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AstroSkipper last won the day on April 18

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  1. To block most elements or objects whatever they are, you surely need more filter lists in the last legacy versions of uBlock Origin than in the webextension. A lot of filters are consindered invalid by the legacy extension due to the old filter engine which lags almost 6 years behind the webextension in terms of development. Open the logger and perform an update of your filter lists in the legacy version! Then you will see what I am talking about. In any case, I get a lot of notifications about invalid filters when checking the logger. But one thing I can say without any further proofs. You are using too few filter lists to block as much as possible with the legacy extension.
  2. Just what I say. I use much more filter lists than you. Two of them you have enabled are not used in my installation. When I am back at my desktop computer, I will provide a screenshot of my current configuration for better comparison. What I definitely know at this moment is that in my uBlock Origin Legacy installation of New Moon 28, I have enabled 21 filter lists plus my self-created filters under the tab "My filters".
  3. BTW, I do not watch YouTube videos in browsers under Windows XP. YouTube has become bloated and cumbersome for many years. Under Windows XP and older, weaker machines, there are different ways to watch them more unbloated and less resource-consuming. @NotHereToPlayGames One way is to use the extension uTube from RealityRipple Software for UXP browsers. Doing so, you won't see any ads, even not these annoyances at the end of the Adblocker Test Video. All you have to do is to edit the install.rdf to make it compatible with New Moon 28 or Serpent 52.
  4. Maybe on Pale Moon, but in any case not on New Moon 28 when using @UCyborg's uBlock Origin 1.16.6b1 or uBlock Origin Legacy
  5. The whole test video does not show any ads. In the last 10 seconds before it is ending, it shows a notification for an optional subscription and a preview image of the next video which would start automatically if autoplay is on. Sorry, I don't consider this to be advertising. And I don't believe that this can be fully blocked by an ad blocker. This is just an assumption, of course. I said: "And I don't believe that this can be fully blocked by an ad blocker. This is just an assumption, of course." This was really just an assumption, and I was wrong. Both elements can be fully blocked by uBlock Origin Legacy. Here is the code: www.youtube.com##.ytp-ce-covering-overlay ||yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AIdro_mXEGaCazliYd6jLRL48P-rscos9Syk1sXeF7FWI7XB_5w=s400-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj$image ||i.ytimg.com/vi/1OE6AtIUGk4/maxresdefault.jpg$image www.youtube.com##.ytp-ce-element-show.ytp-ce-size-1920.ytp-ce-top-right-quad.ytp-ce-large-round.ytp-ce-video.ytp-ce-element But to be honest, it is of course not worth the efforts. These two elements do not bother me at all. Cheers, AstroSkipper
  6. The whole test video does not show any ads. In the last 10 seconds before it is ending, it shows a notification for an optional subscription and a preview image of the next video which would start automatically if autoplay is on. Sorry, I don't consider this to be advertising. And I don't believe that this can be fully blocked by an ad blocker. This is just an assumption, of course.
  7. Can you please provide a screenshot with all filter lists you have enabled on the tab "Filter lists"? This would be easier to compare with the ones I have enabled.
  8. I see, but did you click anywhere in the site once in a while? That's when the ads' reports come or when ads from aliexpress are opened. Btw, the site igg-games.com suffers from the same situation. I clicked everywhere on this site www.ovagames.com and its sub-sites. No pop-ups. No ads. Nothing.
  9. Fixed in the next version, I shall to publish it upon a week most likely Great to hear such news! I'm really looking forward to the upcoming release.
  10. In contrast to UXP browsers such as New Moon 28, all current Chrome browsers are extremely limited and restricted. Webextensions don't have the permissions that legacy extensions have. This is one of the main reasons why I avoid Chrome browsers when I can. Nevertheless, provide a link to the YouTube video where ads are still shown despite blocking by uBO!
  11. If you compare the behaviour of the legacy extension with the webextension, you should only use the same filter lists in both. And you also have to look at which filter lists you combine with each other in order to achieve an optimum result. But one thing is clear. The legacy extension lags almost 6 years behind the webextension in terms of development. This means that the latter uses a much more advanced filter engine than the legacy version. I have opened the website www.ovagames.com again by New Moon 28 with a fully configured uBlock Origin Legacy No problems here. No additional pop-ups or any other ads. Surfing there is easy and smooth.
  12. In my New Moon 28 profile, I have enabled 21 filter lists plus my self-created filters under the tab "My filters". I can't notice any serious impact caused by New Moon 28 (at the moment, 318 MB RAM usage by palemoon.exe).
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