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Add the Outlook 2003 Desktop Icon In earlier versions of Microsoft Outlook, users could right-click an Outlook desktop icon and then click Properties, allowing them to create e-mail accounts, change profiles, and so on. So that Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003 complies with Microsoft Windows XP certification requirements, the desktop icon is not installed with Outlook. Users can access the Properties option by clicking Start and then right-clicking the Outlook icon, or by double-clicking Mail in Control Panel. You can re-create the desktop icon for users by adding a registry key. To re-create the Outlook desktop icon On the Add/Remove Registry Entries page in the Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance Wizard, click Add. On the Add/Modify Registry Entry page, complete the fields to create a new registry key: Root: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Data type: REG_SZ Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Select the Create empty key check box. Click OK. For more information about adding or removing registry keys by using the Custom Installation Wizard, see “Specify registry key settings” in Customizing Outlook Features and Installation With the Custom Installation Wizard. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ork2003/...1840101033.aspx
Outlook 2003 - Calendar - Clean Out Old Meetings
enuffsaid replied to tipper's topic in Microsoft Office
Even easier if you don't want to archive your calendar items — you just want to have a fresh start. To clear your calendar items, do the following: 1) In Calendar, point to Current View, on the View menu, and then click By Category. 2) Select all items (CTRL+A), and then press DELETE. You can also delete a single category of Calendar items, such as holidays, by selecting the table list entry and pressing DELETE. Tip: To reduce the size of your data file after deleting items, empty the Deleted Items folder. -
Access 2007 wont open 2003 .mdb across network
enuffsaid replied to Stik62's topic in Microsoft Office
Access 2007 can't open Access 2003 or below files. You need to convert first. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access/HA100484061033.aspx -
Or get the Corp. Edition of XP. You'll never need to activate again.
Allow Outlook to display the Folder list. Right click the Contacts folder > Properties > Outlook Address Book [Tab] > check "show this folder as an address book". HTH
I've created an .MSI package that will install the Win NT 4.0, Plus95, and Windows98 themes on Windows XP. Also it adds the WinNT4, Win95, and Win98 sound schemes, and some Vista eye candy. Now I'd like to have a look at adding the Plus98 desktop themes. However, some screensavers don't work; like Corbis Photography and the Horror screensaver. Anybody know how to get those working on WinXP? Thanks.
I'm not sure if you would call WPS a programming tool like C++, Delphi, VB, etc. as the forum title so aptly states. Besides, in the "software" forum there was another MSI question, so that one seemed more suitable. And regarding giving it more time; I do tend to be unlucky with my questions here. I've posted a few topics to which no one has replied. On the "other" forum I got an answer within 3 hours. Thanks anyway.
Hello, I've created and MSI package. It has several selectable "features". Some of the features are screensavers. Each screensaver is a seperate "feature" in WPS. However, these screensavers all share a common .dll file. So I've setup each feature to add the .scr file and the .dll file. Now when I use the Installation Expert and browse through the features, the first screensaver feature has the .dll file listed okay, but all following scr features will list the .dll as a duplicate file. If I now compile my package and run it, but choose to ONLY install the second or later screensaver feature, the .dll file will not be copied. I must install the first feature to get the .dll on my system. What must I do to create the MSI package so each feature will copy the specific .dll no matter which feature I install? I hope I've explained myself clearly enough. Thanks for your help. 'nuff
I see you simply overwrite the existing XP files. I've created an MSI installer that actually ADDS the sounds to your windows XP installation and adds it as a selectable sound scheme via the control panel. As an added bonus I've added the Windows 95 & Windows 98 desktop themes and also the Windows 95, 98, NT soundschemes. All of this can be run during your unattended installation and doesn't change or overwrite existing settings. Oh btw... it's 70 MB.
That's the spirit, Jeremy.
How to boot/install from USB key ?
enuffsaid replied to Halfwalker's topic in Install Windows from USB
You needed to format the USB stick with Vista. That's all that Vista was needed for if I remember correctly. Let me look for that article. -
I think there is a limitation as too how much RAM a 32 bit application can access... Let me see if I can find more info. The 4GB Windows Memory Limit: What does it really mean? http://www.brianmadden.com/content/content.asp?ID=69
I wasn't aware of that glitch you describe pfarrell4. Good first post by the way. Welcome to MSFN. I did use WAIK to install WDS on Win2k3 and had no problems, but my guess is I was using the one they posted before Feb 2nd. I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled on the update. Thanks pfarrel. 'nuff
mj6, MSFN has a forum specific for nLite. I don't use it so I can't help you. Go here for your nLite questions: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=89 HTH, 'nuff
If you are talking about the language of the User Interface, then MS have made Multiligual User Interface. MUI's are installed on top of an ENGLISH installation of Windows XP. So for your chinese XP you're out of luck. For smaller regions / minorities, MS has created LIPs, Language Interface Packs. These don't translate as much as the MUI's do, but will help you on your way. You cannot change the interface language from a default Windows XP installation. YOu need the MUI packs. They can be found on the Technet CDs. BTW... I noticed your first post... Welcome to MSFN. Also, if you want to read up on MUI's and LIP's you might want to check this page: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/muizone.mspx You can actually install as many MUIs as you like and allow the end users to select the interface language. Great if your deploying Windows in a business environment across country borders.
Well, I remember that MS said they would release SP3 for XP after they released Vista. But we all know MS words mean nothing. Although I'm hoping for SP3 I'm afraid MS has put all their money on Vista. Yet, I still think we may see SP3. Hopefully soon.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en Sorry, that's the guide... Let me search a bit more. I got it from them just the other day.
Hahaha... Now that WAS funny, Jeremy. Yes, they can be tirans. But remember the good old netscape days. At that time MS did NOT see a future in Internet. Bt the time Netscape had picked up a huge market share, MS started using foul tactics to get that market share back. An example I remember from personal experience. If you would open the HTML documentation for Exchange 5.5 in Netscape, you wouldn't get an error... Netscape would CTD (crash to desktop - i know you know that Jeremy, just for the people who don't). I am certain, to this day, that MS have changed / crafted their HTML documentation so it could NOT be opened in Netscape. MS at its best.
30 days?!? That's FAST for MS! Internet Explorer Unsafe for 284 Days in 2006: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/securityfix...safe_for_2.html I realize that what the author of the article is saying is not that it takes 284 days... But you get the point. Just a bit of humor to spice up our wonderful relationship, Jeremy
Sounds like your talking about IE.
Thats inmensely funny, Jer
Jer or Jerry would be an abbreviation of your name just as 'nuff would be for mine. Snuff'n'stuff is just pure name calling. You're really showing your true colors here, Jeremy.