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Everything posted by enuffsaid

  1. Having a quick look at your post I notice the error message points to Hotbar in the Programs Directory. Try uninstalling the hotbar, or perhaps even reinstalling it. Is Hotbar listed as one of the plugins in Outlook? Perhaps you want to disable it. Cheers, 'nuff
  2. Also... give Central Ops' "Domain Dossier" a go. Will give some interesting info that could be of use. http://www.centralops.net/co/ Regards, 'nuff
  3. Never a street address as others have said, but perhaps you'd like to try Visual Route: http://www.visualroute.com/ 'nuff
  4. Try this if you haven't already... In Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View [tab] > UNTICK Use simple filesharing (Recommended). 'nuff
  5. You knew it for years? Is that why you call it "splitstreaming"? Nevertheless, SLIPstreaming the SP's for Office never gave me problems. Perhaps you should RE-read the link you've know for years already.
  6. "Splitstreaming..." Cool... you gotta teach me that one day. Anyway, read here: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/48/
  7. No, you can't use an OEM key on a Corp. Edition nor vice versa. You can't use a Corp key for for Pro Retail nor vice versa. The service pack level is not relevant. There are tools available that will extract you CD key for you. Google for it. Hope that helps. 'nuff
  8. I'm a WinXP Corp user. WinXP Pro and WinXP Pro (Corp. Edition) differ only in their activation. The Corp Edition doesn't need to be activated. If I were you I'd go for the Corp version. Try to extract the key from your corp. setup. Mind you, you can't use corp keys on the Pro retail version. You'll need the corp version for new installs. Perhaps you've gotten it from your company. I've worked for two companies who would let you use their corp version at home. Somehow it was part of the licensing. Perhaps it was for you, too. Good luck! 'nuff
  9. Please could somebody invite my girlfriend? chrisjejanssen [at] hotmail [dot] com. I've gotten my invite from this thread and installed Windows Live Messenger. Apparently it deleted MSN Messenger 7.5. now my girlie can't chat. Please help. Thanks a bunch!
  10. Another fine tool from JCarle. Well done. This will come in handy.
  11. I'd like an invitation, too. wmoolenaar [at] hotmail [dot] com Thank you. EDIT: After my request here I was sent an invitation by "ng__1". Whoever you are, THANKS! Very quick service. Can't wait to try it at home. Again, I appreciate your invitation.
  12. I say on Bart's homepage that he's updated BartPE to version 3.19.
  13. Cool! Thanks for posting this. I read it here first. Here's the official site: http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ with changelog.
  14. You being a Counter Strike player, you're probably looking for realism. There's an alternative and best of all... ITS FREE! Check out America's Army. "The Official U.S. Army Game." Enjoy.
  15. ... said the guy with six posts. Anyway... WinAMP is a great proggie. Perhaps you would want to take a look at VLC. VideoLan Client. It can be remote controlled, too! Check out the VLC feature list here. At the bottom (Misc.) you'll find it can be remote controlled.
  16. Hello Ahe, For the record, its MUI not MUL. Multilingual User Interface. I work with those alot. You can get MUI downloads for Windows 2000 and up, Office 2000 and up, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, MSN Messenger 5.x, and Security Configuration Wizard for a real Multilingual Interface. Then there's the LIPs. Language Interface Packs for minority markets. Good luck with your MUI's. 'nuff Oh... BTW, that's why I like working with RIS. I've got unlimited space for apps. Well, actually as much as your harddisk can take. Do you really need all your apps on the DVD? Can't you run them off a network location? WPI supports this.
  17. Hi Darksimoon, Thanks for your kind words. You're most welcome.
  18. You can try another method. Use notepad, and set the Font to TERMINAL! Then type your commands. It will accept all your accented characters. There's another thread about accented characters here: Need workaround for accented characters in batch files Hope that helps. 'nuff
  19. I think you mean this thread: WinAMP MSI Release Regards, 'nuff
  20. Perhaps "Total Copy" can help you... http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file_desc...id,23385,00.asp
  21. Mr. BTS, Your DP's are good, very good. Fantastic source of drivers for any unattended CD project. As an addition to Rescue CDs they are simply ** priceless **. Where do you find the time! Well done, sir. Amazing stuff. 'nuff
  22. Hello, Sorry, don't have time to read all the answers you've gotten so far. With regard to the DHCP server... you can instruct the DCHP on your RIS server to respond only to BOOTP clients. That way it won't interfere with your exisiting clients on your network. Check it out! You can also instruct your current DHCP server to send all BOOTP clients to your RIS server. So you dont HAVE to have DCHP on your RIS. Good luck... 'nuff
  23. You can set the font in Notepad to "Terminal" to see the ASCII Art a bit clearer. Lucida Console is the default font.
  24. Hello NiTRO... Have you tried doing the same on a PC which was "NOT stripped to the Bone." To me it appears that the fact your Windows is stripped might have something to do with your problem. I could be wrong tho. @ Beregu, is your version of windows stripped aswell? Do you use nLite or something similar? Kind regards, 'nuff
  25. Just tried this myself. I don't use nLite, however. Start > Run > Command > OK > Full Screen > exit. I get the desktop nicely. No problems here. Are you experiencing this problem on other PC's aswell? Kind regards, 'nuff
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