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Everything posted by zprog

  1. I have WinXP Pro with SP2 and ever since I upgraded to SP2, none of my USB devices seem to work. The drivers are all installed, but they just don't work. The most important is the USB mouse. It should detect the new USB mouse anyway, right? I was wondering if anyone else has that problem or if anyone could help.
  2. I was wondering if a tool similar to Win98's winipcfg exists on WinXP. I know you can use ipconfig, but I was wondering if a GUI-based app like this exists.
  3. Sorry about that. Didn't get a chance to read all the topics. Should have done that first. I sure miss that "Professional" line, though.
  4. I have WinXP Pro, and I just updated to XP SP2. Now whenever I boot my computer, the splash screen that before stated "Windows XP Professional" now only says "Windows XP". I was wondering if that was what happened to anybody else after installing XP SP2.
  5. Well, if you want to move it, go ahead, but I figured Software - a Java IDE is software. I didn't want to interrupt the conversations of the dev guys.
  6. Well, there's gotta be an open source prog. I mean, look at PearPC! It's free.
  7. How about any freeware Virtual machines that allow running Linux on a Windows box? Any of those around?
  8. I was wondering what kind of Java IDE's you Java developers are using. I know the market pretty well, but I was just wondering if I could get some recommendations from actual people, not the promotional companies. P.S. if you are going to suggest NotePad, don't. I know it is wonderful and I use it quite often. I mean real IDE's developed specifically for Java.
  9. Oh, I am sure if there were, they were completely random. I am 100% sure that Microsoft would not put anything into its SP2 that hinders the inner workings of its beautiful attempt at globalization - .Net framework.
  10. zprog


    More sites should do that.
  11. Not really: Is there a "full freeware" ISO archiver/dearchiver? I mean real freeware. Not "read-the-fine-print/freeware-is-just-a-word-we-use-to-fool-you-because-it-is-really-either-adware-or-shareware freeware"
  12. By the way, is WinRAR not shareware? I hate shareware! I am not willing to pay money for any software like this if I can help it. Anyway, can anybody recommend me a freeware ISO archiver? No, I don't want to use WinRAR if anybody suggests it.
  13. People, I know you can use other tools, and I DO use them. I want to know if this can be done in WinXP's Extraction Wizard.
  14. Not really a joke, but all you need to do is go to http://www.applelegal.com using Internet Explorer and be presented with this pretty message. I think it is pretty enough to be my next background!
  15. Has anybody been able to set that annoying check box that says "Show Extracted Files" in Win XP's Extraction Wizard to unchecked by default? It get's pretty annoying at times. I'd figure it's in the registry somewhere. I found a "solution" here, but I don't want to pay for it. Thanks in advance
  16. Hm, when I first looked at the topic title, I thought it would be about inductors.
  17. Are you looking to use a dynamic signature with a .php extension that has a harmless extension like .jpg and still be interpreted by the server as a php GD file?
  18. It sure doesn't look like it. Anyway, I wasn't sure which to put, by I am Russian. That would be my mother-tongue, but I also speak a little and understand a lot of German, Ukrainian, and Spanish. I do also utilize English on a day-to-day basis.
  19. And not so awesome photography skillz.
  20. I hate all these spyware programs. I just got DSL and as soon as I rebooted my computer, I already had a search200 "search" bar on my IE, and it kept changinig the homepage to something like wegtsdfvs.com every 30 seconds. A lot of times, you need to go to the site that you know caused the problem, read through their privacy statement, and they will have a link to a software program that uninstalls the malicious adware.
  21. Hey, here is a guy that apperciates math. You don't see too many of those around. To counter his post, if you are considering a career in Math, do not make the switch to English. I highly don't recommend the switch.
  22. I've been thinking lately of buying Macromedia Studio MX 2004. I have had some previous experience with Macromedia products, and found them really easy to use. I have also had some experience with Photoshop 6. Now I was wondering if any of you who had some experiece with both Macromedia Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop could elaborate on your preference. I know that Fireworks allows importing Photoshop documents. I don't know about Photoshop. Thank you in advance.
  23. Holy cow! Nothing special? That looks like a server.
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