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Everything posted by DosProbie

  1. ~ AeroGlass_v.03_X64_Silent Installer for Windows 8 ~ - New Installer Version ==> https://copy.com/rFFUJWnCCgfw - Non Installer Versions: - Toggle Aero (Toggle aero on and off on the fly) ==>ToggleAero.cmd - DWMGlass Tool (see description Post #9) ==>DWMGlassTool.cmd This is an open source cmd silent installer for Big Muscle's 0.95 RC4 Aero Glass that I made for myself and thought I would share it for those of you looking for a AIO hands free install of Aero Glass with the added ability to enable and tweak your aero transparency settings for Windows 8. [Features] - Sets a System Restore Point prior to install to help with any issues. - Installs Firewall Rules and adds MS symbols server to the trusted site zone. - Creates shortcuts in Taskbar, Start Menu Programs and Control Panel for easy access. - Includes a right click desktop context menu called "Toggle Aero Glass" to change aero glass on the fly. - Uses AGTweaker (v1.3.3) to easily adjust your aero glass, custom theme resources etc. - Includes 2 Part Uninstaller in DWM folder and Windows programs and features. [install] - Just unzip the file, then remove any existing C:\DWM directory. - Right-Click on Setup.cmd and run as administrator, will do quick install then restart to adjust settings. - After install, enable defaut aero theme, then enable your custom theme to refresh colorization. -This installer has been fully tested and working but as always use any software at your own discretion ie: Caveat Utilitor. DP
  2. I had the same problem. Here's how to fix it: Don't use the AGTweaker to load the DLL. Disable DWMGlass with the tweaker, reboot, go delete C:\Windows\DWMGlass.dll and C:\Windows\DWMGlass.png and use the "LoadGlass__AppInit_DLLs.reg" file from the 0.94RC3 archive (edit and fix the path, mine's ""AppInit_DLLs"="C:\\AeroGlass\\DWMGlass.dll"") to load it. Mine: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]"LoadAppInit_DLLs"=dword:00000001"AppInit_DLLs"="C:\\AeroGlass\\DWMGlass.dll""RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs"=dword:00000000[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]CustomThemeResource"="C:\\AeroGlass\\CustomDefault.png" After I did that and rebooted, I got the command prompt that downloaded the symbols, and it worked. On a side note, AGTweaker seems broken for the 0.95RC4 release. It doesn't start the transparency when pressing apply. I guess I'll start using the custom resources with the registry tweak. Well we are getting into the weeds again, and My AGTweaker that I am using works perfect but if your reg files are not there ,Your colorization is set improperly and or your settings are pointing to a incorrect location of you DWMGlass.dll then you are Going to have problems and errors..
  3. For those of you having issue booting Windows 8 in safe mode or just looking for a quick method, here is a Safe Mode context menu from my friends over at Windows Eight Forums..DP Add_Safe_Mode_to_Desktop_Context_Menu.7z
  4. Good job GriM!, I was just reworking my Cmd silent installer to post later but you beat me to the punch.. DP
  5. Not when you're playing quake 3 arena and it pops up when you're trying to get some frags done The Game issue has already been discussed many times on here, that's why I made a Toggle Aero with my installer so you can quickly toggle off aero when going to "Game mode" then toggle aero back on when done...DP
  6. You are correct BigMuscle, Almost all tweakers modify some registry value/s, Thats why I have now added the default registry values back in my undated Clean-up uninstaller..DP
  7. I don't think discussing a crack in the Same Forum to circumvent the pop-up is fair to all the hard work that BigMuscle has done. There is a discussion already over at MDL over 450 posts on Aero Glass... why don't you take it over there just not here? DP
  8. Thanks for the info Rayn, I did find the setting tho for AGTweaker in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM] with a Reg_Sz value as "CustomThemeResource"="C:\\DWM\\AlternateTheme.png" DP
  9. Is the DWMGlass.png suppose to rename my selected custom theme file then stay in the DWM root folder?..I notice sometimes it pops out and other times it resides there..DP
  10. Thanks Noel, I will add that one to my installer..DP Yes. http://Noel.ProDigit...ernateTheme.png -Noel
  11. Thanks for the reply Rayn, do you or anyone else have the registry setting for the theme files so I can go ck it out..Thanks DP The Custom Theme Resource file might have been accidentally deleted/moved OR the value set in the registry might be invalid.
