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Everything posted by ZcWorld

  1. i could not work out how to use it its still there but i the setting set to " system def" and set the screen size in my Nlite part of my cd making short answer : dont know if you dont need it ... i say remove it .. but wait to kel to see what he/she says
  2. so its going to kill my test env thats i use thats only has got 192 to 256 mb of ram i take it or slow the OS down a lot ? or wait and see whats happens
  3. never had a problem with java i used it to show how to do a long file name with spaces to do an passive install i picked that file coz it was the frist thing came to mind and i know it's normal got a long file name when you unzip the exe file from the sun java website i used that as a demo to show how it was done
  4. thats nice looking Kelsenellenelvian gotta learn how to make one of them soon myself .. [ add it to the 10001 things to learn n do list ]
  5. i have the $OEM$ folder layout this way <dvd/cd root> \$OEM$ ->C -> what i want to be copyed over ->$$
  6. ok do i use it no i just run zxv.msi /switchs i need so no MSiexec is need the system should be able to work out what it is and install it without the msiexec commond C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\j2sere5u7\svcpack\j2sere5u7>"jav a 2 env 5 update 7.msi" /passive /norestart video msi file with long path http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1X6DHBQW 1.15 mb to play download camplayer.exe from http://files.filefront.com/CamPlayexe/;516...;/fileinfo.html about 500 kb
  7. the thing is this you r not buying the OS you buying the support in phone / email the OS on cd / dvds and what else they give you but there are big linux forums out there where people can help you fix any software problems and do updates for zzx thing that maybe tab out ... VS ms where you gotta wait for them to do the fix and release it should the users revolt .. no 90 $ for core stuff and 90 % of the software is free hell to get a XP pro n office is like over 850 $ here so go and work out what you want to do ooh the big thing is this if you want to write letters check ur email and use the net linux is the way its free and ad/spyware free n virus free as well
  8. thats just shocking hey kelsenellenelvian
  9. any case fans i would say heat is going to be a problem its always a game of can you win against the heat of CPUS / video cards GPU / HDDS / RAM and than its the noise of the fans thats is the next problem
  10. lol at the luck of support but even MS windows is like that at times where the support is missing in some area where you need help just find a forum thats has users of the zeta OS and ask there im sure there area other uses thats had the problem and work out how to fix / get around it / get it to work BTW :: what do you think of it so far ?
  11. i guess the timeout is when the time is up and its starts to install the programs looks nice as ... cant wait to get the appz to test it out
  12. all i do is zzz.mis /passive /norestart its works without a problem hope its helps a tab to fix the problem your having
  13. i like the Nlite sign its a nice looking one
  14. getting php / mysql to work with apache ist that hard if you got time to work it out i know its taken me ages when i frist try to do it but xampp is a good AIO PWS tool when you want to set it up quick n go
  15. did you install any new software / hardware - > if you did remove that to see if thats fix the problem if not than run in safe mode and do a scandisk to check the drive for any errors and than reboot into normal mode if thats dont fix the problem if you got time and drive space free to do a backup and install of windows than do that
  16. mine is like 4.37 gb use a NTFS drive to save the ISO to coz of the FAT 32 rules where any file over 1.98 GB is .. going to error up PS. Drop the CAPS from the frist post NO One likes haivng a POST IN FULL caps its like your shouting / yelling at us when i get home i will make a video on howto use nero with the boot.img and see if i can get it to boot from that update:: can you do it with nero : no qus : what drive are you saving the iso to format type NTFS FAT32
  17. the .NET framework is unreal at how much space its use up and the time its takes to install
  18. i use TLB its got a commond line box there that you can set the history http://www.truelaunchbar.com/
  19. look like a nice set there i will have a another look when i get home at all the info but its looks like a good deal i was thinking 100 $ for a PSU was overkill but i seen its got the SLI power port on it as well
  20. i think thats right icemanND i dont think you can use normal ghost explorer to edit the NTFS coz for its right access rights and stuff its has got normal ghost images of FAT 32 drives can be done in ghost explorer
  21. im trying to work out why you want to remove a SP from a Nlite CD but if you got the master unmodded CD than just recopy the CD and use the Nlite last_session.ini file to do the changes just dont do the SP adding thats all
  22. did you have enabled / disable recompressing of cabs files?
  23. dam its a big case but big is good more room to do stuff i think and did i do the hardware install job for u coz thats looks like mine how all the power / data cables going eveywhere maybe i will take a pic or two of mine when i do a clean out of the case nice toy
  24. the time / date is a big problem i had that problem once where my time/date was not right and i could not get on MSN just check as being said the time and date and see if u can use ur friend pc to log into ur msn account if u can .. than its ur box
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