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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Lololol, i see it now... Mines not like that and i also have MSN 6. Try re-installing it and see what happens... I expect it to change if it dont something is conflicting with it for some reason.
  2. Oooooooo yes w00t She was FINE The film was excellent, as i said... Next film for me is 2 Fast 2 Furious, looks sweet!!
  3. Hmmm, my online is blue, my offline is red... You sure they that colour?
  4. Yeah, they propably will be taken off (unfortunatly ). But nice site, like the colour scheme
  5. Flash


    Yep, i joined this board when i was about 14... I would not have liked to really see whatever images as i can imagine they would not be very nice. Now im 16 don't mean you can post them either, so pish off
  6. Flash


    LMFAO, Gonads and Strife, lololol.
  7. I would have to go round their house and give them hell, i mean hell... Take a baseball bat
  8. Right, ok... For the lost information you should really take back-ups if you store important information on your comp...
  9. Filer, why not just get a massive air conditioning unit and blow it into your comp, or on a more serious note you could actually run it through (can be done). Water cooling a suggestion at all? Esepcially for your overclocking needs... Bit of a pain but is effective. XPerties why would you want that thing around your card?! Its like something engulfing it... "Wheres ya card gone?!" -"My heatsink eat it"
  10. Saw it at the pictures, was amazing, one of the best films i ever seen...
  11. Yeah, im really looking into the Radeon's... Wanna see their new 9900 range which is coming out soon aint it?
  12. Yeah, i sent an e-mail back to a company before... "I will sue you if you proceed to send me these e-mail's, i am a lawyer and will proceed further if nessecary!". I said that, they believed me and aint sent a thing back Btw, im not a lawyer, ha ha, im a student!!
  13. I've been convinced to get msn 6 beta Oh well
  14. Yeah, all that is true PC 3200 DDR RAM is what peeps should be having these days as its good stuff, im getting my Corsair 3200 RAM soon
  15. They done that to make you think that it actually is a screensaver... I got a screen saver e-mail recently from my mate, i didnt open it, and i asked him, he had no idea, Noroton didnt pick it up either...
  16. Really?! Rofl... Didnt' bother getting it, i like to see some SS's first before i commit myself to click a link
  17. Ooooo, i thought it was about a clean up operation... Like dont be a litter bug, pick ya s*** up!!
  18. Hello, Welcome to hell!! Nah, its a nice place here... Tea and coffee available
  19. Lol, something there is making them very un-even, either a possibly hardware fault or your comp lying
  20. That game anygood at all?! Is it based and revolved around the Matrix story line or something else? No, try a DOS attack!!
  21. Lol... I get your point
  22. So as a beta tester 'nobodyveryspecial' you should report this problem to Microsoft, do your job!!
  23. Looks to me that the Radeon (128mb) is beating the FX (256mb)... Now wtf is happening there?! lol...
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