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Everything posted by JFX

  1. Found the VCRuntime dependencys. \Windows\System32\sxsstore.dll \Windows\System32\config\TxR Not so easy to track, if it's a folder which is required. MSI Afterburner shows an error messages when closing. But I'll will not add fix for this in default profile. \Windows\SysWOW64\taskschd.dll
  2. Thanks for these files enuser2k I have not done much with Windows 11, but the volume and calendar tray is working with classic taskbar using StartAllBack. MSI Afterburner needs the 2008 VCRuntimes (both x86 and x64). Seems I broke these installers, will be fixed.
  3. The boot partition has no file system, format it to FAT32. For the language add this to WinNTSetup.ini [Options] Lang=1033 Or a name of any file inside LANG folder.
  4. Yes, but IMDisk 2.1.1 no longer supports unpatched Window7 (which include all Win7PE based WinPE and the Windows 7 WinRE). If you only use it on updated Windows 7, you can replace the 2 IMDisk files in Tools\imdisk.
  5. Last time I checked, SVBus was supporting dynamic VHDs. No RAM saving, but faster loading than fixed VHDs. Separate ESP partition does not make much sense here. It depends on Grub2 and this one can load a NTFS driver. Hope someone figures how to setup the native vhdramdiskboot from bootmgr.efi. If this one support differencing VHDs, I might get some interest in RAM booting again. As for your profile, nice one. You could get rid of this WUB, as Windows Update is removed in MinWin anyway.
  6. @click-click Read the change log @alacran WinNTSetup will load software hive, so you loose ~ 60 MB (hmm, I should re-compress it afterwards), rest up to you to be find...
  7. You running in 8-bit color mode instead of 32-bit. Screen resolution is changed booting Win7PE_SE. I guess it's done by PECMD.exe. Click on the PECMD systray icon, maybe you have an option to set it back to 32-bit.
  8. restore \NTLDR on your boot drive with one of your XP ISO.
  9. @Gear Doge Wimgapi checks some environment variables. WIM_FileData_Number_Workers is what you want to set to get faster applying. By default WinNTSetup set this to half of the physical cores for standalone XPRESS/LZX compressed WIM files. @click-click Wasn't supposed to end up in the rar file, just delete it.
  10. Yeah, there i no wimboot switch, cause wimboot actually means a weeker compression form of xpress. Image_path is the name MS choose in imagex.exe As for your command line there is no equivalent to "--include-integrity" and you should set "-wimlib" to make sure you actually capture with wimlib and not wimgapi. WinNTSetup_x64.exe CAPTURE-CLI J:\ "D:\Wimboot\MinWin-10x64-LZX.wim" "MinWin-10x64-LZX_220803_044206" "MinWin LZX WIMBOOT IMAGE" -compress lzx -config wimscript.ini -wimlib
  11. Normally Windows 10 systems above build 17000 don't need any WOF exclusion. But there were some reports that it don't work for some people (maybe hardware related). None of them told if they used BIOS or UEFI booting. This also makes a difference! EFI bootmgr has reading support for compressed files, BIOS bootmgr has not. You can set SkipBuildsAbove17000 in Tools\Compact\WimBootCompress.ini if you sure you don't have this problem with your machines.
  12. There is bit more to translate now in: WinNTSetup 5.2.6 - fixed Feeds did not got disabled on Windows 10 - added log files wimgapi_error.log and wimlib_error.log - added VHD-DIFF option - added commandline option VHD-DIFF -file:{file} -parent:{file} - added commandline switch for VHD-CREATE -mbresp - added commandline switch for VHD-CREATE -vhdbootletter:{0|1} - added commandline switch for NT6 -vhdbootfiles:{0|1} - new commandline switch -syspart and -tempdrive support VHD(X) files - workaround: added AMD's Shadercache to wimscript exclusion (buggy SecurityDescriptors)
  13. You mix things up. 20H1 did work because the certificate was not blacklisted by MS. A signed driver with stolen Cert can still pass Secureboot, if you have added it as trusted to your system.
