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Everything posted by eidenk

  1. You certainly do not need to reboot 30 times to install 30 IE updates in a row. Installing the thirty of them in the correct order and rebooting once should do I think.
  2. Have you tried reinstalling your Creative Labs soundcard drivers ? Or install others if any available ? I think this is possibly your problem as your error happens in ctpci9X.vxd.
  3. I have installed 2.81 lite to see if I was able to reproduce the above described error. I was not. As for Winamp itself in general : I have 5.11 (but the latest is 5.111 I think) and also 2.95 installed. Each with a different plugin setup so that they both load relatively fast. 2.95 whose gui is fast to load has plenty of plugs. 5.11 whose gui is slower has few plugs. Security vulnerability was with version 5 and automatic download of modern skins I think. In the meantime you can install it by hand if you want to test on ME. All you need to do (easiest way) is install the original MS KB891711 for winME and replace the two files (in C:\Windows\System\KB891711) by the new ones from U891711 before rebooting. Files can be extracted from U891711 by using 7-Zip or other archiver that supports extracting files from those MS installers. There shouldn't be any System File Protection issue as the files are simply added and install scripts are identical for 98SE and ME (I am not sure at 101% of course as I don't have SFP anymore on my ME system).
  4. As the original Microsoft KB891711 v2 is exactly the same for 98SE and ME, I am trying U891711 on Windows ME. So far I have noticed no problems. The only "problem" there is, is the same as with the original one. There is one more executable and one more dll running in the system and it cannot be closed (with a task manager) without soon terminally crashing the entire OS. I have also downloaded Winamp lite 2.81, the ampesizer skin and the mad plugin. I have no errors when clicking on the open file button while U891711 is running. However, I have also the same question as hp38guser :
  5. It is spyferret your problem, I am almost sure. Sounds fishy to me. This .opf file is simply an NSIS installer whose filetype has been changed from .exe to .opf. You installed that, it scanned your system for free and told you you are infected. So you paid them to unlock the full features. Then you cleaned your computer and then the recycle bin icon disapeared from the desktop which most probably means a good registry key under HKCU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace has been deleted by your cleaner. I may try to install it to see what it does. In the meantime send an email to those who sold this to you about your problem after you installed their software that is marked dubious and that you have bought. Did you have an antivirus running when you executed their file ? Also try to read a file called wininit.log if any in the windows directory by booting in dos. You must type something like edit c:\windows\wininit.log at the prompt. It might simply be a locked system file that has been updated with an XP version and that setup does not overwrite because it is a newer version. If that's the case, which file has been replaced will be in the wininit.log. By using extract you should be able to extract the file from the install cabs and replace it. Or if you prefer to reinstall from scratch without having to reformat and without loosing any personal data, boot into dos and type move C:\windows C:\oldwin. Also delete or move the files that are in the root. Then run setup. It will ask you if you want to install into C:\oldwin. Choose no. Type C:\Windows, confirm and you'll be done. Otherwise format and reinstall. PS : I have just tried to install this software you said, spyferret (the free version). I have been able to reboot and it does not replace any files but it does modify an internet security related key in the registry it seems : [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings] "SecureProtocols"=dword:00000028 to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings] "SecureProtocols"=dword:000000a8 Does anyone know what this settings is ?
  6. A nasty one then. Did you install anything particular recently ?
  7. Try restoring an old copy of your registry by booting into Dos and typing "scanreg /restore". If this does not work, reinstall Windows on top of itself. In this case, you'll have also to reupgrade some components such as DirectX and IE as I think setup will overwrite those as well.
  8. I reshack stuff from japanese to english so it should work the other way round as well.
  9. Apples and oranges have so many things in common. They are both fruits growing on trees. And when I go at the market they have both the same status. Interesting question. Question : When was Free Dos born ? Was it born only when the principles used by MS to write MS-DOS weren't patented anymore ? Or is it simply a clone that outwardly mimics the behaviour of Dos like Reactos mimics Windows NT without using any of its internals.
  10. Not bad, I thought it would have been lower than that. On some website where I have been (can't remember which) and where they tell you which OS you are using in some corner, my Windows ME was often mistaken for Windows 98. What are you drinking BTW ? It's since some time I wanted to ask you that.
  11. Oh, you've tried that tool. Could you tell more about what it does ? Could you also say if besides what you say it works as announced ?
  12. Hi RJM, So what about Linux ? If I understand well, it is written after UNIX code (of the sixties ?). Was not UNIX code also copyrighted and/or patented and fell in the public domain before being worked upon by Torvalds and then the other Linux devellopers ?
  13. As far as I know you can't do it without a shell extension using this key : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers. I have tried to create a shell key and add programs under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell but it does not seem to work.
