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  1. It doesn't work here. Control panel shows Java 8 is installed, but https://www.java.com/verify/ and javatester.org/ fails with Exception: JNLPException[category: System Configuration : Exception: null : LaunchDesc: null at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.access$000(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  2. Download form here? http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html unzip and copy to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_121 then select in Java Control Panel, and un-select the previous version?
  3. BTW, if you're booting bare metal (not VM) there's Asmedia driver for W2k here: http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackwingcat/archives/1708066.html works perfectly in my Sabertooth r2.0 AMD, I posted a thread a while back with full details on Asmedia SATA and USB 3.0
  4. USB 3.1 is backward compatible, so it should work if the Host OS supports Asmedia. My host is Linux and when I hand over a USB 3 device to XP it makes the bada-bing sound, "device enabled".
  5. I'm running XP as a virtual machine with full USB 3.0 support, Virtualbox has an optional setting to enable it. It may also work in W2k, but no usb 3.1 (for now). https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=74575 https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=76023&start=15#p354472
  6. Yes there are a couple of IE6 updates that are necessary, you download & install them separately from MS or tomasz86 archive.
  7. Adobe Flash and the latest version Firefox works fine in Windows 2000 with extended kernel. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/176277-firefox-5002-not-installing/
  8. I see there is a newer version http://w2k.flxsrv.org/cgi-bin/dl.cgi?file=Windows2000-KB935839-v28i-x86-ENU.exe and http://w2k.flxsrv.org/cgi-bin/dl.cgi?file=Windows2000-KB935839-v28iG-x86-ENU.exe Which one should I use? Should I uninstall the 28hG first?
  9. Could be a missing SATA driver, or USB3 driver if you're booting with a flash drive.
  10. Thank you, that worked, link is: http://w2k.flxsrv.org/cgi-bin/dl.cgi?file=Windows2000-KB935839-v28hG-x86-ENU.exe A dialog box popped before install with "Kernel Options", I left everything at default. Amazing, how does BWC compile the kernel without source code?
  11. VirtualBox runs FF 50.0.2 in Windows 10 just fine. Could it be Firefox has dropped Win2k even with UU rollup?
  12. Yeah, it's a Skylake i7-6700 ...and of course I have Windows2000-UURollup-v11-d20131122-x86-ENU
  13. Setup says, "Firefox can't be installed. This version of Firefox requires a processor with SSE2 support...". The app compatibility launcher doesn't help. My W2k is a virtual machine, and current Firefox is 48.0.2
  14. I use w2k & XP guest VMs under my Linux host OS. They're loaded permanently for running windows apps. Search is broken in XP, w2k more reliable, especially networking.
  15. I have a VB script that will make a live bootable copy of win2k or XP onto any disk. Works flawlessly, been using it for 10+ years. I can upload the .VBS file to the forum as an attachment, if that works.
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