  12. Have you tried cloning with the free Todo Backup EaseUS? http://www.freewaregenius.com/the-best-free-disk-imaging-program-a-comparative-analysis/
  13. Sorry missed that one, invalid as in what? file missing , corrupted etc? oh and what post# was that so I can look it up.. Thanks, DP It was already discussed before. It means that you have set your custom theme resource to the invalid file.
  14. "Failed to load custom theme file" Every now and then I get this debug.log error message and was just wondering if anyone else has gotten it as well?
  15. This is the Windows 8 Thread and I see you are Still using XP, so you should ask over there..
  16. Looks good Noel..What theme resource are you using? Is it the Alternate.png file that you made?
  17. This is the script I use with MSE and Win7 @echo off&color 06&mode con: cols=75 lines=20 title -Microsoft Security Essentials 2.0 Silent Installer- :Determine processor architecture (to install either 64 or 32-bit) if exist "%programfiles(X86)%" (goto x64) else (goto x86) :x64 start /i mseinstallx64.exe /s /runwgacheck /o goto end :x86 start /i mseinstallx86.exe /s /runwgacheck /o :end cls exit
  18. Glad u like it..Στην Υγεια σου! It talks to me :D Thank you for this!
  19. ~ AeroGlass_v095_RC4-x64 Silent Installer for Windows 8 ~ [Download]: AeroGlass Installer Go to my Aero Installer thead to obtain the Updated version v.03 ==>http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/163503-aeroglass-v03-x64-silent-installer-for-windows-8/ This is an open source installer for Big Muscle's RC4 Aero Glass that I made for myself and thought I would share it for those of you looking for a AIO hands free install for AeroGlass, or the "Kiss" method as my Dad use to say ie."keep it simple stupid" lol. Anyway it includes the following. [Features] - Creates a Shortcut in Start Menu Programs and Control Panel for easy access. - A right click desktop context menu called "Toggle Aero Glass" to change aero glass on the fly. - Uses the AGTweaker gui to easily adjust your aero glass, custom theme resources etc. - Includes Uninstaller in Windows 8 programs and features and DWM. - This is a 64-bit version, fully tested and working. [install] - Just unzip the file, remove any existing C:\DWM directory. - Right-Click on Setup.cmd and run as administrator, will do quick install then logoff to adjust settings. Enjoy! DP
  20. No, if you read BigMuscle's changelog file says "* automatic symbols downloading for DWM libraries --> this delays glass loading a bit". All other versions of aero glass did immediate change when using gui to enable or disable..DP You mean that the RC4 is a little bit slower than the previous releases ?
  21. Nice job on RC4 BigMuscle, a slight lag of aero but to be expected with the d/l of the symbols, works good on a silent installer I made, Looking fwd to the final version..DP
  22. It is actually a shot of Vista.. It would have to be Windows 7, the explorer windows don't look like that in Windows 8, the part behind the address bar and navigation buttons can not be aero glass and also there is no up arrow next to the nav buttons. I thought so...
  23. By "Auto Installer" BigMuscle did not do an installer, are you referring to the one by MrGriM? The "new" RC3 is the one with the automatic installer. The "old" one is the one where you have to manually open the .reg file
  24. Question ORelio..Are you waiting to update AGTweaker when the final version comes out? On this screenshot, this is the tweaked custom resource I made wich is included with AGTweaker. It's a mix of Win8 Release Preview theme and Windows 7 Aero theme. Link is provided below in my signature. bigmuscle, keep going for the final version you're almost there!
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