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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2024 in all areas

  1. If I may chime in - basilisk-dev: while that may be true, we never experienced major problems with roytam1's releases and even if we did have some crashes, they were resolved rather quickly and painlessly. All I can say is that we can be thankful for your and roy's efforts and we should work together to push development of better classic browser forward, even for us that are cemented in the "old" system which may be unpopular, but it sure is fun to have it as daily driver even now, when all the world is crazy for excessive data sharing and automatic idiots.
    4 points
  2. Thanks! You're welcome! I had that list enabled in the distant past, but it is indeed very restrictive and will cause false positives. (see e.g. this old issue in the uMatrix repo) It currently has 161.498 entries! I don't think that's beneficial, especially on older hardware... Also, the maintainer is known to block domains based on his personal opinion (mostly in his additional lists)... I decided to add these two "StevenBlack/hosts" filter lists to cater for those who prefer a more restrictive and comprehensive approach to address blocking. In general, I agree with you. His filter lists sometimes overshoot the mark.
    3 points
  3. FYI, I mentioned eCleaner, an extension for purging the browser's profile folder, in my main article about uBlock Origin Legacy. All about eCleaner and my corresponding, self-created eCleaner custom button can be found in my article eCleaner custom button created by AstroSkipper for the extension Preferences Monitor. BTW, a longer time ago, I also created a standalone version of eCleaner 2.5 which actually was only distributed embedded via the extension Preferences Monitor. The last original, standalone version was eCleaner 1.4 from 2011. And many thanks to back2themoon and Blacklab from the Pale Moon forum for the additional hints and information in their posts about my mod uBlock Origin Legacy and the eCleaner extension! Cave canem! Sed eCleaner cavendum non est! Cheers, AstroSkipper
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Thanks! I had that list enabled in the distant past, but it is indeed very restrictive and will cause false positives. (see e.g. this old issue in the uMatrix repo) It currently has 161.498 entries! I don't think that's beneficial, especially on older hardware... Also, the maintainer is known to block domains based on his personal opinion (mostly in his additional lists)...
    2 points
  6. @roytam1 I observed a problem when using uBlock Origin in MailNews. It doesn't matter whether using the original version uBlock Origin Legacy or my mod uBlock Origin Legacy In uBlock's dashboard page "Settings", the button "Back up to file" doesn't work. Same problem with the "Export" button under "My filters" and the "Export to file" button under "My rules". Do you have any idea why? On the other hand, the "Restore from file" and the "Import" buttons are working correctly. Is the function that these buttons call up possibly not available in MailNews or blocked for security reasons? PS: I get on the pages with the "Restore from file" and the "Import" buttons the error message "Error: TypeError: details is null" in the Error Console. Here is, for example, a screenshot of the Error Console when loading the "Settings" page in the most recent version of MailNews:
    2 points
  7. Hello @roytam1! I use Grabit (in the version 32.0) instead of FlashGot in Serpent 52 (basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230708) and in New Moon 28 (palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20230708). Is Grabit affected, too? I have checked both browsers and can't see any problems in terms of broken dialogues. Grabit simply does its job. FYI, Grabit is a fork of FlashGot, but I think you are already aware of this extension. Some minutes ago, I also checked Get'emAll! in New Moon 28 and couldn't observe any broken dialogues, either. Maybe, you could be so kind to describe these errors more detailed to understand what you mean. Thanks in advance!
    2 points
  8. Looks great! I am glad to to see such progress. Hope we can enjoy it in new releases next week. Thank you for the continuous development!
    2 points
  9. OK ! So you confirm they perform actions. How am I (we) allowed to call these actions ? Malicious ? Or multiple BSODs and 10x times RAM consumtion are still not enough to call them that ? Thanks.
    2 points
  10. Absolutely agree ! Besides, he got the knowledge about this "ungoogled" version and the explanations about removing the Chinese DNS from another MSFN user @Dixel, whom he didn't even mention here, which is considered not polite here, at MSFN. My hunch is in this new version the chinese/russians changed lots of things and this is why it became even more unsafe and without Dixel the creator of this repack doesn't know how to properly remove them. Again, my opinion. Good someone else confirmed this, otherwise some would say I'm "trolling" again. So in short , new version , new telemetry locations which he doesn't know where to look at. Hence the spinning disks, cookies, etc.
    2 points
  11. Nicely said ! Unfortunately it seems impossible to get here since it's still based on the old russian sterter app that simply removes the registry entries and does nothing to prevent them in the first places.
    2 points
  12. Wow ! Just wow ! It's to scan your data on the disk and then send it to the russians, obviously ! I'm so glad I stayed away from this browser version and my data didn't leak. Like I knew something bad was going to happen. I just checked on another spare computer with a cold storage and it does the same for me ! The PC is offline, of course. Many thanks for your warnings and greetings from Vichy.
    2 points
  13. Fortunately, that one has been salvaged by crx4chrome : https://www.crx4chrome.com/crx/299038/
    1 point
  14. Sorry, but some of it was too complicated for me, so I didn't understand it. But now I've got it. Thanks.
    1 point
  15. It works with Vista x64, x86, I checked myself. Though, it can't boot from it. I have a classic BIOS from 2009 (without films and games in it).
