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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. Agreed. My point was more along the lines of what peripherals could be plugged in, I wasn't referring to "hot" or "not". But I will add this, having been around computers since the Commodore 64, I have never met anybody that thought they could pop the side of the tower and just start unplugging stuff and plugging it back in WHILE THE POWER WAS ON. Forget about whether the OS was running or not, who pops the side off the tower and starts unplugging stuff with the power on? For my next trick, I'm going to swap out the master cylinder for my anti-lock brakes while I am driving down the road at 100mph
  2. I find that a little more likely. A little Googling indicates that USB 1.0 was released in Jan 1996 and Win95 was released in August 1995. So the only thing that you could really plug into Win95 was parallel and serial port and the old ps/2 mice and keyboards.
  3. I spoke too quickly the first time around. I haven't been able to get that situation to repeat. Maybe it was other programs I had running at the time, not sure.
  4. I don't recall seeing that screen. It would be worth installing a 95 VM jsut to screencap it, lol.
  5. In v13 at least, when you open any dialog box such as the Download Manager, the tooltips are buried behind the dialog (sometimes buried, sometimes on top, not alway consistent). To witness, open the Download Manager and hover the mouse over the Close "X" in the upper right corner - you will see a portion of the tooltip peeking out from the side. There is also a tooltip for the Minimize button but it's too far "inland" to peek out from the side. I'm not finding a way to set a z-index for these tooltips so I plan on removing them completely in my upcoming v13 2206 v3. edit: this may be due to a program I use to swap window locations across five monitors, keeping tooltips in as this could be just something on my system.
  6. My computer has 5 widescreen monitors. I only put the clock on 2 of those 5. I use T-Clock Redux x64 2.3.2 build 151 for the clock on Monitor #1 and DS Clock 2.6.3 for the clock on Monitor #3. T-Clock replaces the XP systray clock, DS Clock can be placed whereever you want it. Not sure if DS Clock will run in 11 or not.
  7. An updated v13 build 2206 browser_strings.xml for inside en_skin.srx -- https://www.dropbox.com/s/hi6axeu2bovxsi6/browser_strings.xml Nothing has been removed but entries are now in commented sections by group of where they are used in the GUI. 170 entries witnessed one-by-one within the GUI, commented and grouped by GUI-usage. 172 entries that are not used within the GUI because they are pulled from elsewhere, come from v9 but not used in v13, pertain to login/sync functions, pertain to Thunder download manager which is broken once telemetry is removed, etc have been commented out but remain in the .xml for reference.
  8. Awesome! I'm giving that a try on Monday, I have daily Webex meetings Mon thru Thur and would love to be able to use 360Chrome v13 for Webex in XP instead of relying on a Win7 VM.
  9. v13 2206 v3 "GUI chopping block" Settings Menu: remove Login Help -> About / Feedback Forums => About Settings (general) remove Login Settings - Basics remove Show select and search bar - I see no changes with or without this selected remove show recommended words - I see no changes with or without this selected remove show address bar suggestions - I see no changes with or without this selected Settings - UI Style Location Bar -> convert Chinese copy paste helper to English Settings - Tabs replace Open hao.360.com with Open Google (see Humming Owl's notes) Settings - Download remove default utility - there is only one option and download utilities operate as extensions remove use Thunder remove open file after download - I see no changes with or without this selected, there is a button when starting download for this feature remove show mini download task - I see no changes with or without this selected remove ask where to download apk files - this is an Android feature and Android users do not need 360Chrome for XP remove Save Images Quickly - I see no changes with or without this selected Settings - Shortcuts condense to 3 columns instead of 1 to prevent scroll on 1920x1080, test in 1024x768 Settings - Personal Data remove 360 account login Settings - Advanced remove NoCoin - pops up a Chinese message box so never really enabled unless you click within that message box Page Utility -> convert Chinese video tips to English Background Apps -> to the best of my knowledge, the Join user experience option is broken whether this is checked or not, may remove from GUI Settings - Lab remove Enable Thunder download manager - I see no changes with or without this selected Snap Plugin -> this only changes the toolbar, even when disabled this plugin is still accessible (Ctrl-Shift-X) - reviewing Humming Owl's modifications to fully disable Settings - Adfilter remove from options tabs, the built-in adfilter is broken once telemetry is fully removed
  10. I also confirmed this Prediction Service Lock-On in Win7 VM both with and without the portable loader. Once you run the Clear browsing data, you can never disable the Prediction Service in Modified v11. edit: Clear browsing data locks the prediction service for Chinese v11 and Russian v11 so this is not limited to Mofified v11.
