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Everything posted by bphlpt

  1. I hope everyone has a Safe and Happy Holiday Season and a very Prosperous New Year! Cheers and Regards
  2. Thanks xper! And the same to you. Happy Holidays! Cheers and Regards
  3. Welcome to MSFN! Cheers and Regards [ I'm in Easley, SC, between Greenville and Clemson. ]
  4. A way to narrow the list down would be to split the list in half. Try to integrate just the first half. If no errors, repeat the integration on the same initial source with only the second half of the list. Once you have determined which half of the list has the problem continue the experiment in the same way by splitting the "bad" half in half again. It will be very boring time consuming work, but it should allow you to find the problem. Cheers and Regards
  5. So this has worked correctly for you in the past? If so, which legal version was that that worked correctly, exact iso name might help, and which legal version now doesn't work? What install medium are you using? If USB, how, EXACTLY including the tools you used, did you get the install source transferred to USB and make it bootable? Machine specifics of when it worked and those now that it doesn't? Any other details that you can provide, whether you think they are relevant or not might help someone help you. [NOTE: if you are just saying that the problem is with a legal source in order to continue the conversation, then the conversation is likely to end quickly and you risk being banned for breaking the forum rules.] Cheers and Regards
  6. Welcome to MSFN! Cheers and Regards
  7. I didn't know the board was condoning discussion about leaked builds? Cheers and Regards
  8. I've got an 8" floppy drive and other parts of the same era he might be interested in as well. Cheers and Regards
  9. And how was that situation very different from the recent Win Update/Avast interaction that even effected you, while it had no effect on the Win7 users? As to the above Win7 issue, my approach of not applying the monthly updates until at least a week after they are released usually keeps me out of trouble. While those on the front lines can get the glory if things work well, they are also the first to die if things go wrong. Early adopters are often the most at risk for problems. I know you place a very high value on staying "current", but you have also spent a great amount of time massaging your current system to behave almost as well as your old Win7 system behaved. Imagine what you could have accomplished if you had used that time on something "more productive". Seriously, I can see the reason for staying "current", as long as you also maintain older systems and/or VMs for testing purposes, if you are producing software to be sold for use on those current systems. Otherwise, no, I see no value for the user in switching to the latest if what you are currently using meets your needs, whether your current system is Win7, XP or even older. Just my opinion. Cheers and Regards
  10. Do you know for sure, or do you just think, that the Start Menu above is the standard Ms supplied stock Start Menu? Could the Start Menu actually be one supplied by either Classic Shell or StartIsBack? I could be wrong, but I believe that those programs have the ability to create a Start Menu that looks the way that you want it to look. I think that folks tried to tell you this in your previous posts but you didn't seem to listen. [Note: I don't use Win 8, 8.1, or 10, so I'm only going by what I've read. If I'm totally off base then never mind. ] Cheers and Regards
  11. This update has apparently been withdrawn for Win7 users, at least it is no longer offered to me. (I usually wait a few days before applying the monthly updates. ) Cheers and Regards
  12. Which is why it is also a good idea to change the default behavior of double-clicking a .reg file from merge to edit, so .reg files don't get run accidentally. They can still be easily run with "right-click, open with, Registry Editor". A little more inconvenient, but a lot safer. Cheers and Regards
  13. It seems to me you would be better off figuring out how to really and truly fix your Task Scheduler, rather than mess with any work around. You've said that your desktop works correctly, so it looks like you have just gotten the OS on your laptop messed up somehow. If Aero Glass works correctly on the desktop, (which I assume is a "stock" OS install?), then maybe you would be better off if you just reinstall Windows on the laptop and get it back to a "stock" OS install state as well, instead of continuing to try to "fix" it. Aero Glass should install and work correctly and that should fix your other problems as well. Just my opinion. Cheers and Regards
  14. With respect, DP, even if that might get Aero Glass working, he still seems to have a problem with his Task Scheduler that he needs to resolve. Cheers and Regards
  15. When I clicked the above link, I could downloaded the image for my use, which is fine, but if you remove the "?raw=1" from the link, like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x4j6198uzfptqf3/Win2K-FX-8350-Cinebench.bmp then the image should display in your browser without having to download it. You can still download the image if you right click the link and "save link as" if you want. All just a user preference. Cheers and Regards
