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Everything posted by eidenk

  1. My dear Clasys, I think you are just a troublemaker. First you haven't yet come up with your list of 30 updates that are now 36 for IE which should be easy as you claim to have made a special installer for them that automatically reboot after each one. But no after that you say you don't remember which ones they are and call for the help of Gape, ERPdude or MDGx to tell you what are their KB numbers : Second you accuse Petr of going off topic when in fact the one that is off-topic since the beginning is you, as this thread is about Gape's service pack which is not concerned by IE6 updates as far as I know :
  2. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=57894
  3. Yes, but the link on the home page is still broken : E:\d0c\Stand Alone Site\misc_multimedia.html
  4. http://www.google.com/search?q=PicoZip
  5. Isn't ESDI506.PDR absolutely needed for proper operation of the computer ? OR have I missed something ?
  6. Misc Multimedia Tools does not work from the index page. The url address is a local adress : E:/....
  7. How would it cause certain updates to not install at all ? Can you be more specific by actually providing an example instead of theorizising so much. As far as theory is concerned, KB updates are supposed to do several things. They first check if the IE version is the one intended as target, either 5 or 6. It it's the wrong version they won't install. After that they eventually write registry entries (killbits for example) and replace files. If target files are not in use they are replaced immediately if they are of a version inferior to the one that installs. If they are of a version superior to the one that installs, they will be skipped by the installer. If files to be replaced are in use, wininit is used to replace them automatically at reboot before the OS loads. Data is appended to wininit.ini. Wininit either does not normally downgrade files unless the file to be replaced is first deleted by using the NULL command which the KB installers do not do as far as I know so that even the install order should be insignificant as far as replacing files is concerned.
  8. As far as I know, you can't remove "create shortcut" unless you reshack shell32.dll but then it will go away from file and folders as well. For "delete" and "rename", there might be a way by editing the registry. Best is to read here : http://www.virtualplastic.net/html/ui_shell.html#variations
  9. IzArc is the best free archiver. Extracts ISO and RAR and plenty of other formats. Compress to 7z and MS CAB notably albeit it does not support creating 7z solid archives which offers in some circumstances (many similar files) amazing compression ratios. You'll need 7-Zip for that. I have got both installed. For ISO, IMG, NRG, etc, the best is to use Isobuster.
  10. I don't know about that but WBEM is possibly a security risk. Wmi.exe gets loaded for no obvious reason and then runs as a background task (affecting performance and stability if I remember well). WMI is used by PC Health which allows you to get system information if I remember well. I use instead Everest and other softs. WBEM is Web Based Enterprise Management. I don't know what it exactly does but have never encountered any software requiring this component despite having installed thousands of software of all sorts.
  11. There is no SFC on Windows ME. It has been superceded by SFP which is more or less the same as XP's WFP.It seems I have made a good choice never to use the Windows Update. There might be a way to use System Restore from the prompt but it won't work anyway if System Restore has not been hotfixed. Try to reinstall Windows on top of itself.
  12. I suspect this file (or this spanned archive ?) is checksumed and setup won't run if its checksum is not correct. Also I had tried to use a windows 98 tool (System File Checker) on Windows ME and it would not open the Win ME cabs so that there are also possibly issues with exactly which exact algorithm (compression level, version) is used to compress. PS : I have been able to use to use SFC with cabs I had made with IzArc. You could more simply add your moded files in a post-setup step using an inf file and wininit.
  13. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/files/killbox.php
  14. Registry backups (5 by default) should be in C:\Windows\sysbackup (but shouldn't be able to solve your particular problems) The full setup files should be in C:\Windows\options \install. You should be able to run setup from there either from within Windows or from DOS. You can run setup to reinstall Windows on top of itself as to try to repair it or you can do a fresh install in another directory. Unless you do a fresh install, you'll have to do the following : As the machine was on a LAN and now it's not anymore, you must modify your networking settings : remove everything and reinstall only the networking components you need from the "Add-Remove programs/Windows Setup" and "Network" control panel applets. It may also be necessary to run the Internet Explorer connection wizzard under "Connections/Setup" in the "Internet Options" control panel applet. Also look at your LAN settings in the same page and applet and select autodetect and no proxy. For your display, get to know what your graphic card is and install drivers for it after having eventually removed the old ones. This should help you get sorted.
  15. Because of the limitation in size I think.
  16. That was not my point or intent to start a XP vs 98 war. My point was just saying to this person that he claims having given reasons about something when in fact he gave none. That's all.
  17. What's the problem with upgrading or not upgrading IE to 5.5SP2 ?
  18. eidenk


    As far as I know, removing IE does not secure a 9x box from vulnerabilities adressed by a firewall. The greater vulnerabilty of XP vs 9x on the network does stem from the fact that XP has got built-in remote access tools. There is one single remote access potential vulnerability known in 9x. That is Shared Folders. It must be disabled in the Network Control Panel applet. AFAIK, from the point of view of ActiveX, firewall or virus scanning they are equally secure or insecure. Today, as the networking components are very different in XP than in 9x and XP is more recent than 9x, hackers are much busy writing nasty code for XP that simply do not execute on 9x (just like any other XP-2000 only application) so that even if those ones get dropped on your 9x machine they won't harm it. What is the network security issue with plug and play on Win98 or ME ? Also, what is netbios ?
  19. In the first place, I'm rarely ever at the XP forum to begin with. In the second, I DID add something of value, with a brief overview of WHY they don't make VMWare for non-NT or Linux systems. Those are good reasons, and they're worth knowing. Jason Actually the only reason you gave is the following : A bit poor don't you find ?
  20. It's actually not 137 GB the limit but rather around 126GB (or around 137 billions of bites). Be carefull with that.
  21. Don't worry for raskren. He does not come often around here, but when he does it is ALWAYS for subtly bashing 9x users.
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