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Renaming mapped drives
/\/\o\/\/ replied to durex's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
durex, can't find the description either, not in WMI win32_mappeddrive also but I'v found it in the registry, you can change it there after making the mapped drive. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\##[server]#[share] add REG_SZ _LabelFromReg there and add your description as value gr /\/\o\/\/ -
ls, below an example with redirection and parameters(arguments) the output streams are redirected to a string that you can use in your program. gr /\/\o\/\/ PS. for a batch file the trick is to use the FOR command to get the uotput from a vbscript to a variable for /f %%i in ('cscript //nologo bin\GetFysicalNode.vbs %source%') do set Server=%%i --------------------------------------------- Dim objProcess As New Process() ' Start the Command and redirect the output objProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False objProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True objProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True objProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True objProcess.StartInfo.FileName() = "Cluster" objProcess.StartInfo.Arguments() = "/Cluster:" & strMachineName & " res /priv" objProcess.Start() strOutput = objProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() strError = objProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd() objProcess.WaitForExit()
.NET framework
/\/\o\/\/ replied to army20's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
ls, actualy, even the bare framework contains the compiler(s) for VB its VBC.EXE e.g. for a batchfile where you can drop an .VB file onto use the following : C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\vbc /r:System.dll /r:System.DirectoryServices.DLL / %1 /out:"%~dp0%~n1" pause handy if you need a quick .NET script. gr /\/\o\/\/ -
Server 2003: Reports inconsistent drive space
/\/\o\/\/ replied to Halogen-Eyes's topic in Windows 2000/2003/NT4
HE, could it be that there are homedirs or redirected folders on that disk ?, becouse even admins do not have rights to them. the counter will stop when it encounters the first dir that it can't read. gr /\/\o\/\/ -
VB Code to remove WS from Domain
/\/\o\/\/ replied to Popasmurf's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
if the clients are XP you can use WMI the Win32_ComputerSystem Class method : UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup params : string Password, string UserName, uint32 FUnjoinOptions = 0 greetings/\/\o\/\/ -
Longhorn will more likely ship 2007-2008 -> (looking at the new msdn longhorn articles) so there will be 36 + Months, we are now at 2,4 Mainstream, so Moore (remember him 2 x every 18 Months) would say 9,6 Ghz would be mainstream Memory should not be the problem I think (would gladly double my gig now) and think i will already have at least 4 gig by that time. the Graph would be my problem (as a not gamer) avalon will be heavy. and the disksystems-speed and backup may be a problem (not the size). but all by all i think the specs are high but not unrealistic. bc if I go to count wat will take that resources .. winFS (SQL engine for the 1-terra DB) would like his GIG of memory. then Avalon (a 3D engine for normal work) will take his price the video specs looks needed for me to. and for a server serving XML services Indigo ASP.NET and SQL. ......I think more about 16+ gig and 8 X a 8 gig processor but by 2008 64 bit will be also mainstream i think, so memory adressing would not be the problem this time ;-) but than again ... Even Uncle bill got it 9 zero's wrong gr /\/\o\/\/
I hav only Read permisions on the root of C: on my workstation (and 5000 others here at work 2 ), for the same reasons you did mention. and i can work fine. you should be able to remove those rights, without a lot of troubles. gr. /\/\o\/\/
do you need it to be a DC ? otherwise you don't need to do all that if you DO want to upgrade your forrest to w2k3 there are excelent guides at M$ gr /\/\o\/\/
gosh, looks like all members of MSFN know what SSSTTT means LOL but we can discus it freely now M$ has confessed,...,1616626,00.asp gr /\/\o\/\/
program for getting folder sizes
/\/\o\/\/ replied to XtremeMaC's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
hhmm, looks like just starting with the biggest and then work your way down, so fist sort 400 300 200 100 50 50 20 hmm, could be something like this 400 OK -> take of the list put on stack next 300 (400 on stack + 300 = 700 ) 640 - 700 = negative so let it on list next 200 (400 + 200 = Pos) put on stack etc. till 20 then write the CD (400 + 200 + 20) list is now 300 100 50 50 then start again till list is empty next part would be to get a level option (2 dirs deep) if your doing it in or vbscript i'v got the recursive folder size part maybe if i'v got time I will make one. gr /\/\o\/\/ -
GETMAC will get the MAC-adress from the OS so it will even work with some hops between. but you will have to have enough rights to get it (OS level) so it won't work for a "strangers-Box" gr /\/\o\/\/
maybe this is an option ? gr /\/\o\/\/ If strOperator = "greater" AND str1stnumber < str2ndnumber Then wscript.echo "it works greater" ElseIf strOperator = "less" AND str1stnumber > str2ndnumber Then wscript.echo "it works less" ElseIf strOperator = "equal" AND str1stnumber = str2ndnumber Then wscript.echo "it works equal" endif
How to map network shares without login?
