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Everything posted by FthrJACK

  1. is it a PROPER office CD, or some CD that came with a ready built pc? if you have something like a packard smell PC then sometimes the whole programs are not kept on the CD, but only the installers. this is how they fit 12 large programs on a CD, as really the programs are on a hidden partition on your hard drive.
  2. im glad im not this squirrel: http://botfly.ifas.ufl.edu/wrbpex/wrbpex.htm
  3. sound on web pages is very tacky. flash sites its sometimes ok, so long as theres a "turn sound off" button. i do hope you are keeping all these designs you keep using though xperties. they are pretty decent for the most part. you know where to donate them when your finished with them
  4. FthrJACK

    Camera pics

    WebcamXP for some reason when you install it for the first time though the image has lots of effects on it and things, turn those off and its fine. i also think that if you go to mycomputer, click on the camera and do "open camer" you can take snapshots there anyway, without using third party programs.
  5. sounds like bott fly. they lay eggs in you which turn into pupae, burrow under your skin and mature. they make a small hole in your skin so they can breathe and look like large boils, thankfully tropical though.
  6. happy birthday slightly over cooked dude
  7. CME will shortly be producing its very own battleships. the biggest most baddass battleships in the game too. and the most expensive item in game to date -> $1,125,000,000 (yes thats 1.125 Billion) for the blueprint so we can make all the battleships we can provide the materials for. its taken us nearly 3 weeks of saving up to buy the **** thing... but it will be worth it
  8. repeat after me: bt suck if bt can make something needlesly expensive they will if bt can break something they will bt suck
  9. http://miamirice.net/video/starwarskidreloaded.wmv heh
  10. http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,3...1473341,00.html what - a - dumbass
  11. Some games i think you should check the movies out for: http://eve.skjalfti.is/trailers/Eve_Trailer_9a.wmv http://www.callofduty.com/
  12. ||--------A GRIP--------|| look, its even got handles to help you.
  13. hes a 100 years old for friks sake. not like it was untimley or anything. Anyway, whats a guy doing in a position like that at his age? seems only politicians and royalty get to work as long as they like, and never seem afflicted with senility or bad memory like the rest of us get. odd huh? Or do you think a 100 yr old guy understood the way life is for anyone under the age of 50 in a modern day world? not to be disrespectful or anything, just i expect most people have no idea who he is, and i just think its like when the Queen mother died and people made it was a shock or something... which it was ----- but only if you where blind and stuck in some timewarp yourself.
  14. internet crime act 3.2 ??? LOL what orifice did he pull that one out of. Anyways, i live right next door to Manchester
  15. Zone alarm is a resource hog, and can block ports even when its TURNED OFF! XP firewall is a pathetic excuse for a proper firewall solution for home use. Blackice doesent block Outbound traffic, so your machine could be infected with a bot or keylogger of some sort and you would never know, same goes for winXP "firewall" KERIO is the best firewall i have ever used, its free for home use and has excellent networking features. http://www.kerio.com Give it a shot, most of the staff at MSFN using software solutions use it, its a great application.
  16. oh god not another one of those nutters! heh, welcome to MSFN PS, please nag Xperties as much as possible. it makes me feel beter.
  17. my god!! her bottom half isnt a tigger at all, but water!
  18. And inviting me to lodge with you for free eh zivian.
  19. erm, bounce around for a bit like tigger, then you will go to sleep no worries
  20. DRINK!!! heh, Welcome to MSFN Linda hope you enjoy your stay here at MSFN. Piaqt's possition of MSFN Diva is being challenged methinks with all these new ladies on the forum.
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