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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Both nice links C-Girl that site is really good, also tells you the fps you get, hehe, as usual mines crap, lol.
  2. Weeeeeeeee, thanks for sorting the problem... How i didnt work that one out myself i aint got a clue, lol.
  3. Mines BT Openworld, lol, im boring, got mine set to my default ISP page
  4. Only way to hack these days is if you got someone on the inside, planting a program 'letting' you in
  5. Flash... Originally from my gaming name OmniFlash_X_. Choose that cos im a bit of a 'Flash' git, lol...
  6. You can e-mail it to me flash@team-omni.com w00t ** Unless you got somewhere to host it cos i got hosting probs at the mo, lol...
  7. I been getting the logo screen too these days... Just comes up with my name and logo, i have to click on it to logon. Never had this before i installed the net .NET framework. Anyway to take this off?
  8. w00t, ok Vicky!!
  9. Samsung all the way...
  10. Make me one pls I like cars if that helps, but dont have to be about em
  11. To put it simply it would be faster. Noticable... depends what you use your PC for, for games and music then you will notice things speeding up a bit more... If you are going to upgrade make sure your mobo supports DDR333 RAM.
  12. I have a Samsung SyncMaster 171s TFT LCD monitor, it is quality!! I had a 15" Samsung TFT LCD which was also good. I got a IIyama 15" TFT LCD too, that aint a bad monitor but Samsung better Samsung all the way!!!!!!
  13. costs
  14. piles
  15. Yep, same here, lol...
  16. Lolol... I applying for a few jobs... I build comps for peeps, charge alot of labour charges as some parts nicked
  17. What Aaron says is true. I ordered a telly and it was meant to come within 2 days, took 3-4 weeks!!
  18. Weeeeeeee, its a sad time that... I remember it, lol... Better when you leave Secondary school, lol. Keep in contact with your friends but you will make new ones, quite sure of that.
  19. He he Want my A* in ICT
  20. eating
  21. Rofl, what a quality joke, im gonna do it to one of my mates, ha ha...
  22. Haha, they tried to 'spice' things up by putting that South African guy in but didnt work, he going home soon, lol...
  23. My ISP, lowest is 56k, highest is 512k, grrrrr...
  24. Nice one, i hope my GCSE grades will be looking good too...
  25. Exactly what Cripsy said... lol. I wouldn't advise you doing so or investigating into it...
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