  14. Well there should be I think. For example, when a drug company patents a new molecule they have created, their exclusive rights for manufacturing and selling that molecule lasts only for twenty years. After that anyone can manufacture and market the molecule. But it's also valid for glues and whatever else whatever the developement and licensing costs. And hence you have branded and generic drugs for example. So why shouldn't this apply to software ? See above. Other example : Dupont did invent PTFE and patented the name Teflon for it but today, because of what I explain, not only you can buy pans coated with PTFE labelled Teflon and manufactured by Dupont but you also can buy pans coated with PTFE not labelled Teflon and manufactured by other companies than Dupont. It is not because a company still commercialize a product after the expiration of their exclusive rights that they maintain those exclusive rights. The only exclusive rights they can keep is the use of their brand name. Is this true ? Win2000 is an improved WinNT not an improved Win9x. NT 3.51 coexisted with 95. NT 4 with 98 and 2000 with ME.
  15. Try to have a go with Bochs (Box). It's freeware or open source but probably much less user friendly than VMware. I have never used it myself so I cannot say more http://bochs.sourceforge.net/ http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bochs/B...in.zip?download Or also here maybe : http://www.thefreecountry.com/emulators/pc.shtml
  16. So far I don't know of any Windows (whatever version) component that has been open-sourced by MS. Please let us know if you know any . What is the point you are trying to make here ? I always thought open source software could be freely distributed by anyone provided no fee is charged for the software and it includes the source code. I know that there are different types of licences, GPL, LGPL and probably others. I think some are extremely strict and totally forbid the use of the code in any commercial application. Those who put together and distribute commercial Linux distros for example seem to fall in the category you say. Is there an owner of the code in open-source ? I would think that anyone who open-source a piece of code does not own it anymore. I wonder if MS could not empeach anyone to use Win9x code commercially in the future by open-sourcing it before it falls in the public domain. But does open-source code also fall into the public domain after a while and hence its use becoming totally free (also usable commercially by anyone) ? I find open source very confusing.
  17. Hi, I have just found a little proggie to help in creating inf files that has plenty of very nice features. http://snoopy81.ifrance.com/en/willy.htm
  18. Well, if the same patent laws that apply for other sectors of industry apply also to the software industry (and I believe there is no reason they should not), then Windows 95 source code will be public domain in 2015. I think you confuse open source and freely redistributable here. @rhelic : I quite agree with your all of your views about open source. I also believe that many open source devellopers are in fact working for free for the corporate. It's the corporate who benefits the most from open source I believe. Linux on servers being the most obvious example.
  19. Indeed Of course they are both in Japanese but you just have to tweak the context menu entry to put it in english.
  20. Elementary. System backups are deleted to prevent registry conflicts with old files which will be restored with restoring old Windows files and registry, coz RP3.5+ files are highly uncompatible with other system files. I'm agreed that this is unintellegent command to workaround several backup/restore errors, but i WON'T fix it in RP4. If I understand well, registry backups are deleted because in case scanreg needs for one reason or another to restore an old registry (from before RP4) while RP4 is installed there will be conflicts as a post RP4 registry is not compatible with a pre RP4 one. I thought that was indeed the reason but the fact is that uninstalling RP4 will leave you only with post RP4 registry backups which are not compatible with the normal files that are restored. Hence, because of that it will be impossible to uninstall RP4 properly should the need arise because of the absence of the old registry backups. It would have been much more sensible to also backup the system backup folder by simply renaming it to, say, oldbckup rather than erasing it (which still can be done) : "move %windir%\sysbckup %windir%\oldbckup" instead of "deltree /Y %windir%\sysbckup" You're too kind with me soporific. I don't really deserve that. True that I am sometimes (often ?) a tactless prick but usually not without a more or less valid (in my eyes) reason.
  21. Excuse me randiroo but there is no jealousy in that. Reread my points please. Tihiy has failed to answer as to why he did include that line (and I point out that some antivirus programs are blocking DOS batch scripts containing that deltree command). Tihiy refuses to fix it (a 30 seconds job + time to reupload 4 MB) which means everyone who's going to install that will carry on losing their system backup files. If those files aren't important for you because you reinstall your os each five minutes anyway that's not the case for others. If you want to defend Tihiy on that point, well give me a good reason for the presence of this line that has nothing to see with his program. And give me also what good reason he has for not taking 1 minute to fix this script (deleting a single line). You see me as a jealous, sniveling little boy but I can easily see you as an id*** who has lost all sense of discriminination. Maybe you haven't grasped what we are speaking about here.
  22. Sure he knows what he does. And so do you, SmokeyJoint. As for praising him in other posts, I remember that some people said I was flaming him with my questions in those few other posts I adressed to him or said I was crazy to suggest certain things. You must have some form of problem with your brain if you interpret those as praises. Understandable if you read as you write.
  23. Thanks Miko, As timeless alias SmokeyJoint had already repackaged RP 3.6 for distribution on Softpedia, I was afraid this could be a repackage of RP4 (maybe this 4 MB ulimatexpdreamtheme.exe as RP4 is also 4 MB) which erases your system backup directory. Beware of that pack. http://www.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/x...shot-23212.html
  24. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~af380/v5n19.zip CHANGE get.txt 34 "" Get.txt is stripped from double quotes. Everything is possible by using ASCII codes : 34 for double quote 39 for simple quote 61 for equal sign http://www.coolwintools.com/map_of_chars/mapofche.zip
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