  14. No, --recover-data ignores data corruption. That's not something that should be simply ignored. Wimlib has an error output. Don't know why I have not add this. Will be available in next version. BTW: DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS is useless in BCD loadoptions.
  15. @devdevadev A /mbresp switch does not exists, as it's the default setting. There is also no way to select the VHD ESP. Simply no need as VHD ESP boot files are always created. @alacran These log files are just temporary, shutdown of cryptsvc will delete them.
  16. Yeah, I guess this is the problem. You change the system disk to be a RAMDisk, Windows reacts like this is a full hardware change and will need same SysWoW64 files to be signed. You can edit Tools\CATTrim.ini and add the lines: ..\SysWOW64\basesrv.dll ..\SysWOW64\bcryptprimitives.dll ..\SysWOW64\csrsrv.dll ..\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll ..\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll ..\SysWOW64\kernelbase.dll ..\SysWOW64\gdi32.dll ..\SysWOW64\gdi32full.dll ..\SysWOW64\ucrtbase.dll ..\SysWOW64\winsrv.dll ..\SysWOW64\win32u.dll ..\SysWOW64\normaliz.dll ..\SysWOW64\advapi32.dll ..\SysWOW64\bcryptprimitives.dll ..\SysWOW64\cfgmgr32.dll ..\SysWOW64\clbcatq.dll ..\SysWOW64\combase.dll ..\SysWOW64\comctl32.dll ..\SysWOW64\coml2.dll ..\SysWOW64\crypt32.dll ..\SysWOW64\cryptbase.dll BTW: there is a newer SVBUS available.
  17. Interesting, maybe Tools\CATTrim.ini is still missing some important file that needs to be signed. I'll will take a look at some full windows installations. The current file list is only based on my Win10PE research. BTW: It should be run against a fully installed Windows, cause during setup some SysWoW64 files are scanned and needs to be signed.
  18. No nothing changed. Maybe you have disabled VHD Checks in the right-click menu of the VHD button.
  19. WimBoot command line switch is actually mentioned in the F1 - Help text. As MinWin will stay a hidden feature, it is not there to find, but easy to guess: WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -wimboot -minwin:default
  20. Hi alacran, just run it from command prompt: WinNTSetup_x64.exe NVRAM NVRAM 1.00 Usage: NVRAM option [ID|DisplayName] Options: (A)dd "full_path_to_EFI_File" "DisplayName" (D)el [ID|DisplayName] (S)etfirst [ID|DisplayName] BootNe(x)t [ID|DisplayName] (E)num E(n)ter UEFI on next boot It's a command line modification of the boot entries and boot order stores in UEFI NVRAM. Kinda a command line version of BOOTICE UEFI options. WinNTSetup_x64.exe CATTRIM CatTrim 1.00 - Only use with WinPE or MinWin installations! This Will delete "non essential" catalogs in \System32\CatRoot folder! Usage: CatTrim "Windows directory" CatTrim will remove most catalogs in \System32\CatRoot and delete or rebuild the cached database in \System32\CatRoot2 folder. That would be fatal for any full windows, but will save some space for a MinWin or WinPE installation. It uses Tools\CATTrim.ini as a list of critical files and lookup what *.cat files hold their signature. It support online or offline installations.
  21. Nothing was changed with VHD creation, maybe your system has a problem with VDS service. I will add differencing VHD creation option to next version. Don't run it from something else that a NTFS formatted drive, that not fully supported.
  22. Yeah, i could never find the motivation, to support customized Windows XP installations. And now with dropped WinXP support, I don't think this will change.
  23. WinNTSetup 5.2.5 - updated ADK tools to version 22621.1 - disables DumpStack.log.tmp file creation - disables network requirement for Windopws 11 (disconnected devices only) - Logs are saved in \Windows\Log\WinNTSetup\%Date%_%Time% - added NVRAM log - added NVRAM tool: WinNTSetup_x64 NVRAM - added CatRoot trimm tool: WinNTSetup_x64 CATTrim
  24. Yes, but keep in mind for this tweak to work, you still have to be disconnected from network.
  25. I thought that it might be a problem with ini file API's, but I guess not. Try this test version with debugview running.
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