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Everything posted by cc333

  1. I have to agree with this. WAY too much emphasis on smartphones nowadays! This has been a growing trend since at least 2013, it's really gotten out of hand in the past three or so years (particularly the emphasis on social media such as Facebook and Twitter; the more people flock to those platforms, the more inclined I am to stay away from them). I'm beginning to feel like the world as we knew it before the mega-corporate info snatchers came along (Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, to name a few) is forever ruined. This, of course, probably isn't true. I'm just being cynical. Be that as it may, there are many modern commercials I don't like. Go back about 20 years though, and they start getting better (the farther back you go, the better they get in general, although every era has its fair share of flops). I remember not liking many of them much then, but after being bombarded by the junk that has come along in the 20 years since, I've warmed up to them considerably c
  2. 20.12.2016. OK, so that's not the problem. That's good! Perhaps I should re-download wsusscn2.cab? Maybe the certificate somehow got stripped out altogether? Anyway, I'll look into it tomorrow. It's late here in shake 'n bake California c
  3. Hmm, I thought I had? I guess it won't hurt to reinstall.... I'll give it a try and see what happens. EDIT: I reinstalled WU Agent 7.6.7600.256, and no change. WUMT is throwing the same error. EDIT #2: I'm not sure if this matters, but this is Win XP Pro x86 installed on a VMware Fusion VM on my macOS machine. EDIT #3: And it has the POS Ready 2009 patch applied. c
  4. Does anyone have a link to the latest working version of wsusscn2.cab? I have a copy I downloaded, but I don't know if it is valid, as I can't seem to get it to work on XP 32-bit (WUMT shows error 0x800B0100: No signature was present in the subject; don't know if this is related to the lack of sha1 certificate). I did get this same wsusscn2.cab to work on XP x64, for what it's worth. c
  5. @dencorso Make that two, for I use Windows and MacOS interchangeably all the time You just never hear about it from me, because FAT32 is enough for most of my file copying needs, and read-only NTFS is adequate for the rest. Plus, there exists a read-only HFS+ driver for Windows XP and up which can help too, and one doesn't need to be running Windows on a Mac to enjoy it, for all you need to do is install two .sys files (four if installing on x64) plus a few registry entries to enable it on any PC running a supported Windows version. Link c
  6. I may've asked this before, but can someone help me get Pot Player working? I've tried on 32-bit XP and 64-bit XP, and in both cases, it complains that some DLL has been modified, and it won't start. My impression is that, at least on 32-bit, it should "just work." Is that correct? c
  7. I thought I had downloaded that version, but apparently I didn't; I accidentally re-downloaded the Win10-only version :/ So, I went back and got the proper version this time, and it's at least starting now! So, now let's see if it'll see updates properly.... c
  8. I'm trying it, and all I get is "Interface not supported", whatever that means.... c
  9. This is all I get whenever I try running Windows Update on my Dell Latitude D630 running a fully updated XP Pro SP3: c
  10. I guess this? The MPL defines Source Code Form as follows: Your patch files are not sufficient. You MUST provide the full source code with your modifications. All software created with covered code I have worked on is currently in breach of the license. Seems like this was declared rather suddenly? I mean, if @roytam1 was in violation of these clauses since the start of his "New Moon for XP" project at least 2 years ago, why wait until now to say so? c
  11. Confirmed! Well, it will be permanently offline eventually, but when that will happen is anyone's guess... Agreed. I know there has been an attempt at reverse engineering WU v4 for use with Windows 9x and ME, but I don't think it has gotten far. Fortunately, though, in anticipation, many updates have already been archived in various languages, so not all is lost, but it would definitely be a shame if updates for some of the less common languages get lost to time. c
  12. Agreed. As you say, at least there's still the catalog! For now, anyway.... c
  13. Is it possible that this could be a temporary outage? It's happened before, so maybe? c
