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Everything posted by zprog

  1. Because under the GPL, they can modify Linux and sell it. I didn't say they have to. I meant that they could.
  2. Why does one even need that stupid folder? Its not even adertising.
  3. I don't know, it just seems like a pretty logical step in the whole scheme of unification. One company does something, the other [competing] company responds.
  4. Anybody know about anything free for #13?
  5. Sorry abou the off-topicness, but what would be the average good temperature for a laptop?
  6. Let me spam the board a bit. Post your system specs here, and maybe an image of your system. I cannot post mine, as my digital camera doesn't exist My specs: Device: Laptop - Dell Inspiron 9100 OS: Windows XP Home, moving to Fedora Linux. Processor: Intel® Pentium 4 3.20 GHz RAM: 512 MB DDR Hard drive: 40 GB 7200 Free space: 22.7 GB Video: ATI® 64MB Screen: WSXGA+ at 1680x1050 Peripherals: CD-RW drive, Floppy drive, optical mouse
  7. Many LCDs will change resolution, but with the price that everything becomes kind of blurry.
  8. Yes, they kind of need to back off, at least on the prices of their software. $300 for Office 2003 Pro? It better be $300 better than Office XP Pro, which should definitely be $300 better than Office 2000 Pro, which I know already is $300 better than Office 97. If you go by this, then Office 2003 Pro is $900!!! I don't think that I like that. I won't even go to actual Windows OS costs.
  9. In that case, would it not make quite a lot of sense for Microsoft to at least sell a Windows-like GUI for Linux (like Gnome and KDE)? They do own copyrights to the components of Windows. Just a thought. EDIT: they could still keep it closed-source, and be able to sell it with distributions that already cost money, like RedHat or SuSE. Microsoft could sell these Linux companies rights to ditribute their GUI in their distribution for a couple of million dollars, while the companies would raise (or lower ) prices accordingly.
  10. I was never able to install that. May I also suggest Linux RedHat or Fedora?
  11. We all know that our favorite company likes to not keep the source code available to its consumers. I understand that we all want to have a little money here and there. Apple has used a Unix core for its new MacOS X operating system and as far as I know, Apple has never been this popular. Undoubtedly, MacOS X is the the best OS that Apple has made (and to tell you the truth, if the rest of the world didn't use .exe files, then I would certainly have invested in an Apple PowerBook, instead of my Dell Inspiron 9100). Might I also add that Mac OS X has a very cool GUI. Linux is secure and free, and certainly doesn't have the \r\n problem, but as compared to Windows, it is quite difficult to learn about. Nevertheless, Linux/Unix is constantly taking over (if not already took over) more and more servers because of its portablity, security, "customizeability", and higher percentage of open-source/freeware programs. My suggestion is, why would Microsoft not use the already stable Unix/Linux core, modify it to meet its needs (it is open-source), in response to Apple's MacOS X (much like it is boosting Hotmail storage in response to Google's GMail), and develop an operating system with all the benefits of Unix/Linux, and at the same time - the ease of use of Windows. EDIT: and might I suggest that they use a derivative of my avatar for the logo of their new OS?
  12. May I suggest http://www.illusionfxnet.com ?
  13. Thank you. I've always wanted to do that.
  14. I like that function too. You guys should put it back.
  15. That is usually the deal with most programs. Did you ever try "man woman" on a Linux box. That is the coolest thing.
  16. Sorry, man, nothing beats Google. I think that I will stick with GMail for now. By the way, have you ever had two keyboards set up on your computer and have your left hand on the "ASDF" side of one and your right hand on the "JKL;" side of another? This way of typing is really cool.
  17. Hah! I forgot all about GIMP. That is a wonderful editor!
  18. Your choices are a bit narrow, eh? Washington DC is my place (or rather somewhere around there).
  19. Hey, Dell's are cool. Certainly, building your own PC is wonderful, but you can customize your PC online at Dell.com
  20. Photoshop is cool, but I'm kind of used to Macromedia Fireworks. It is especially good for Web developers, and seems to not be as difficult as Photoshop (to me). Of course, I have Photoshop 6, so I am kind of out of the loop. Microsoft Paint is also pretty good; I use it to edit bitmaps pixel-by-pixel. It seems to be the best at these kinds of things (it doesn't take a half hour to load, and because of its extreme "light-weightedness", changing tools is not slow).
  21. Thank you very much. That made sense.
  22. If you are going to be so offensive, then neither is "Tokugawapants". I was just saying what I know. I am not criticizing either system, smarty pants.
  23. I don't think that the issue of elimination of real spam has been pushed yet.
  24. When you go to the DOS prompt, I used to use "command" until I figured out that there was a "cmd". Of course, even on an HT processor, "command" was painfully slow. My question is, what exactly is the difference between "command' and "cmd"?
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