  11. Narrowed it down further. Second Test Reverted to freshly unzipped Modified v11 First Run: ESC key to exit theme selection Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps: uncheck Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly Closed Settings tab Closed Google Closed New Tab (exits 360Chrome) Second Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Settings -> Advanced -> Privacy -> Clear browsing data button Clear browsing data dialog: select Clear browsing top most visited Clear browsing data dialog: select Clear saved Autofill form data Clear browsing data dialog: select Automatically clear the selected confirmation dialog box that pops up: clicked Clear now button clicked clean button scrolled to Background apps -- EUREKA -- prediction service is now CHECKED and it did it by itself Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps: uncheck Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly Close Settings tab Close Google Close New Tab (exits 360Chrome) Third Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is CHECKED despite unchecking it in Second Run The Prediction Service can NEVER be deactivated once we run a Clear browsing data. Q.E.D. (for those that remember their geometry class)
  12. Here you go - this process creates the situation where the prediction service will NOT deactivate, you uncheck the box but it will be ACTIVE the next time you launch Modivied v11. First Run: ESC key to exit theme selection Settings -> Basic -> On startup: Open a specific page -> chrome://newtab/ Settings -> Basic -> Search: unselect Show recommended words Settings -> Basic -> Search: unselect Show addressbar suggest Settings -> Advanced -> Network: unselect Enable speed optimizations Settings -> Advanced -> HTTPS/SSL: uncheck Intercept certificate risk Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps: uncheck Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps: uncheck Join user experience plan to help improve our products Close Settings tab Close Google tab Close original default New Tab (exits 360Chrome) Second Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Settings -> UI Style -> Toolbar appearance: select Show Home button Settings -> UI Style -> Location bar: unselect Enable intelligent URL Settings -> UI Style -> Location bar: unselect Enable URL autocomplete Settings -> UI Style -> Location bar: unselect Show Copy/Paste helper Settings -> UI Style -> New tab page: unselect Show bookmarks bar in new tab Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Close Settings tab Close New tab (now chrome://newtab/) (exits 360Chrome) Third Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Settings -> Tabs -> Open: select Always open bookmark links in new tab Settings -> Tabs -> Open -> New tab's creation location: select At the right of the last tab Settings -> Tabs -> Close -> When closing current tab: select Switch to the last active tab Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Close Settings tab Close New tab (now chrome://newtab/) (exits 360Chrome) Fourth Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Settings - Download -> Download: unselect Use Thunder P2SP Download Settings - Download -> Download: unselect Keep and open file after download Settings - Download -> Download: unselect Ask where to save APK file before downloading Settings - Download -> Save Images Quickly: uncheck Enable saving images quickly Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Close Settings tab Close New tab (now chrome://newtab/) (exits 360Chrome) Fifth Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Settings -> Personal -> Passwords and Forms: uncheck Offer to save passwords Settings -> Personal -> Passwords and Forms: uncheck Enable Autofill to fill out web forms in a single click Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Close Settings tab Close New tab (now chrome://newtab/) (exits 360Chrome) Sixth Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Settings -> Lab -> Acceleration: uncheck When memory takes up too much, auto discard background tabs Settings -> Lab -> System: uncheck IE kernel's pop-up opens in new tab Settings -> Lab -> System: uncheck Enable IE kernel's Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Settings -> Lab -> System: uncheck Support native accessibility Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Close Settings tab Close New tab (now chrome://newtab/) (exits 360Chrome) Seventh Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is still unchecked Customize button from Main Toolbar -> Proxy -> Do not use proxy Settings -> Advanced -> Privacy -> Clear browsing data button Clear browsing data dialog: select Clear browsing top most visited Clear browsing data dialog: select Clear saved Autofill form data Clear browsing data dialog: select Automatically clear the selected confirmation dialog box that pops up: clicked Clear now button clicked clean button scrolled to Background apps -- EUREKA -- prediction service is now CHECKED and it did it by itself Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps: uncheck Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly Close Settings tab Close New tab (now chrome://newtab/) (exits 360Chrome) Eight Run: Settings -> Advanced -> Background apps -- prediction service is CHECKED despite unchecking it in Seventh Run
  13. Modified v11 -- I can officially CONFIRM that there IS a combination of settings that once those settings are set, then the Prediction Service setting will NOT deactivate. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with any registry settings, it's the combination of settings. I'm attempting to isolate and will report back.
  14. @Humming Owl - I have these v13 build versions (I think I have "all" of them, but this is what I have): 1000, 1002, 1006, 1032, 1054, 1088, 1106, 2000, 2020, 2040, 2070, 2101, 2196, 2206, 2216, 2220, and 2250. I could not find "qimg" in any one of those resources.pak files. I would also break them into three sub-sections based on the file size of resources.pak. 1) 1000, 1002, 1006, 1032, 1054, 1088, and 1106 all have the same exact resources.pak file size. 2) 2000, 2020, 2040, 2070, 2101, 2196, and 2206 all have the same exact resources.pak file size. 3) 2212, 2216, 2220, and 2250 [all of these default to Chinese for Developer Tools) all have the same exact resources.pak file size.
