstall your pack by restoring not only the original files but also their original registry which is forever lost because of this line. If you had another purpose, tell us please what it was.
  2. I would use Tfind to search for ""EnableDCOM" and "Y" after having cleaned the exported file from other lines You could use yank.exe to clean up the exported registry file from unwanted lines http://ww2.netnitco.net/users/cruth/download.html Edit : It's not the good solution as there could be lines under the OLE key containing also Y that you are possibly not aware of on other systems. The absolute solution would appear to me to be able to remove all double quotes from the exported registry file before processing it with the find command. I'll be looking around for something that does this as I am interested as well. Double quotes are pretty much the plague in some circumstances.
  3. If it was up to me, after this answer you've just made, I would close all your threads and ban you from the forum. Because let's be serious, what mister Tihiy should have done is fix the faulty and totally unneeded line in the script that deletes the system backup directory (without even sending it to the recycle bin so it gets lost forever as RP4 files will then be written on the just freed clusters) immediately after the first post of Plugz7 complaining about it and not LOL LOL around which is an insult not only to plugz7 but to everyone on this forum and beyond.
  4. For Tihiy, fixing RP4 is only a matter of deleting a single line in a batch file, rezip the package and reupload it to his website which should take no more than 15 minutes altogether. Well it's not done yet after more than three days and several posts of him here related to that matter. I have just checked it out. So that I can only conclude that Tihiy deliberately carries on to distribute malware from his website.
  5. Notepad will do. Just open system.ini and look under 386enh.
  6. Probably. But I am not an expert you know. Anyway there are the drivers that come on CD with the board and maybe up to date ones on the manufacturer website, but besides this not much can be done if they are buggy for 98. Also this board is dead cheap which is why it is interesting but I think this means that there is going to be on average more faulty boards than from another more expensive brand for the approximate same specs as the the difference in price will mostly come from the difference in price of the myriad of components making the board and the difference in price of those components mostly comes I believe from the inferior sampling and testing of the batches of components as well as a greater tolerance from deviation from the norm for the said components as is the case with HiFi which means the likeliness of the presence of faulty components on a cheap board will be greater. In HiFi you can buy a cheap amp that has got a superb sound but you must be lucky and it's not guaranteed that if you buy another of the same amp it will sound as great as the first one. You'll be guaranteed the superb sound only if you buy a more expensive model where the components are more thoroughly tested. Just another guess.
  7. I wanted to suggest testing the memory as well. Also I have googled a bit and it seems there could FSB speed issues with this combo. See your mobo manual for jumper and BIOS settings with regards to FSB speed. Also make sure your CPU is recognized as a Sempron and not an AthlonXP by the BIOS. It seems that some of those boards need a firmware upgrade (Bios Flashing) to recognize Semprons properly.
  8. Me too I am perplexed. Make sure you click on "Apply" or "OK" after selecting none for if you simply close the window through clicking the close button on the title bar, it will behave as if you click on "Cancel".
  9. There are loads of settings in the BIOS that affect stability. Maybe you want to look there and reset everything to default settings just in case the "some jerk" also touched it. No it shouldn't at all.
  10. Right click on your desktop and choose Properties. There is a tab for the screen saver. Choose none.
  11. In my experience you can't do scandisk properly on the system drive in normal mode. Reboot into safe mode and then do scandisk. Don't do anything else at all with your OS during scandisk. It should work. If it doesn't, boot into DOS and do scandisk from there (just type "scandisk C" or simply "scandisk" at the prompt). It will work for sure but won't correct long filenames errors if any. Repeatedly press F8 during boot until the boot menu appears to choose safe mode or command prompt (DOS).
  12. Try to look if "Initpki.dll" and "Cryptdlg.dll" dependencies are also equal. http://www.dependencywalker.com/
  13. I am using Hook99. It also allows modifications of the start button.
  14. Yes, it can be done with a batch file. I have done a batch file for toggling "View file extensions", In my case I wanted to know by checking the registry if "View file extensions" was on or off and then if it's on set it to off and vice-versa. I have additionally used Tfind.com for doing so. You can get Tfind here : http://home.mnet-online.de/horst.muc/index.html That's my batch file : @echo off regedit /e Get.txt "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" TFIND /e "HideFileExt" "dword:00000001" GET.txt > RESULT.TXT IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO :ERROR1 IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO :ERROR0 :ERROR1 Regedit /s Show.reg GOTO :END :ERROR0 Regedit /s Hide.reg GOTO :END :END Del *.txt @echo off cls Probably there are other more elegant ways to do it but if you mess around with the (probably poorly written) above code as an example, surely you'll be able to do what you want.
  15. @Plugs7 : Apologies if I have offended you with my comments. Thanks also for your general appreciation of my contribution to this forum.
  16. RP4 is malware. That's no judgement. That's a fact. Care to explain why you did put this line in the script ?
  17. You might find this soft handy : http://www.v72735.f2s.com/LetAssig/
  18. Come on erpdude, there is no need to go into DOS to replace locked system files. Wininit is there for doing the job automatically at reboot. It's way easier than DOS, especially with third party freeware GUI tools like, for example, CopyLock.
  19. LOL. By Tihiy himself of course (unless his site and RP4 package are hacked which I doubt.)Ask him why he does this ? It is a secret between you and me but I believe he works for Microsoft with a mission to f*** your 98SE system otherwise he would have been sued since a long time by MS for illegally redistributing hacked system files (from a more recent OS) copyrighted to them. MS is the most picky company with regards to infrigment of their copyrights and also the one who's got the most means to enforce their protection, so why do they allow him to do that ? I have asked the question several times. I have never been answered. Legally speaking, what he does is little if no different than providing, say, pirated copies of XP. Just my best guess, of course but I don't think I am too wrong. LOL. Yes, do like Jesus told you. Spread well your butts this time. Put some butter and say thank you. And beware they've also probably got your IP so they might raid your home to make an example of you one of those days. As you have maybe not noticed so far, when law enforcement officers raid people, it's almost always for dowloading illegal stuff and not for providing it. Paedophile porn being the most obvious example. But also it's pretty obvious with the blokes that have been raided for sharing mp3s. Where are you Ileoliveira ? Come and tell me again that I am crazy.
  20. There are some others. Enhanced stability in low free resources conditions, a better search facility. Bigger maximum size of the registry (in three files instead of two). Faster boot. But also lots of buggy or useless XP-like components to either update, hotfix or remove. What comes with ME that is not included in 98SE ? System Restore System File Protection Scanner and Camera Wizard PC Health Media Player 7 Movie Maker Desktop Themes support Compressed Folders Universal Plug and Play WMI WBEM OOBE Virtual Private Networking (?) Accessibility Tools (?) Transition effects (?) Web Folders (?) Folder Options Control Panel applet (?) Very good OS once you are on top of it but very crappy out of the box. Also see this thread : http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=53422 It lists (all) the available official hotfixes for WinME. Notably, there is a specific issue with some laptops.
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