/\/\o\/\/ replied to venim's topic in Windows 2000/2003/NT4
You can use SRVANY (resource kit) for running a batch script without a user. but you can not use that to set Drivemappings because this are user settings. so you will have to have a userprofile loaded to set a (usefull) mapping (setting a mapping for the serviceaccount is not wat you want I think) gr /\/\o\/\/ -
you can use DSQUERY / DSGET following command will find any group that starts with ADM* afther that it wil pipeline the found groups to DSGET to get the members dsquery group -name adm* | dsget group -members greetings /\/\o\/\/
how can you make desktop refresh automatically?
/\/\o\/\/ replied to shapeless's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
found it : gr /\/\o\/\/ -
how can you make desktop refresh automatically?
/\/\o\/\/ replied to shapeless's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
you can send a settingschanged broadcast (thru an API) this will refresh the settings, I posted it a while ago in a thread about QuickLaunch on this forum. gr /\/\o\/\/ -
you will need a 3th party Telnetclient, that can be scripted there are some share / freeware available gr /\/\o\/\/
Does someone know how to force the QuickLaunch to load/save his settings ? b.t.w. its the 8th byte that has to be set I wrote a short vbscript in another QuickLaunch tread in this forum in there is the script and the possible settings. problem is how to force the QuickLaunch to load / save his settings I tried to send an settings changed broadcast but that does not work.(see other tread) maybe you can send a shutdown request only to QuickLaunch ? gr /\/\o\/\/ (Edited : Oops the 8th byte not the 5th (corrected), added qoutes from onther tread
Ofcourse ineXPlicable is right about the homework and alanol bout the screaming so i won't give you the batchfile, but if you double the %-signs in the following onliner you can make it a batch-file for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %i in (test.txt) do echo %i > %i.txt or (if you have more lines with an =-sign in it) for /f "tokens=1,2 delims== " %i in (test.txt) do echo %i | findstr "PCNAME" && echo %j > %j.txt gr /\/\o\/\/
another couple Windows XP automatically searches the network for shares and printers upon connecting to the network. This is probably useful in a SOHO or home network but not the enterprise. To disable XP automatic discovery: In Explorer, click Tools Click Folder Options Click the View tab, Uncheck Automatically Search for Network Folders and Printers in Advanced settings list. under xp services disable SSDP Discovery Service also networkneighbourhood seems to slow things down HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoRecentDocsNetHood to 1
this workaround works in some cases : Disable searching for schuduled tasks : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace delete {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} there is also a KB about reading media file properties don't know the KB number. below some other interesting KB articles (none of them realy worked for me) greetings /\/\o\/\/ 319440 Logon Delays Over Slow Links if Oplock Is Not Granted for the Policy File 306981 Level II Oplocks Are Not Granted After a File Is Locked 324002 Searching Files Across a Network May Leave Open Files 296264 Configuring Opportunistic Locking in Windows 812513 File Takes an Unexpectedly Long Time to Open Through Server Message Block Protocol
Backup NTFS to FAT32 DOS
/\/\o\/\/ replied to mentalindustrie's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
@wolfshade, not if you have to do alot of machines, and the issue that you can forget it gets back then. gr /\/\o\/\/ -
Backup NTFS to FAT32 DOS
/\/\o\/\/ replied to mentalindustrie's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
OK, I will try to explain. you can make a CD boot into DOS, so if you boot from the CD you get a DOS session (just like the normal boot disk) instead of starting the setup from there, you want to copy so files from the disk first. that is wat your batchfile is made to do, problem with this senario is that you can't read the disk because the disk is formatted as NTFS. that is why you need NTFS for DOS. when you load NTFS for Dos you can read the disk and copy the files to another location. (I don't know if you can use DVD-RW under DOS, but if you build in network support in your boot-image, you can use the network, or else eg a second partition) now the script can start the rest of the installation. so all actions are before she setup starts, but you can just boot from the CD and all gets running automatic. gr /\/\o\/\/ -
Need Help Error Code 4
/\/\o\/\/ replied to gunsmokingman's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
as for the error : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>net helpmsg 4 The system cannot open the file. gr /\/\o\/\/