  16. Make sure the link you use is a "direct link", one that includes the image extension .jpg or .png or whatever, and try again. Cheers and Regards
  17. PM sent with link. Cheers and Regards
  18. Hey, tomasz86, I think I have access to HFSLIP-1.7.10_beta_K versions 2, 4 and 5, if the labeling in my archives is correct I believe the other versions I have are beta J. Let me know if you want me to make them available for you. Cheers and Regards
  19. @jaclaz, I'm surprised at you. The script, should, and did in my extremely simple test, search the drive recursively. Yes, I know that I kept the A and B drive. I did say that I took the OP as a starting point, and changed it just enough to something that I knew had worked for me in the past. The script in the first post, if it did indeed function, worked so slowly on my Win7 x64 system that I also didn't think it was working and canceled it and threw together my script. I'm definitely not saying it should be considered the final product, just a starting point for the OP to complete as he needs it. Isn't that how you like to help the user learn something for themselves? Cheers and Regards
  20. You probably removed something with vLite that is messing up the two functions. Whatever it is, it might or might not be able to be added back in and have things work correctly. Why don't you redo your build without removing anything to make sure things work they are supposed to. If successful, try again with vLite, but remove less stuff. Cheers and Regards
  21. Using your code as a beginning point, here is a START at a solution: @ECHO OFF & SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONSET FindFile=test.cmdSET FoundFile=NopeFOR /F %%a IN ('MOUNTVOL^|FINDSTR [A-Z]:\\') do ( CALL :IsItThere "%%a" %FindFile% FoundFile IF "!FoundFile!" NEQ "Nope" GOTO :FOUND ))ECHO ERROR: "%FindFile%" not found.PAUSEEXIT /b:FOUNDECHO File "%FindFile%" found in "%FoundFile%".ENDLOCALPAUSEEXIT /b :IsItThereSETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONSET Result=NopeIF EXIST "%~dp1%2" ((SET "Result=%~dp1")&GOTO :DONE)FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /B /AD "%~dp1"') DO ( CALL :IsItThere "%%G" %2 Result IF "!Result!" NEQ "Nope" GOTO :DONE):DONEENDLOCAL&(SET %3=%Result%)&EXIT /B 0 It has only been very minimally tested. You will need to ensure that the cases of all valid possible path and file names are accounted for such as spaces and other troublesome characters such as ' and ) etc. The code does not deal with possibilities such as MOUNTVOL returning a drive letter for a CD or DVD drive that does not have a disc in it and other annoyances. Also, for a system with many terabytes of files this is likely to take quite awhile. But as I said, it's a starting point. Cheers and Regards
  22. Primarily by looking at the quote you provided, I agree with jaclaz: In other words, reversed from the potential possibility you were asking about. Cheers and Regards
  23. Unfortunately, I believe that many software developers are not as proactive as you are. I'm sure that someone on this board's staff does pass errors their users find back to the IPB software guys. From my experience with the IPB software on another forum, I know the way to get the best response from them is with a video clip showing exactly what happens, or doesn't, when you do a certain thing and expect a certain result. It also must be repeatable. And I'm sure the staff here knows this and passes on info in an appropriate manner. I have heard that there is an updated release of the IPB software due soon, if it hasn't already been applied here, so maybe the WIN10 errors, and maybe even the remaining IE11 errors, will be addressed. But if not, I can also understand if the IPB software folks say something like "Why should we fix an error which effects software that has not even been officially released and might change yet again when it gets to RTM? The error might not exist at that point." I'm sure they would not be the only software company that takes that approach, depending on the errors involved. And that's not even taking into account jaclaz's point about the feature that causes your problem being "experimental". Anyway, all that is to say that while I'm sure the errors you find will be passed on, and I realize that you might run this board differently, that is the way I understand the board currently has to deal with the software they have and with the equipment, people and resources they have access to. Think good thoughts, smile a lot, have infinite patience, and don't give the board staff too hard a time. They all do their best to support us, for free, in their spare time. Cheers and Regards
  24. This is unfortunately probably true. Folks like Noel will complain that the board doesn't work right with the latest version of IE, such as what happened with IE11, but whatever issues occur will most likely be out of the board's staff's control or ability to directly fix. Any changes to the board software are dependent on the good "IPB software guys" to provide any board software updates, when and if they get around to it. All we can do is pass the errors along and see if the errors are deemed to be the "fault" of the board software. The good "IPB software guys" have also been known to claim that the behavior is "by design", or claim that they can't reproduce the error. We'll just have to wait and see. Cheers and Regards
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