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Everything posted by JFX

  1. The one in system32 folder is to old for users of Windows 7 or 8, so a newer version needs to be downloaded. Current ADK does not support Windows 7 therefore the files will be patched.
  2. There is nothing I can do about. Looks like MS did only update the ReFS driver, but forgot to update the boot loader.
  3. Good, next check if the service (WLANSVC) is running. and check wlan interfaces. netsh wlan show interfaces Maybe reapply reg file for classic taskbar flyout: MinWin\Default\Reg\SysTray_Network_Flyout.reg @wuliyen There will be only a few bug fix releases, but I don't plan to add any new features. WinNTSetup development is more or less frozen, but not yet discontinued.
  4. @wuliyen Oh, right I was thinking about WinSxS folder, but you showed WindowsApps. It does work here and keeps all 5 folders. Maybe it's Windows setup that removes them depending on the "scale factor" of the newly installed Windows. @dimo70 You need to use GPT format for UEFI boot only and select the FAT32 ESP partition as boot drive.
  5. @Antonino Blindly add files may not be the best way. First make sure you can install the driver and it show's correctly in device manager. @wuliyen That's a feature, read from here.
  6. @Atari800XL I don't get any error message from Setup, if WinRe.wim is deleted. (at least not from 22631.2861.231204-0538.23H2_NI_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTBUSINESS_VOL_x64FRE esd files) BTW: if I also delete the ReAgent.xml there is no error in the log file, only warning. @Antonino Lines beginning with ; or # are ignored and reserved for comments. You can also rename all the *.txt files inside Remove folder to *.ini. This should give comments a different color depending on the Editor you use.
  7. Could it be you booted into this new windows and forgot to select "show hidden files" in folder options?
  8. No, problem with Win11 23H2 v2 ISO. Also I don't no what to do about. If files are applied correctly and Windows Setup is deleting them, than it's not a bug of WinNTSetup.
  9. Seems we lost some posts here. Reattach last WimHost fix. WIMHost_1.0.0.7.zip
  10. Not, possible with the WinSxS.ini. These folder are always deleted: \Windows\servicing\LCU \Windows\WinSxS\Temp\InFlight \Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingRenames \Windows\WinSxS\Backup \Windows\WinSxS\FileMaps They should be only needed by Windows Update. I'll rethink the last 4, maybe add an option for this.
  11. Yeah, installing optional components isn't supported with default minwin profile. Replace Tools\x64\WIMHost.exe If you add a ! at line begin it should keep all version.
  12. The filter \Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft.activedirectory.management_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.* matches for both: \Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft.activedirectory.management_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1_none_095c3cc5ce4cc481.manifest \Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft.activedirectory.management_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1490_none_6621891b47f3382c.manifest Every wildcard filter will only keep the newest component (17763.1490), all older we be removed. Whats are you trying to accomplish with all these files?
  13. Hmm, WimBoot wasn't supported by Server version, so I skipped the the apply modes. But it seems that Compact mode works. I'll check more Server version and remove this restriction in next version. Good, question with Win10/11 this is no longer a problem. You can try with bootice, it can partition the flash drive with multiple partitions. It allows you to assign a drive letter to only 1 partition at the time. Not sure how WinNTSetup's drive letter assignment will behave in this case Will have to check this out ...
  14. Yeah, this is a problem with obsolet version removal. This filter \Windows\WinSxS\%ARCH%_microsoft-windows-d..erservice.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.*_%LANG%_* matches both, so only one remains. For now you could solve it with 2 filters: \Windows\WinSxS\%ARCH%_microsoft-windows-d..erservice.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.*_%LANG%_3a6bba1e80fb955e* \Windows\WinSxS\%ARCH%_microsoft-windows-d..erservice.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.*_%LANG%_7226aa566821f809*
  15. You should format the boot partition with FAT32, not the entire disk. create a small let's say 500 MB FAT32 partition for the boot files and use the remaining space as you want
  16. If you use NTFS, there properly no option unless this UEFI supports NTFS.
  17. The "ALL" is just passed to bcdboot.exe, which than creates BIOS and UEFI boot files. If it does not boot in UEFI mode, than either the boot partition is ignored (maybe it's NTFS) or the UEFI is a bit picky and does not look for the EFI boot loader on a MBR disk. If the UEFI allows it, try to start the loader manually: \EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi @dimo70 Yes just use WinNTSetup to apply the backuped WIM, it will change drive letter assignment and create a new boot entry.
  18. @dimo70 Don't merge the old x86 version into the same folder with newer x64 one. They have different folder layout, so there will be problems.
  19. Yes, with your BCD it actually should show the new menu. Reproduced! Seems there is a difference with bootems that also effects menu style. bcdedit -set {emssettings} bootems No
  20. You still have 3 lines: "bootmenupolicy Standard" that you should change to: "bootmenupolicy Legacy" If you don't want to do it with bootice than use bcdedit bcdedit -set {current} bootmenupolicy Legacy bcdedit -set {b2c1b3c3-8029-11ee-a83b-c85b76503892} bootmenupolicy Legacy bcdedit -set {5070e151-81b7-11ee-a844-c85b76503892} bootmenupolicy Legacy @sharicov@gmail.com There is MinWin if you left click on "Mode" label. That let's you create a minimal windows. The other 2 features make no sense. First OS than create boot files. If you already have some VHD's mount them and use BCDBoot.exe to create boot files. Or use WinNTSetup and leave the source combo box empty while selecting boot partition and the mounted VHD.
  21. Usually the default selection is the one were bootmenupolicy is relevant. Post the BCD here: bcdedit > BCD.txt
  22. You make the whole thing complicated. What do you mean with volume BCD. You should have one on your physical disk's boot partition and another one inside the VHD. If you physical boot the VHD, than one of your physical disk is used. if you attach the VHD to a virtual machine, than the BCD inside is used.
  23. Use Professional mode, than right click create and add new element if it does not already exists.
  24. You can use bootice to set BootMenuPolicy to legacy for every boot option. But make sure you also disable fastboot for every system, cause this is there reason for these additional reboots (making a clean shutdown).
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