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Everything posted by FthrJACK

  1. Ill tell you what IS wrong. This man has been carted off and imprissoned seemingly without evidence or trial. is that not in breach of the constitution? He COULD just be damned lucky. He could just be giving such a stupid reply because it is as stupid as being arrested and imprissoned without proof of guilt... Unless someone could prove he has insider information (from 127 companies no less!) then he should be a free man. you dont lock someone up just for being successful, the American dream right...? or you all forgetting that. Very odd story tho heh.
  2. Welcome to MSFN folks
  3. Welcome to MSFN malukitojr
  4. What MSnwar said. why not post this stuff some place apropriate, try the Ogrish website. As for your behaviour, please stop, and now. If your topic has been closed once already, dont then go and reopen a new one with exactly the same content. Showing that kind of image to young adults can, in some countries get you locked up. Besides that, we dont want it on our site, its a technology site. If your angry at the world, shout at the world, not our members.
  5. Is that your boat harley? come on lets see the rest of her
  6. Welcome to MSFN lene, now can you tell me what on EARTH you are wearing on your heads in that picture? And yes most of us are old gits. enjoy your stay
  7. heh happy birthday filer, hope you have a good day, no doubt you will
  8. red hat? so you prefer one commercial product over another Debian pwns
  9. Man i so love this game, another corporation was stealing ore from our mining operations and laughing at us, he thought he was safe from us in high security space. So.. we voted in game using the corporation system and last night i declared war on them, they didnt find it so funny after that. shame we didnt get to fire a single shot tho.. Still, very amusing. Sisqo, Snoop, Landford and chise are all Members of Critical mass, the only two Delphi corporation members in the negotiation chat where Grizzly, and Selka. i think they where a bit worried BP are Blueprints, used to make things like ships, guns, ammo and other things in game. They tend to cost a lot of money for anything good, such as ships.
  10. Seriously cool movie! odd thing is i was listening to Bodies and paused it for your movie.. then the tune kicked back in again and i had to check winamp.. i thought it had unpaused itself! first few seconds i thought.. oh god not more stickmen,... but i was seriously impressed by your movie, very nice, VERY max payne. i remember that very section of the game very well too, so i knew where everyone was. you missed one out.. know which? the woman behind the bar And you HAVE to find out who does that last song on the movie.. sounded cool Found all the easter eggs in payne? lot in there.. that game rocked. i might even install it again for some fun... ****.. i lent it out last week!
  11. CCP, Crowd Control Productions, the makers of eve online. i was only messin with ya. but take a look, i think you will be suprised: http://www.ccpgames.com/ It is a good thing you did tho You never know it might do some help.
  12. **** you stole CCP's logo for that website, shame on you...
  13. **** i was just about to post the same thing! hehe i thought it was great! infact.. i added a smilie to the site hehe ::sars::
  14. Sorry bruv, played that game to death while you where still dribbling and doing green patties in your nappy
  15. it just blows it somewhere else tho...
  16. dont have intake fans at the back of the pc.. lots of dust etc gets round there. exaust! As drew said, generaly you have a fan for fan in the machine. while not essential id recomend it. so if you have a fan blowing out the back have one blowing in from the front. otherwise you end up with whats known ad a negative pressure system, you can end up with "pockets" of dead air where theres no flow. so at some point id add a fan to the font too to balance it out. i run more fans blowing out of the back of my machine than in from the front, but my case has holes all down the sides, to help airflow. (Chieftec Scorpio server case) so i dont have the negative pressure that most cases would have, as they generally have more restricted air flow.
  17. I CANT WAIT!!!! heheh bring it on
  18. 1 member is celebrating his/her birthday today >piaqt (50) PIA YOUR OLD! A very happy birthday m'lady, ill have a few beers on your birthday (any reason to get drunk eh?) have a great day pia, you never know we might all come to your house for that suprise party jeff had planned.... duh ooops!
  19. Belated happy birthday from meh! ill have to get you two drinks then i suppose
  20. Lol doggie you looks like gary lineker! nice to see you at last
  21. that image loads SLoooooooooooooooooooooow whats it hosted on.. your own box?
  22. i saw no reports on that doggie... got a link?
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