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Everything posted by enuffsaid

  1. Great thread! Fantastic input from everybody here. Thanks for these fine additions. I've just started using WPI, and I just might use these additions myself. Good work, guys!
  2. From my information the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol for the WinNT5.1 & 5.2 kernels have a server-side maximum resolution of 1600x1200 - as far as I am aware this hard-coded, to which there is no workaround.
  3. I haven't tried this on a P1, but I have good experiences with upgrading P2 machines to WindowsXP. It will work with 64MB RAM, but you will find it hardly workable. Try to get AT LEAST 128MB RAM. With 64MB your PC will be swapping to a point where it's not fun any more. Long boot times, and long wait times when starting programs.
  4. LOL! Just shows you what a good cut and paste can do. Sorry 'bout that. EDIT: Just checked @ 7-zip.org. Indeed, that's what it says: "New localizations: Extremaduran, Malay" http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Extremadu...tremaduran.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malay_language
  5. http://www.omegadrivers.net/ati/win2k_xp.php Changelog: - Based on the Catalyst 5.6 Official drivers. - Removed a lot of obsolete tweaks. - Removed RadLinker from package. - Now ATI Tray Tools is included as default tweaker. - Re-enabled the default 3D and Color panels in the ATI Control Panel. - Added a desktop shortcut for the ATI CP and for ATT (both optional). - Included a few new OGL Smart Shaders. EDIT: Radlinker has been replaced by ATI Tray Tools Cheers, 'nuff
  6. I'm sorry I don't know what the version of the particular WinAMP you should look for, but its probably available via http://www.oldversion.com/, and I bet quiet a few ppl here know which version you need. You can also try Audio Hijack Pro (Edit: Mac Only - sorry, just noticed) http://www.rogueamoeba.com/audiohijackpro/ HTH, 'nuff
  7. 7-zip version 4.23 Changes: - Drag and Drop support !!! - 7-Zip File Manager now can copy files from one archive to another - Some bugs were fixed - New localizations: Extremaduran, Malay 'nuff
  8. Just make sure you register it with IE. Using Firefox will not work. It looks pretty cool, Martin. Check it out! It's just over 2 MB and will only work on WinXP SP2 systems.
  9. This might be an interesting download... Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP (Beta) Cheers!
  10. I answered this somewhere else where you asked a similar question: How To Disable the Keyboard Sleep Button with a Filter Driver Or... Disable the ACPI (power management) functions in the BIOS will cause all three functions to be disabled. Or... Remove the Keyboard driver and install the default driver (101/104 microsft natural kebboard).
  11. Try getting your hands on the "pulled" Winamp player. You can play your protected songs and "export" them to a .wav file. Re-encode the .wav file and the DRM rights are gone.
  12. With regard to the first link I posted... If you're interested in this method but don't want to / know how to do the work, I found a ready made keyboard filter you can install as an update to your current keyboard drivers. PM me if you're interested. Cheers!
  13. How To Disable the Keyboard Sleep Button with a Filter Driver Or... Disable the ACPI (power management) functions in the BIOS will cause all three functions to be disabled. Or... Remove the Keyboard driver and install the default driver (101/104 microsft natural kebboard). Good luck with those pesky pupils (or should I say keyboard buttons)!
  14. I'm just thinking here with you, not sure if this is the solution you're looking for, but... - I don't think you can set rights with FAT32, you will need NTFS. And... - Only Windows XP Professional supports file-level access control, mostly because this feature is typically implemented through Group Policy Objects, which are also not available in Home Edition. Cheerio!
  15. Hi, Go to http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ and download the latest build of PE builder. This includes a plugin for Ghost (amongst other handy tools for the ultimate rescue CD). Good luck!
  16. OMG! Are we getting into that now? "Childish remark?" "Hinting?". Having a bad day gunsmoker? All I said was that I liked somebody else's code because it was only one line compared to your 30+ lines; that's not a hint. Never have I said anything negative about your code OTHER than that it was much larger than the one liner produced by somebody else. Did I say it was crap? Did I say it didn't work? Thank you. I even posted a solution to a problem people were having with the shorter command. Frankly, I don't know jack about VB, but if I get to choose between 30 lines or 1 line, the choice is quicly made. Sorry that it wasn't the solution you posted. I'm just having a hard time believing that's what upset you. I think something deeper is brewing. Let it out, son.
  17. Malicious Software Removal Tool Homepage The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool checks computers running Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 for infections by specific, prevalent malicious software—including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom—and helps remove any infection found. When the detection and removal process is complete, the tool displays a report describing the outcome, including which, if any, malicious software was detected and removed. Microsoft releases an updated version of this tool on the second Tuesday of each month. New versions are available through this Web page, Windows Update, and the Microsoft Download Center. Download
  18. Nothing new there, Marty. But thanks for the info anyway.
  19. Sorry, you're right. Afterall Technet and MSDN are not free, ofcoarse. But if you work for a company that has a MS Volume License you should have it.
  20. Thanks for the heads up!
  21. I think it would be wiser to protect your systems on the network, rather than protecting your "My Network Places" link with a password.
  22. @ jaclaz... I'm not getting into the same discussion we had then. I am only trying to say that although many people have good experiences with disabling or limiting the page file size, they CAN NOT claim that BECAUSE it works for them, it will work for others. I may not have produced links to information, but my knowlegde is based on STUDY, and NOT on "personal experiences I've had by fiddeling around with some settings." Plenty people have produced good links and I wasn't in the mood for posting more links to technical references for people who don't even have the SLIGHTEST idea what they are talking about in the first place. I've said it then and I'll say it again... Do not fiddle with the Pagefile size no matter how much memory you have. And that's final, jaclaz! People can listen or people can chose to ignore me... fine. But it strikes me that people who have no apparent knowlegde of what they are talking about, INSIST they spread their personal experiences as being the correct and only method.
  23. MSDN or perhaps even Technet. Or the P2P networks; after all its free software from Microsoft for their business partners.
  24. I tried Martin's original command... When I ran that batch file from the C:\ drive it gave me errors it couldn't find the particular logfile in C:\ But, when I ran it from C:\Windows it worked fine. Hope that helps. Edit... works like a charm for me. Re-ran it, and it didn't find anymore files. WindowsUpdate.log is still there.
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