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Everything posted by SiMoNsAyS

  1. what if it's a nforce2 based chipset now seriously, if it's a nforce2 chipset probably it has been released a new version, try installing updated drivers.
  2. @XtremeMaC i hadn't think on that... good idea dude @gamehead200 ok it's only that i wanted to post this on the unattended forum but anyway it's well placed here anyone can confirm if for example dosnet.inf it's overwriten or it's only modified... and what about the aditional size from sp1 to sp2...
  3. i haven't seen the file on CAB format. here it is for unattended purposes (you have to replace it in your \i386 folder) SFCFILES.DL_
  4. it's a simple question now that i'm waiting sp2 on my language... how much grows the installation when you slipstream sp2 on to sp1 (not sp1a)?? other question, i've tweaked many files on the i386 folder for example DOSNET.INF, TXTSETUP.SIF, HIVESYS.INF, UXTHEME.DLL... how many of them are overwritten and how many are still same version?? thanks for replies edit: ooops! sorry now i see it's the wrong forum, any admin, please can you move this to the unattended subforum ??
  5. there is only 1 thing that didn't work in the prathapml tutorial, for step 4 you do not have to use the .msi file. at the command prompt use "Setup.exe /A". that should work
  6. yeah sorry because i didn't get the thing, i knew that a full 6.02 installer was available but i posted only the update not the full mmm... about slipstreaming 6.01+6.02 when you try to install the update and acrobat it's not installed the thing creates a .msi file on adobe directory (the .msi file can not be extracted from the .exe file) don't know if it can help...
  7. i'm searching for the thread with the link to acrobat 6.02 update ... for now why don't you try to read this f***** link it has taken a lot of time to find here it is http://www.filemirrors.com/search.src?type...exe&action=Find YES, THERE IS AN INSTALLER.
  8. YES, THERE IS AN INSTALLER. as mazin said this has been discussed before on the apps switches subforum. i can't redirect you to the link on the adobe site also i have renamed the update file so i don't remember the old file name. the only thing i can tell you it's its size, 4,14 MB (4.342.088 bytes), good luck on your search edit: sorry i forgot 1 thing, switches for acrobat 6 installer and 6.02 update
  9. nice 1, i'll forget my way of installation using cmdlines.txt ePSXe (PSX emulator) needs them too edit: a question, would this mess with nLite shrinkage?? (i have read somewhere in the forum that integrating SATA drivers yes...)
  10. what i used: full installer to SFX with this command line this give me a extra mb or so administrative point... very interesting, i'll try it edit: from 13,1mb to 9,14mb lol
  11. you have to CAB-compress your file. search for a tool on the xpcd called makecab.exe (to make cabs) and expand.exe (to extract them).
  12. why don't you use a better named folders like "003_Video_Ati" and "003_Video_NVidia"?? they both work
  13. why don't you download the full sun java pack from here and for me it works with "SunJava.exe /s" switch
  14. i've got a 9600 pro. i play d3 at 1024x768 in high specs with all FX on and without antialiasing (d3 don't need the last and it takes a lot of video resources). it's totally playable without jumps between frames, running doom3 demo 21 fps.
  15. this is mine, all set to on, because i couldn't find this on the forum
  16. for me it was easy to find on java site. if anyone have problems go to filemirrors to find the current version http://www.filemirrors.com/search.src?type...=Mozilla-search
  17. my girlfriend use to say the same things...
  18. i've got the same fantasy... don't be stupid, not 2 men, my fantasy it's 2 women at once (and not cooking and cleaning... )...
  19. simply use an utility like partition magic, resize your HD and boot from DOS, for example if the new unit it's D:, then install XP on that unit. there are many freeware partition utilities, search in google
  20. Yes master! Adaware-SE.msi Version: 1.03 many thanks dude
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