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Everything posted by JFX

  1. You use an old version, these 4 tweaks were changed with version the DisableSR doesn't not completely disable system restore, but at least it set the reserved space to 0%, what should have the same effect.
  2. tweaks.au3 IF you want RunOnceEx method similar to http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/31/ then try following: After Winntsetup finished create a folder on the installtion drive called install Add your software to that folder. create a cmd file inside this folder, like the following and run it. @echo off Reg Load HKLM\OFFLINE_SOFTWARE %~d0\Windows\system32\config\software SET KEY=HKLM\OFFLINE_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /F /D "Installing Applications" REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /F /D "Java Runtime 6" REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\jre-6u24-windows-i586-s.exe /s /qb /norestart" REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /F /D ".NetFX 4.0" REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /norestart /passive" REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /F /D "AutoIt v3" REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\Autoit3\autoit-v3-setup.exe /s" REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 2 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\Autoit3\SciTE4AutoIt3.exe /s" reg unload HKLM\OFFLINE_SOFTWARE
  3. The setup of windows vista and later does not use a cmdlines.txt during installation. So for windows 7 winntsetup loads the registry hives of the prepared windows installation and writes the tweaks directly. I don't know if there is an alternative to cmdlines.txt in windows vista or later
  4. Oh, thanks. I had forgot that Server 2008 R2 support NativeVHDBoot too . Uploaded version
  5. Update: Version fixed Tweaks for command promt and system restore (Thanks wimb) fixed msvcrt error when running WinNTSetup2_x64.exe under Win 2003/XP x64 (Thanks Lancelot) removed Tweak to disable language bar (was not working in some cases) added Tweak to remove Security warning for newly downloaded files add VHD button for Windows 7 users
  6. Hi maanu, nice to see my old friend here again You welcome too, AyeHtay. @wimb Thanks, System Restore tweak will be fixed in next version. Command prompt and TakeOwn tweaks are currently on the hidden extended menu, (holding shift while right clicking). I will change it for Command prompt as suggested.
  7. Update: Version added more GUI tooltips fixed FolderBrowse not working in default WinPE 3.x fixed possible duplicates in boot menu fixed drive letter assignment cause error message on empty cardreader drives avoid possible installation on same drive as currently running Windows avoid possible installation of WinPE avoid NativeVHDBoot of not supported Windows Editions added VHDHelper (diskpart wrapper) to create, attach and detach VHD's (reserved for Windows 7 users only ) new commandline options -DisableVHDChecks, -VHDHelper (Hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + V) know issue: - Under WinPE 3.x diskpart may fail to detach a vdisk (blame Microsoft, not me.)
  8. a black screen (after bios) would mean that MBR and /or the PBR was not updated. Make sure you choose an active primary partition and choose to update the boot configuration (default on "Ready?" GUI) In case you have multiple disks in your PC, make also sure you choose the boot partition on disk 0.
  9. @lama I don't participate anymore on the boot-land forum, so sorry for not informing your guys there. @wimb Thank you very much for feedback.
  10. default winpe does not have necessary files for jpg's so will need to use bmp's. wallpaper.exe "full path to wallpaper.bmp" wallpaper.zip
  11. welcome first a comma separate the command and the parameter. ShellExecuteWait("mseinstall.exe", "/s /runwgacheck")
  12. Well, you right, not the most correct forum section hmm, yeah i could add tool tip/balloons for every check box Thanks for reminding about the ini file Added to first Post More command line options could be added, if requested.
  13. WinNTSetup - a simple but powerful universal Windows Installer Features: Install (unattend) Windows 2k/XP/20??/Vista/7/8.x/10/11 x86/x64/arm64 Practically runs even on the most minimalistic WinPE selectable drive letter for the new Windows installation Fully automated with save/load setting in ini file and various command line options Install Windows also if nlite/vlite has remove winnt32.exe/setup.exe Integrate Drivers: normal PNP and Textmode Drivers Patch uxtheme to allow unsigned Themes Some common registry tweaks and *.reg file import DISM APPX removal, feature enable/disable Simple VHD creation and Installation Support "Windows to Go" for Windows 7 and later installs Supports WimBoot and CompactOS option for Windows 7 and later Supports all current WIM files: WIM/SWM/ESD and ISO files WinCapture - capture a Windows installation to WIM or ESD file MinWin - simple trimming WIM in memory before apply WinCopy - copy an existing Windows installation to another partition Offline Hotfix uninstall Offline password reset Not Supported: - No Windows embedded version (this includes WinFLP) - No upgrades of existing installations About driver installation: Every driver added in NT6.x windows will be added to the driver store. So it's not recommended to add countless driver, but rather more really required ones. NT5.x massstorage driver integration is possible thanks to Mr dUSHA powerful MSSTMake.exe tool To the Unattend option: It's possible to use an unattend.xml to run the Setup unattended. But as the actual WinPE Setup Phase isn't effective in that way of install, all Winpe related settings inside the unattend.xml won't be applied. Ini config file It's possible to save all GUI-settings to a ini file: push Ctrl + S to save all settings to an ini. push Ctrl + L to load all settings from an ini. A WinNTSetup.ini file in the same dir as the app itself will be loaded automatically at startup. It also can be selected via command line: WinNTSetup.exe /cfg:"C:\mysettings.ini" If you want to modify ini settings yourself, click-click has made a nice PDF for it. For advanced users there are also hidden settings described in the included WinNTSetup.ini.txt Command line: - Press F1 to get list of all options To install Windows in a VHD file: - requires Windows 7 as OS and Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise or Server 2008 R2 as Source - create a partitioned VHD and assign a drive letter (push Ctrl + Shift + V to use build in diskpart wrapper for this) - select the VHD drive as installation drive (make sure you boot drive ist a active primary partition on a physical disk) If you get an Antivirus warning from your AV software, please report it to them as a false positive and let them check it. Current Version: 5.4.1 Download: Mega - MediaFire
  14. Well that bootmgr BCD changer ONLY support original bootmgr files. CRC of bootmgr from Windows 7 SP0 is: EE471B58, if your's if different from this, it's not original or not a RTM version. SP1, hmm it's not released and therefore not supported. As joakim said just search the string in the modify wimpatched one and adjust it to your like.
  15. How do you tried merging them? I mean exact command line and ImageX version you used. Do you have deleted the ei.cfg and the all *.clg files in the sources folder of your new install DVD?
  16. @Kullenen & Lancelot Thanks for the welcome @Kullenen You give great information, very nice
  17. Only Packages and Feature names have to be use in the right case with Dism. Or has anyone really discovered further issues with case senistivity?
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