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  1. I am confirming this cheapo USB MicraDigital I have mentioned above appears to works well as I have installed it today to test if it was my ISP that was down or my network stack that was damaged for some reason. Only problem I had was that it installed the Windows ME driver but the Windows 2000 inf file, perhaps a side effect of KernelEX, and it failed the hardware detection/intallation when plugging the card. After replacing the inf file with the Windows ME one by hand it was all good. And it was my ISP that was down for almost 24 hours it seems. Operating Mode : Infastructure or Ad-Hoc Security type : WEP, WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK Encryption method : AES or TKIP
  2. Update to the FlowCharter issue. I have been running the OS without RP at all and I got the following problem with it, Msgsvr32 crashed in gdi.exe when I launched FlowCharter late in the session, resulting in the need to reboot as this screwed the entire OS of course. Conclusion is perhaps that RP10 is preventing such a dramatic crash to happen. But it also seems that when RP is on, a non-dramatic and systematic crash when launching that app occurs earlier in the session. I'll try to disable KernelEx as well to see if it changes anything as there is perhaps an issue with KernelEx and that program eventually.
  3. Each one his own I guess. I never liked Firefox but at some point I needed to replace my old IE 5.5 (I don't even have 6 installed) for going online as I was too fed-up with exploits (was still "covered" by MS security "fixes" at that time) so gave a go to Opera. Well it took me a good 3-4 days to get used to it and I have never looked back since or felt I needed to look for something else. Version 10 is superb. And btw just like Firefox it has add-ons called Opera widgets, I am not using any of those though.
  4. Hi Tihiy, addendum to the FlowCharter gdi.exe crash. I need to correct my report. This will crash in gdi.exe with both alpha5 and beta0 after some time the OS has been used but it will not crash with either version on a freshly booted OS. Somehow this reminds me of Microsoft's heapwalker application which seems to work on a freshly booted OS but not anymore after the OS has been used for some time, a problem I had always encountered with this application without having any RP or heap expander installed. I'll remove RP10 for the next reboot and I'll see if I still have this problem without it.
  5. cuberti and CoffeFiend, your dishonesty or blindness in this discusssion is nothing short of staggering IMO. For example CoffeFiend is equating an OS just sitting there with an internet connection with an OS exposing an interactive interface such as a web browser to the Internet and refuses to acknowledge certain unbelievable NT platforms vulns. Other example is cuberti who escapes completely the point about the run as utility which is to say that code downloaded and executed through one or another exploit will have zero difficulty to get admins rights and take control of the whole machine because code to bypass those limited rights is just trivial to write. I am not speaking about fooling someone into clicking on the run as utilty of course as you wanted to undestand what I wrote. What I was saying is that even Microsoft provided code to anyone able to reverse-engineer this tiny run as utility so they can write malware bypassing limited user rights... Pass me your emails guys and I'll send you a few innocent executables as attachements like Microsoft recommended to people not so long ago... (Look for Microsoft Picture It Print Studio 2001 if you don't believe that )
  6. I think there is no secure browser. Even Opera is insecure considering it has been compromised twice on my machine since I started using it. In both cases code injection in the executable memory space and dumping of the image on disk in place of the original Opera I believe, and this through online exploits I have no clue what they were. One of them was a viable Opera executable and Jetico intercepted it as its checksum had changed. The other was a newbie attempt it seems, leaving a screwed-up executable who would not run and which contained an Hello World string next to the name of a Code Project package dealing with direct code injection into executable memory space and whose name I have forgotten right now.
  7. Well why don't you use Opera, which is a wonderful browser who natively suports all versions of Windows even in its superb and still beta tenth declination ?
  8. I have certainly no issues with that on Windows ME and none I can recall with Windows 98 but that's quite a while ago. I am thinking any kind of issues are due to the soundcard drivers and not Windows. On my current board I can even have several applications at once using the same ASIO driver, which bypasses the windows mixer, something which was not possible on my previous board and which surprised me as ASIO is generally understood as allowing only one single application at once to use the soundcard, onboard AC97 audio in both cases.
  9. Interesting... I am pretty sure I had tested IE with both settings and that it behaved the same regardless. Unfortunately I can't test again as I got rid of all the Java for IE stuff in the meantime. I always do that within minutes after a jre update generally because the BHO ssvhelper.dll also hooks in explorer.exe and is reponsable on my system (and always has been as far as I can recall) for a lag of up to 1 second, parsing the registry for hundreds of its own keys, when opening a new folder, which is something I can't cope with.
  10. Allrighty, I have experienced yesterday one catastophic crash a la Chozo4 with beta0. I had been running Opera 10 Beta 2 build 1679 since a long while along with Winamp 5.35 when I also opened Opera 9.64. A few second after I closed Opera 9.64, Opera 10 beta crashed in gdi.exe. This was followed by explorer who also crashed in gdi.exe (repeatedly) and finally Winamp also went down in gdi.exe. I could do nothing to salvage the system and had to reboot. Upon reboot I tried to run again the two versions of Opera concurently and closing one or another but could not reproduce a crash. Now perhaps more interesting, I just received this morning a new software package I bought last week on eBay for a couple of quids, Micrografx Graphic Suite 2. Amongst the bundled apps, one of them, Flowcharter 7 will systematically cleanly crash in gdi.exe on launch. Other apps are not affected. The most intersting part is that it does not crash when alpha5 is installed instead of beta0 and that it is 100% reproducible. All crash logs included below as well as the FlowCharter application which I believe should run just like that. In case it wouldn't, let me know and I'll see what I can do to trim down the install files and upload just the essentials (700MB as whole). http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wyriynyflgj
  11. You carry on using thunderbird because it is much safer as an email client than Outlook which embeds the ever very vulnerable IE runtime.
  12. If it's still the same as on my OS (see my siggie), a proper shutdown sequence is needed to create a shelliconcache file which is subsequently used at windows startup. Perhaps you are just like me and never shut down properly but just use the power button of the computer, in which case you'll never have a shelliconcache as file if you've ever deleted it.
  13. That's very cool. Working perfectly here (beta0).
  14. Problem fixed with RP10 alpha5 or beta0. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...st&p=874511
  15. And it seems to be working well here as I never experienced the error reported by RetroOS. Btw I don't need to uncheck the "use new plugin" in the Java control panel to have it to work properly in Opera at least. I dunno about IE yet because my botched installs and messed-up java registry keys have not been fixed as far as the IE plugin goes. The update 14 installer run from the jdk installer also wrote all the nearly 300 CLSID keys the IE plugin uses to make them point at my manual update 15 installation. I did run a registry search and replace in the classes_root key to correct all those paths but this had the weird result that if I now go with IE on a page that contains an applet, then the only thing that does happen is that two instances of java.exe succesivelly execute from the update 14 directory and pop up briefly on screen, lol.
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