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Everything posted by SiMoNsAyS

  1. you should not post modified aka hacked windows files you better create some kind of installer, a reshacker (.rc) script or simply pack them. effort will be appreciated
  2. that's a good guarantee for viewsonic monitors tom's hardware also recommends the VP191b as the best quality/price 19" monitor let me remark again the hyundai l90d+, it's nearly $400. i speak from experience, really good monitor, you can even turn the panel 90º so you can read webpages on a 1024x1280 resolution
  3. will like to know if you describe the process remember: just the HowTo, this doesn't have anything to do with cracking
  4. sony and viewsonic are good brands to look at. i personally own a 19" hyundai l90d+ (400€) and i personally love it
  5. i agree with you. no offense guys, just not my thing.-brian it's ok next month just post about which desktop you like most instead of letting me choose my favorites
  6. i've read about it too: fake
  7. erm... ext3? none of those for me
  8. scamm for sure
  9. yes yes yes hell no! = openoffice all the way! you can do exactly the same you did before on mcrsft office i think the best you can do is just jump over there and see what's cooking
  10. i finally got xgl running, amazing stuff. will post screenshots asap
  11. not much people cares about sounds, thanks
  12. as any other program for debian, install the .deb package (sudo dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb), launch it and configure it 1 thing: cedega is not free, and it will require a "local-upgrade" which is something like the engine it uses. alternatively you can use WineX which is free, you better take a deeper look on http://www.linux-gamers.net/, section 'howtos' nor loki installers. it will take you a time to learn how everything works but believe me, on a couple of days you'll be running windows stuff like if you were... well on windows
  13. about games, far cry runs decently (reference) under cedega, not the same for rise of nations and for ut2k3 there's a native installer. in my experience i've been able to run and play games such as doom3, ut2k4, quake4 without issues (maybe better than on windows). others such as counter-strike, nfs: most wanted and diablo 2 are fully playable but need emulation; actually i'm playing all of those and i'm impressed how smooth these three run even emulated as an advice if you want a gaming system don't look for a linux distro
  14. there's already an open discussion about the same here btw with ubuntu (based on debian) i can do 90% of what you described (note i haven't tested the xbc thing for example )
  15. d*mn! look the screen! the same and ugly xp background...
  16. I couldn't decide myself so here are the 6 proposes... good luck! pS- Desktop abadaba Desktop mr.brownstone Desktop DigeratiPrime Desktop spenxa Desktop Black Desktop
  17. my favorite
  18. lololol nice one
  19. 3 pages and i'm seeing excellent desktops here, happy with it just 1 thing: please link those big images instead of showing them, you can also create a little preview. if you need help on how to do this, please let me know it
  20. no, Simon is not my real name... David, that's me
  21. looks like a nice idea, thanks for sharing btw, you better create thumbnails for those big images
  22. text border look a bit.. choppy? otherway looks pretty nice to me
  23. http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/WinampWithiPod
  24. wonderful desks... everybody! @puner89, really nice setup
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