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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Sure. That's the way I do it. My C: is 20GB for the OS and a few programs, and my D: is 130GB for games, pics, movies, etc.. Everything works just like you installed it to C:.
  2. You're asking for a banning if you are asking for a keycode.
  3. The drives emitted ear piercing screetches and stop working (head crash). These were all in workstations running office and IE. Cable select is great if you don't need to have drives identifed in certain order and still keep other devices like cd-roms and zip drives still mounted internally. I just don't see why WD has to use the single setting in the first place when none of the other drive makers do. Although serial ata has solved that problem for me.
  4. While I've had just the opposite than most, every WD drive died on me prematurely, while all my maxtors have out lived thier warranty (The original 3 yr warranty) by 2 or 3 years. PLUS, I hate the fact that WD drives have to have a jumper set for master, slave, or SINGLE. Every other manufacturer works just fine with Master and slave, but with WD you have to set it to single if it the only thing on the cable. Minor annoyance, but when you are swapping drives around a few times a day, it gets **** annoying fast.
  5. Maxtor is my choice over WD. That means the drive has a capacity of 80GB or 80 gigabytes; The internal disks spin at 7,200 rpm or revolutions per minute; The drive has 2MB of onboard Cache. 8MB would be better, and 16MB at the moment, are only on newer laptop drives.
  6. during the install, did you choose unmanaged, or managed?
  7. You do realize, that with RAID-0 you will only be able to use 120GB of that 200GB drive? Well, if you used the whole drive. You'd probably be better trying to describe what your thinking by using a bar graph.
  8. renaming the admin and guest account is just a step to deter hackers in trying to guess the admin password.
  9. So did it work at 133?
  10. Woah.. Sorry. Should have said something earlier but I assumed you knew how the system worked. DDR stands for Double Data Rate. The keyword being DOUBLE. Your 266FSB is set as 133 in your bios. Wow.. setting your bus to 266 really set it to 533. D'oh!
  11. sounds like your fsb might have accidentally dropped from 266 to 200
  12. What do you have running on the host? DNS? DHCP? My setup has always been DNS server ip of the host listed as the first DNS entry in the DHCP scope, with the ISP DNS entries as secondary and tertiary in the scope. Double check your Routing and Remote Access tables.
  13. For the official 120day trial I could only find Advanced Server, even searching through the MS site.
  14. LOL.... Gotta love too many admins...
  15. Your system is old enough that it may not see the drive since it's bigger than the LBA spec. 32GB is the largest your system will probably see. Try for a bios update and if that doesn't work, the only other option would be to get a PCI IDE controller card. [Edit] Nevermind.. you got it working.. good.
  16. I had noticed on a system I just built for a friend, the the this particular mobo had a jumper for the temp sensor. One position for a .18u chips, and the other position for .13u chips. The board was the XFX Mach4 (NF2 Ultra). Maybe your boards temp sensor is calibrated for a different micron chip that you have installed?
  17. Visit Microsofts' OEM builder site for pre-installing OS'es. http://www.microsoft.com/oem/default.mspx
  18. Justice


    Open a command window up, click on the icon in the upper left corner, and choose propeties. Set it up the way you want and when you click OK, it will ask, do you want these settings just for the current command window, or for all command windows from then on.
  19. My File Folder options look like this, but ignore Browse with ACDSee and Open Command Window Here.
  20. Msn can be removed via the control panel add/remove window components.
  21. For me... Powertoys for XP: TweakUI CmdHere Taskswitch AvantBrowser Google Toolbar Office2K3: Word Excel Outlook Alcohol120% Nero 6.x Photoshop CS Acrobat 6.0 Pro Macromedia Dreamweaver MX TopStyle Pro
  22. And [Folder], NOT [File Folder], needs to have explore set as default:
  23. You need to have the following options set: Browse Folder: Same folder window
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