  14. Well there you go! If he can do that, why can't someone write a similar tool which runs within Windows NT (instead of DOS) and operates on NTFS? The basic operating principles can't be too much different, can they? In other words, TRIM is TRIM, regardless of OS or filesystem, because it's an intrinsic function of the drive itself. c
  15. I find it somewhat odd that no one has yet made a generic TRIM support package which is XP compatible and works with all SSDs. Surely the protocols are standardized enough for this to be theoretically possible? Unfortunately, I don't presently have the knowledge to make such a thing happen, but someone around here must? c
  16. Does "IA32 Win32" mean it will run on non-SSE2 CPUs? By the way, which one of these represents the Serpent 55.x branch? The logic w/re how versioning works here is escaping me somewhat at the moment (not enough sleep ) c
  17. Huh, interesting. In that case, is there a setting somewhere which can change that allocation? Or maybe some lines in the source code (if available)? My home connection gets at best ~350kB/s anyway, so it's not likely to hurt me much, but it would nevertheless be nice to know if it can be somehow changed. c
  18. To alleviate this problem somewhat, it is possible for Burp to be run on another PC which is configured as a proxy server to the Win98 PC? I ask because it's possible that the slowness is due to the Win98 networking stack's inherent architectural inefficiencies, which are being exacerbated by running Burp via Java 8 on KernelEx. c
  19. It often amazes me how easily some of you find such hard to find files! These ones, of course, aren't obscure by any means, but they have nevertheless been rendered quite hard to find since Intel apparently took them offline, and most of the "driver-finder" sites link back to Intel's copy of the files it seems. *sigh*... A few weeks ago, I tried to find Windows XP Intel Management Engine drivers for a laptop of mine (Dell Latitude D630C), and couldn't (most everything was for 7 and up). Ended up not mattering though,a s I simply turned the ME off, and the missing devices disappeared OK, enough thread hijacking. Carry on! c
  20. I've tried 7-Zip 19.xx, and it seems to generally work OK (GUI, extracting and compressing). The GUI is a bit weird in that most strings in some dialogs are cut off, but the buttons seem to work. This is with KernelEx 4.5.2 and all recent updates on Win98 SE. c
  21. @flyod Have you tried disabling hardware acceleration within the browser? The setting for it is in the advanced tab. c
  22. That's too bad, for I've seen examples of when Matt Tobin actually can be decent (the thread about finding permanent names for roytam1's browsers, for example). I think it's just that, for whatever reason, he seems to get impatient very easily and apparently has a bit of a temper. Even so, Seamonkey's email client is integrated within the browser suite, and it is nice to have it as a standalone program à la Thunderbird for those who don't want the whole SM suite just for the email client, so we can give him credit for that, if nothing else. Anyway, my main OS is macOS 10.13 from 2017 right now, and Polymer 2 is in no danger of being unsupported there. However, I do still dabble with NT5.x (and do occasionally use it as my primary OS, depending on need), so it'd be nice to have a browser there which supports it and isn't sponsored by either Google or the Chinese government (I don't trust Chrome or its China-based derivatives to respect any privacy settings whatever, at least not without extraordinary means; other Chromium-derived browsers (such as modern Opera) are probably OK, but none of those run on NT5 to my knowledge, so....). I dunno, maybe I'll give one of the Chinese chromiums a try, for they might not be as bad as I'm fearing they are w/re privacy (or maybe it's more easily manageable via HOSTS or other such tweaks than I'm thinking?). So to that end, which ones of the lot are most current and recommended? c
  23. Thought so! I like to know what I'm using, how it works and why, so I'm glad I figured it out successfully in this case! Anyway, back to the topic at hand (sorta), I use Transmission on Mac all the time, as it is the only BT client I've used (for Mac, anyway) whose UI is sensible and easy to use. i knew it also supported Linux, but until today, I didn't know (or had forgotten) that there was a Windows port that ran on XP/Vista! c
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