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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Start > Run :cmd (enter) Click on the prompt icon in the upper left corner and choose properties. Click the colors tab. Switch to the "Screen Text" option. Choose new color. Click OK. Choose "Save properties for future windows with same title" Click OK. Done.
  2. Ah! I knew I wasn't going crazy! Thanks ljones2
  3. Here's a definition list for all the possible commands witch switches and syntax: Command Line Defs
  4. I'm sorry. I must have been remembering seeing the security options in either NT or Win2K. My bad.
  5. Unless there's a registry hack (I'm sure there is) you need Pro. Home had some neutering done to the ntfs.
  6. If that's the case, then yeah that card should do you just fine.
  7. The FX5200 is right around the performance level of a GF3Ti500 on average. I haven't run a 9200 myself, but I did run a 9000 Pro and it too was right on level with the GF3ti500. I would have to say the FX5200 might be a step up from what you have, but it may only be a slight step.
  8. I found I left out a step in my instructions.. check it again for the update.
  9. the registry key you are looking for I detailed in this post: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=16401# Do not be logged in with the account you want to move.
  10. Or you could load TweakUI and just remove it from there.
  11. WinKey + L = Lock Workstation WinKey + Pause/Break = System Properties WinKey + F1 = System Help WinKey + U = Utility Manager WinKey + R = Run dialog WinKey + F = Find/Search
  12. The dhcp server can reserve an ip from the ip pool. It assigns the MAC address of a certain NIC to a requested IP. MAC addresses are unique to the NIC, and you will never run into two NICs with the same MAC. Just talk/email to your admin at work, and I'm sure they can set it up for you. My router at home, a D-Link DI804V, can do reservation based on Name instead of MAC.
  13. If you have the XP CD, then you can make your own slipstreamed XP CD. Download the network install version of SP1, and follow the instructions on slipstreaming, and there ya go. Here's one guide for slipstreaming: http://www.windows-help.net/WindowsXP/winxp-sp1-bootcd.html
  14. Try establishing group policies that prevent the use of IE.
  15. Win98 has USB support. Win95 OSR1 doesn't have USB support, and Win95 OSR2 has Limited USB 1.1 support with an update patch.
  16. Depending on how computer-literate his clients are, Outlook 2003 can cause headaches because of the new layout of everything.
  17. Yes there is. But you have to own a plextor burner. It's part of the PlexTools called GigaRec. Basically, GigaRec shortens the "spaces" inbetween the pits burned.
  18. You might gain some extra features for filtering and rules, and intergration of MSN messenger with Outlook 2002 (XP). Some of the features are only valuable if you are using Exchange 2000/2003. OfficeXP intoduce smart tags (Which are annoying to me), and some other things which I don't even know how to use (I'm not an avid office user, I only use word, excel, and outlook). Even though you say money is not a concern, I still don't think it's worth it. But that's just my opinon.
  19. I'll give it a shot. just looking for my Photoshop disc, and some of the extra filters.
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