  15. Reminder - Build 2206 was the last version that the Developer Tools loaded in English by default (you can change the newer versions from Chinese to English but you need to know where to find it) I'm digging into the resources.pak files now for qhimg entries.
  16. Looks like my first trial-attempt on Humming Owl's Modified v11 was somehow being effected by Chinese Official v12 registry strings. I may still delay a v13 2206 v3 until after Humming Owl's Modified v13 becomes available. edit: disregard, I'm putting the v13 2206 v3 rebuild back on the front burner after doing some more digging into the Modified v11 (reported separately). Apologies for going back and forth, it's "evolutionary".
  17. Best I can track down is that it was Official Chinese v12 registry settings that were effecting Official v11 and Modified v11 saved settings. I seem to have hit-or-miss registry entries created by Modified v12 but once I make sure there are no v12 "shadows", then Modified v11 is working quite well. I don't know how much of this is due to copying your files over into a "portable loader folder structure". But I also confess that as a "portable" is the only way that I use any of my web browsers.
  18. Deactivated fine just now. No changes since yesterday. But I did run a registry-clean since yesterday, must have had something in the registry because I was running the Official Chinese v11 also for compare/contrast. Yep - that seems to be it. I just ran Chinese v11 then Chinese v12 then returned to Modified v11 and that setting won't deactivate. 360Safe/Liveup and LiveUpdate360 entries in the registry.
  19. @Dixel - please read my post more carefully. I reported to Humming Owl that his release ACTIVATES this service regardless of the user DEACTIVATING it. So we have a "service" that you and I *both* HATE that ACTIVATES itself - you can see why I brought that to Humming Owl's attention, right?
  20. Works for me. I remove it from my personal copy but @Humming Owl included it in his shared contributions so I was asking as to verify if I should continue to NOT include it in my shared contributions. Swiftshader - you're outta here!
  21. I DO NOT USE IT. If you are not going to contribute in a positive fashion, then "move along, there's nothing to see here". My reason for asking is because I am REMOVING useless crap from the GUI and if that "feature" is BROKEN (even for those that DO want to use it, which again is NOT ME), then I shall remove it from the GUI. But if it DOES do what it is "supposed to do" and OTHERS might be inclined to use it, then I shall keep it in the GUI. It really is not my goal in this thread for us to tell other users what settings/flags/switches to use on their own computer.
  22. I am reverting my focus on releasing a v13 2206 v3. I am optimistic on Humming Owl's releases but at the same time I have stumbled upon a few points of concern. However, these points of concern are also present in the original Chinese that Humming Owl used as his base. But they were "fixed" in the Russian Repack. We all have our "feelings" toward Chinese Software and towards Russian Software, let's keep that bias out of the equation, it really serves no purpose as this community modifies and improves 360Chrome for a communal level of trust. We should all agree that software development is an "evolutionary" process - we don't have "major", "minor", and "build" version numberings just for the sake of using the NumPad on our keyboard. We have demonstrated that the Russian Repack did break a few things in v11 and v12 - but the "evolutionary" process has fixed those breaks in v13 (I cite Google Voice functionality specifically). But I am seeing evidence that the Russian Repack seemingly fixed a few things that the Chinese missed. The Russian Repack has a global following - with that comes a level of "checks and balances" in the "evolutionary" process of open source software development (just as Humming Owl and I both rely on feedback from other users). To make a long story short ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCP2QQH4uuQ ), I kinda have the most trust in v13 build 2206 and the evolutionary process that got it to where it is (ie, v13 evolved from v12 which evolved from v11, etc).
  23. @Humming Owl The "Use a prediction service" does not deactivate in Modified v11 nor in Chinese v11. You can uncheck the checkbox and the Changes have taken effect box appears, but when you close and relaunch, the checkbox is checked again. In the Russian v11, this checkbox at least remains deactivated when you close and relaunch. I am unsure if this service actually "works" regardless of checkbox or not.
  24. <edit: overwrote previous entry - skin-related "convolutions" that kind of need to remain because not all of us use the same theme> @Humming Owl - one item I reverted back to semi-original in Modified v11 is one of the buttons in the Download Manager. The button by default will say "Open" (originally was with a lowercase o and you changed this to "Open when completed" [from memory, can't have it open and type this in my other 360Chrome at the same time]). This particular button, with the original v11, will say "open" when downloading a .7z and if you change that .7z extension to .exe, the button will automatically change from "open" to "run" (both lowercase with original v11). You fixed the lowercase "open" with "Open when completed" (and changed the width of the button) but it will still say lowercase "run" if you are downloading an .exe. It's all a matter of personal preference, I myself prefer "Open" and "Run" and the smaller button since "Open" and "Run" are small text strings. My reasoning being is that I prefer the drop-down context menu and the button to say the same exact thing, not "Open" in the drop-down then "Open when completed" for the button. At any rate, I figure you'd be interested in an fyi for the lowercase "run" when downloading an .exe at the very least.
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