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Everything posted by loblo

  1. Well it worked instantly for me too but as far as I can recall (as this was a while ago) there were problems in the dir were the undeletable file was after reboot which I had to fix with scandisk so make sure everything is OK after rebooting if you haven't done so yet. Glad it worked anyway.
  2. Nope, It's all in the sys/bmp file. The animation consists in cycling a segment of the color palette if I am not mistaken.
  3. Apparently Drugwash's tool, MSPatchGUI which he mentioned above, can do it. And there is Hotfix Hacker too: http://raxsoft.tk/raxccm/software_app.php?progid=4
  4. I don't think mixing XP IE6 files is too good an idea if it works at all. I would simply unregister/delete vgx.dll if I was concerned by this as it's pretty much obsolete anyway and a more certain way to avoid any issue IMO as it looks like this is yet an other half baked fix by Microsoft where the affected file isn't fixed itself but only the known exploit vector. Since vgx.dll is an activeX file, chances are this vuln can be exploited through scripting also.
  5. I think I managed to delete similar problem "files" using NDN in the past. http://ndn.muxe.com/ From what I recall it resulted in a damaged containing directory and/or loss of other files in the containing dir after reboot so backup your data before you try this. And perhaps you can fix the problem with Norton Disk Doctor insted of scandisk if you've got that tool.
  6. Presumably you can use expand.exe to decompress this file.
  7. vgx.dll is generally located in ./program files/common files/microsoft shared/vgx.
  8. Yep, that's the one, not what you expected I guess...
  9. You can view and convert to pdf/html MS Office documents up to 2013 (which is currently the latest if i am not mistaken) with Oracle Outside In products (requires KernelEx). http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/embedded/025613.htm http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/content-management/downloads/oit-dl-otn-097435.html
  10. Not a cursor set but CARR32.ANI is a cool default pointer replacement.
  11. Best you can have is Opera 12.02 with latest Flash. Requirements: KernelEx and Kstub822 with an entry for the GdiAlphaBlend function in addition for Flash.
  12. Mmmh, I was under the strong impression that it had been established that scandisk/defrag choked on partitions bigger than 120GB but I am probably wrong then.
  13. The last line will tell you at which point the boot process stopped. If you compare it with bootlog.prv you can see if if any changes you made allowed the boot process to carry on further or not.
  14. No, but as disk maintenance tools don't work correctly above 120GB it's preferable to limit partitions to that size. And anyway if we are speaking about a drive connected to a SATA controller, all the LBA48 talk is irrelevant to the issue.
  15. Anybody care to report success or failure?
  16. Latest official LavFilters 0.61.2 build running fine. Had erroneously stated no functional build above the quoted one because of a now resolved crash in kexbases.dll that was due to a bad entry I had in my Kxstub822.ini.
  17. http://www.virtualaudiostream.com/ + http://bedroomproducersblog.com/2011/05/11/bpb-freeware-studio-best-free-graphic-equalizer-vst-plugins/
  18. Many people round here tend to have quite powerful hardware by 98/ME standards and with that you can play any 720p video (including HEVC) on the CPU without lag/dropouts. At 1080p I can play h264/AVC in MP4 container at around 90-95% CPU still without lag but the same video in an mkv container is just a bit too much generally. Smooth 1080p HEVC playback is out of reach for the moment and most likely will remain so even with the likely speed improvements in decoding libraries in the next few years.
  19. A Flash vid is an audio/video stream in an flv container streamed through RTMP. It's been little while since standalone players based on ffmpeg/mplayer such as XBMC, VLC, etc... are fully capable of that. I am surprised that someone who's as much in the latest cutting edge computing tech stuff as you are completely ignores that... The Flash player browser plugin, which I've just updated it to the newly released version 13, runs fine. How long is it going to be before this version isn't supported on YouTube anymore do you think? I would think five years at least but by then I will most certainly be using a more recent version... Not that it's important and that I watch much stuff on Youtube anyway. As for Netflix, while some people may consider this to be an essential function of their computers, other people couldn't care less about that. I hope you can understand that. And since you seemed mostly focused on pay as you go VOD and Flash games, (as per all your alarmist posts) perhaps you should abandon that archaic PC technology altogether and embrace the brave new consumerist world of tablet computing, iPad and the like, don't you think???
  20. Flash vids OK apart from HD ones because Flash is so abysmally slow at decoding but I can use a streaming Media Player that doesn't use Flash such as QMPlay2 for those ones. Java 7 can run in Opera 10 with some hacks, not in 11 or 12 however. Silverlight, no but that's most probably only because nobody's made the effort to sort out installing WPF on 9x. Not much point to it IMO. Because I can, it's still a viable option (thanks to KernelEx and related projects) for everything if you're not into the latest commercial stuff. No activation, whatever I do with my machine I never have to phone Microsoft to reauthorize the use of my OS. When/if I build myself a new rig on which it's not possible to run 9x, I will go Linux because I will never ever use something that require online activation and stop working whenever you upgrade a bit of hardware or two.
  21. It's alright, no problems. Opera 12.02 and latest Flash if you have KernelEx + KexStubs installed.
  22. Well, those are 2 different issues altogether and I have solved the second one. It was down to having added an entry and definition for the InitializeCriticalSectionEx kernel32 function in Kstub822.ini which I have now removed and all is fine. This breaked most apps compiled with VS2013. FFmpeg issue is not down to KexStub as it still occurs without it running. Suspecting am inadequate KernelEx def I shall investigate more. Perhaps I'll figure it out too.
  23. And perhaps you could provide a link to the discussion where this originated as there is very useful information there, including especially an alternate method discovered by jumper which will certainly work for the files whose functionality eventually breaks after UPX compression. Later edit (by dencorso... notice, please, that the jump-back links to the right of the quote-boxes below do work as intended and jump to the thread they came from!): Interesting, I have set the .text section of all the VLC 2.1.3 files to be writable and it works as good as UPXing apparently. It's very easy to do with NW PE Builder in case anyone's interested in using this method, no batch processing possible unlike with the UPX method however. The files that don't have a problem don't have a writable .text section so it's still very mysterious to me what is going on but it sure is nice to have an alternate solution.
  24. Just to clarify, both KernelEx (and sometimes KexStubs too) and UPXing are mandatory for any of those programs to run.
  25. Current stable binary release of 7-Zip which is 9.20 runs perfectly fine under vanilla 98/ME systems. It's been mentioned and confirmed 3 or 4 times already.
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