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Everything posted by SiMoNsAyS

  1. let me quote myself, what i want to know if it can be downloaded from ximian website alone from linux and it's installed online, must be downloaded alone, or must be integrated with suse or redhat
  2. i didn't want to mean months but its appear that it's not going to be released as someone suggested this week.
  3. f***! many months waiting for this week and it appears to be delayed another time! i hope install sp2 until christmas time
  4. a lot, i've voted 6 to 8 but some nights i spent here 10 hours or so. may i feel proud ??
  5. it's difficult convert batch files to KiXtart? does it use the same sintaxis?
  6. first, copy the text inside the code tag Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}] now paste it on a new text document and save it. now find the text and rename its extension from .txt to .reg. now import the registry file and answer yes. finally download tweakui and look for the setting to remove the recycle bin from the desktop, that's all
  7. por que eres compatriota i think it can be done with many programs but i haven't test them with video. fraps can capture 3d but i'm not too sure that you can use it to capture a video overlay. there are other alternatives like hypersnap dx, this works good capturing the desktop but another time i haven't test it with streaming. finally with virtual dub mod you can capture from a tv signal but as the above, i haven't test it with videos. hope it helps
  8. i suggest the same and i personally preffer Ad-Aware too.
  9. what about the interface itself? i've seen beautiful screenshots of ximian running under linux but my only experience it's mandrake 8. what about installation? i've seen on ximian homepage that it's free but i don't know from where i need to download or what i must know
  10. welcome to the forum dude, i agree with you in all of your opinions/posts
  11. i confirm tthis, only a 16 color palette it's shown on photoshop. anything higher than that shows a black screen
  12. @prathapml thanks. i just wonder how it will look D3 on dual displays....
  13. i want to add: someone has tried SuSE + Ximian desktop??
  14. soon it will be released sp2, it will be compatible?? or it doesn't replace system files only resources??
  15. as @Alanoll and @`Felix` said if what i want it's remove the key it has to look like "MsnMsgr"=- not like "MsnMsgr"="-" that will create a key "-" and it won't be removed
  16. thanks both @Alanoll and @`Felix` i'll try to apply the same knowledge to windows startup applications to prevent them from run edited: here are my keys
  17. how can i remove a REG_SZ key with a .reg file?? i'll try to explain myself: the key it's used to not display the extension for .url files and i want to remove it. i know using [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\InternetShortcut] from a reg file causes the hive to be removed but i only want to remove the REG_SZ, someone can help me??
  18. xpsp_sp2_rtm.040730-1822?? sp2 has date 30th of july 2004??
  19. me like it too i had a .bat to call the unattended installation from xp but now i will use this util menu
  20. after google... from herei think WinMorph it's your program. ps: i've found another interesting thing http://members.fortunecity.com/snakeking2/
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