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Everything posted by JFX

  1. You create a diff.vhd and use this for everything (mounting or booting via BCD). If you make any changes to the base.vhd the diff will be invalid.
  2. Hi dimo70, if the selected boot partition is GPT, WinNTSetup automatically switch to UEFI only for bcdboot.exe. unless BCD option is set by ini or command line. This was requested years ago and actually makes sense. But if you use legacy boot with a GPT hybrid MBR, this causes promlems. Makes sure you set BCD option to "ALL".
  3. Yes, simple use a filename with .vhdx extension and it will create a VHDX file.
  4. Just guessing will not help much. WinNTSetup already uses these 2 commands. bcdboot.exe W:\Windows /s S: /f ALL bootsect.exe /nt60 S: /mbr Were W: is the Windows installation drive and S: is the selected boot partition. Only difference I see is the missing /force switch on bootsect command. But this is done on purpose, also diskpart does write bootable MBR and PBR. If you encounter the problem again try 1 of these command from a WinPE, to find out witch one makes a bootable again.
  5. That sounds like a problem with the MBR of the boot disk. By default WinNTSetup uses bootsect to update the boot sectors. bootsect.exe /nt60 S: /mbr The first 2 green lights are only using simple checks, there is no way to tell if the code is actually bootable. To limit the problem, it depends on what repair you do with bootice.
  6. Wimlib is only faster for capture. For apply there actually more or less equal. Just wimgapi can use more than 1 CPU core, so it can speed up quite a bit.
  7. Thanks, it looks good One thing, if I use "UEFI original Script" it ends up selecting the MSR partition as boot drive.
  8. Found a solution. Next version will respect this setting.
  9. There is no option. Disk index is a file property, thus it is saved inside the WIM file. Maybe, I can alter the attributes during apply. But has this disk indexing setting still any effect since Vista?
  10. No, i should be OK, wimlib is recommended library for creating a WIM file. Just wonder why wimgapi has a trouble with that WIM. Never had any compatibly problems. Expect the LZMS WIM/ESD created by earlier version of WinNTSetup, but they would cause a crash or freeze of the program.
  11. How was this WIM file created?
  12. During this error display there should be a log file: %Temp%\WinNTSetup\Logs\wimgapi_error.log Maybe better to switch to wimlib with (Ctrl + Shift + W) and see if it can apply the WIM.
  13. Is there any problem? You need at least build 25324 as host and source to install.
  14. Sure, please share, when ready.
  15. No, WinNTSetup only applies to one partition. What you are looking for is mklink. Move C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET to d:\Microsoft.NET than create symlink or junction.
  16. Yes, you can specific the drives with letter: WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -syspart:S: -tempdrive:W: or with drive and partition number WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -syspart:HDD1:1 -tempdrive:HDD1:4 Eventually you will need a timeout after diskpart to have drive letter available on system. ping -n 2 > nul
  17. There are all the GUI options you can save with CTRL+S and the 26 hidden option mentioned in the WinNTSetup.ini.txt. Do you need anything in particular? Links are on the first page, do you need another mirror?
  18. No, I mean you can use multi threaded WIM apply also with image.exe or DISM.exe on command prompt by just setting WIM_FileData_Number_Workers environment variable. WinNTSetup will load an existing WinNTSetup.ini on start. This .ini can be loaded or saved with Ctrl + L and CTRL + S hotkey and holds most GUI settings. WinNTSetup.ini.txt describes hidden feature than can be added to WinNTSetup.ini. like: [options] UseMultiCore=1
  19. That's the thread count used by wimgapi. See WinNTSetup.ini.txt, by default if uses half of CPU physical cores. You can uses this with imagex.exe or DISM.exe, too. set WIM_FileData_Number_Workers=8 Imagex /apply ...
  20. Yes, sample.ini is just there to give you an idea of the feature, you supposed to create your own *.ini file based on it.
  21. Yes, create your own RemoveAppx.ini inside DISM folder. Sample.ini is just an example how the .ini it should be formatted.
  22. Seems, I missed adding this to the F1 Help, there is a -dism: switch taking a file name relative to the DISM folder WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -dism:Sample.ini
  23. Yeah this tool is dead. there is simply no need for it anymore. Stick with older version or use adksetup.exe with terrible 45 MB download. If you have a current OS, why would you need them anyway?
  24. If you like, but not sure what difference it would make.
  25. You can edit DISM\Sample.ini or better create your own lets say RemoveAppx.ini. Remove the netfx3 under [EnableFeature], as it takes some space. After using DISM option with WinNTSetup, a list of APPX packages the are not removed. Dism /Image:X:\ /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages Add what you want to be removed under [RemoveAPPX] of your ini. As for space warning, only compact:none has one
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