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Everything posted by FthrJACK

  1. good, was going to have to *fong* you for a minute then
  2. ipod?? you have a mac!? ipods are cool, i wouldnt mind one... they only work on a mac though... right?
  3. happy bday gh and what DID you get in the end?
  4. how long before rich business men are paying to shoot these animals while they feed and are chained to the ground? can you imagine the price mammoth, woolly rhino, and saber toothed cat ivory would fetch on the black market too?
  5. RIAA sux almost as much as kazaa does. be funny if everyone on kazaa started calling themselves RIAA_sux@kazaa and stuff heh
  6. FthrJACK

    my eyes!

    keep staring at the center, then after a bit move your head closer to the monitor, and try move it further back too.
  7. desert combat, the lost village map. or EVE Online, ill be flying an Apocalypse battleship, have fun trying to kill me Welcome back Zero
  8. rofl! whats more evil, dima the laser beam fire breathing deamon mammoth, or MSPaint?
  9. hope you get well soon pia btw: did you type ALL that with your nose? im now going to go google "unla" because ive no idea what the hell it is, but sounds painfull. best wishes pia
  10. no, if any of you have ever seen a mammoth, or any other animal for that matter that has been dug out of the perma frost in siberia you will know that they are perfectly preserved. young mammoths are often found and look like they died yesterday. ill try find some piccies... *back! here we go, heres a good example, nicknamed "dima" this baby mammoth was found int he 70's i think: no its definately not a dinosaur is it. Mammoth wool: more info on some of the frozen animals found in the region here: http://land.sfo.ru/eng/main.htm heres another after being preserved, you can still see some fur left on his back legs. if you look and imagine how he would look with his trunk only being as long as the nasal bones in his skull... what animal would it remind you of? a pig? same family of mammals i think, but shows some genetic link regardless.
  11. FthrJACK


    has anyone else seen this movie? im half way through watching it just now and i cant believe the size of the **** rat in it "big ben" its as big as a CAT cool film so far
  12. wow, we need a whole forum just for lame s*** AND games news? ignore me... ive been drinking and im a self confessed arse when drunk. sims is still crap tho
  13. Specimens of the animal discovered last year have arrived at Kinki University's Gifu Science and Technology Centre in western Japan. "The bone marrow, skin and muscle specimens, frozen in nitrogen liquid... look fine. We first have to confirm whether these are really of a mammoth," said the centre's president, Akira Iritani. The DNA may be damaged and not good enough for cloning, as the remains are believed to be 200,000-300,000 years old, he said. The scientists are planning to use elephant eggs in the cloning process. Vektor Research Centre for Virology and Biotechnology of Russia has been working on the project alongside the Japanese scientists. Last year, the Vladivostok News in Russia reported that scientists believed they could resurrect extinct animals - such as the mammoth and the woolly rhinoceros - to create a prehistoric safari park in northern Siberia. The region's limited infrastructure was seen as one of the obstacles to establishing such a sanctuary. Read more at BBC news Vladivostok News "The search area was narrowed down to several hundred square meters of tundra and the aim was to recover samples bearing viable DNA from the Siberian tiger, steppe lions, giant deer, ancient foxes and the ancestors of the Siberian horse, as well as mammoths and woolly rhinos." WOW! i wanna go when its open
  14. new eve trailer: http://eve.skjalfti.is/trailers/eve_e3_2003.avi
  15. we do, it involves a ball that you hit with your foot. hence "football" so tell me again why the NFL girly version of rugby is called football? 95% of the game is spent HOLDING THE BALL IN YOUR HANDS. And whats all that padding about? bunch of pansies
  16. Flash, you are so wrong. more complex a system is, generally the more insecure it is. modern systems do what? -- get more complicated. there are many OLD exploits out there that are still working even today, never mind the new ones. Windows ISS still has lots of exploitable wholes in it. new exploits get found every minute of every day. Finding them out would be considered hacking... using them on a victim is not, thats cracking. websites get defaced every day too, you need to get access to the web server to do that some how... be it confusing the DNS record, actually over writting the files on the web server, telling the webserver to download files from another server (eg a new index.htm file or micro trojan) via code put in say.. a webpage form. etc etc. if new exploits werent found all the time, websites like www.ntbugtraq.com and www.packetnews.com would be very dull indeed, for different reasons in each case
  17. the dragon case looks nice. but then, when i read this i just thought "great, another excuse to cut down trees" ok so im a tree hugger :/ they do look great tho! /me goes off to find some hardwood, a 3 tonne press and a vat of hot water....
  18. Welcome to MSFN jay! ps: singing "so long as we beat the English" around here will get you shot
  19. wow, seds birthday and babis returns all in one thread! wb babis
  20. hey, happy birthday bud lol@chris. your like a married couple
  21. does this cd mention HP on it at all?
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