    1 point
  16. Thank you for your update. I really like your UBO update. Now I use Windows XP to mainly watch movies, listen to music and YouTube. I immediately clicked to see. where you have updates
    1 point
  17. As an addendum to my previous post, Mozilla do host (on GitHub) "on-line" editions of their PDF.js lib, one targeting "current" browser engines: https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/web/viewer.html and another targeting "legacy" browser engines: https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/legacy/web/viewer.html Neither of the two works on Ch86/87-based browsers (and on St52) to display the "C0801E.pdf" file, https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/legacy/web/viewer.html?file=https://storage.enganchesaragon.com/public-websites/ecommerce/Inst/C0801E.pdf https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=https://storage.enganchesaragon.com/public-websites/ecommerce/Inst/C0801E.pdf while BOTH do when loaded in Ch121-based latest Supermium-v121-hf ... Yes, the browsers "we" use here are more "legacy" than what Mozilla even thought of ...
    1 point
  18. StartAllBack 3.7.5 (that's build 4872 no less)
    1 point
  19. I am not doing this, I considered doing it to prevent buggy code being pushed to roytam1's users, but I never decided to actually go forward with it. What's sad is that roytam1 continues to release code to his users that has not been verified as production ready. Code in the master branch of upstream UXP or upstream Basilisk is not always production ready. I have seen issues reported on MSFN for roytam1's builds because he was pulling code from master branches before they were ready. He is doing a disservice to his users by giving them potentially buggy code.
    1 point
  20. It's not their own, it's the same thing Mozilla Firefox ships with, maybe different version, it's called pdf.js, indeed written in JavaScript.
    1 point
  21. Hi, if somebody has interest for the whole ACPI Multiprocessor XP SP3 for the HP 255 g6, just mail me Dietmar EDIT: This image works also for the HP 15-bw000ng. But the Paragon 17 tool has problems with different sizes of harddisks. 1.) Unzip with 7zip all files. 2.) With Rufus 2.18 put the Paragon.iso to an empty USB stick. 3.) After this, copy the Job-202402251402635 (contains the XP SP3 image) to the same USB stick. 4.) Put the USB stick to the HP 255 g6 notebook. Be sure, that the harddisk from the HP 255 g6 is empty or can be formatted with NTFS and MBR. 5.) Boot the HP 255 g6 from this USB stick (F9). 6.) Extract the full ACPI-Multiprocessor XP SP3 image in Job-202402251402635 to this harddisk in the HP 255 g6 via Paragon. Good luck Dietmar
    1 point
  22. Probably a reference edition will fit in that case, I'd also recommend to look at Titan X, 980Ti. Both will work with XP by adding an inf string, both are not huge (reference, slim design).
    1 point
  23. Update of uBlock Origin Legacy to version I have again updated my special mod uBlock Origin Legacy from version to version I fixed the loading errors of the filter list "Online Malicious URL Blocklist (AdGuard)" which only occur from time to time. Furthermore, I found some further strings which I edited according to the extension's name change performed in version And I added new filter lists to different groups. The "StevenBlack/hosts" filter lists are very strong and restrictive. So in some cases, you have to set exclusions when using them. Here is a screenshot taken from the dashboard tab "Filter lists" of uBlock Origin in New Moon 28: The filter lists outlined in green are the ones I have added in this release. A detailed changelog and the download link of uBlock Origin Legacy can be found in my main article uBlock Origin Legacy - A special mod by @AstroSkipper. Greetings from Germany, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  24. I also succeed with next DSDT mod to setup XP SP3 on the HP 15-bw000ng. Without DSDT mod, XP SP3 shows Bsod Dietmar
    1 point
  25. Yepp, both devices are in the DSDT from the HP but NOT in the DSDT of the Lenovo. EDIT: Yes, I succeed to integrate the HP PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse into the modded DSDT from Lenovo. There is a driver from HP for XP(!) for this keyboard. And the PS/2 mouse is simply the touchpad. So, still it seems that the reason for Bsod with original HP DSDT is the settings for VGA in its DSDT. Device (KBC0) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("HPQ8001")) // _HID: Hardware ID Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0303") /* IBM Enhanced Keyboard (101/102-key, PS/2 Mouse) */) // _CID: Compatible ID Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () // _CRS: Current Resource Settings { IO (Decode16, 0x0060, // Range Minimum 0x0060, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0064, // Range Minimum 0x0064, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {1} }) } Device (PS2M) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("SYN3254")) // _HID: Hardware ID Name (_CID, EisaId ("PNP0F13") /* PS/2 Mouse */) // _CID: Compatible ID Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () // _CRS: Current Resource Settings { IO (Decode16, 0x0060, // Range Minimum 0x0060, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IO (Decode16, 0x0064, // Range Minimum 0x0064, // Range Maximum 0x01, // Alignment 0x01, // Length ) IRQNoFlags () {12} }) }
    1 point
  26. The problem with the author's modules are their poor quality. I had the same series, and their chips failed, even being in a well ventilated case. Their temps never went higher than 36 degrees (Celsius). It's human's body temperature.
    1 point
  27. Hi, is it possible, to forbid Microsoft to update my win10 Home version from 2017 to a newer version? I mean, I want to get other updates. But I dont want, that my Win10 home 2017 version is updated, because it crashes my Asrock z370 k6 fatalty compi Dietmar
    1 point
  28. Hi, is there an easy test, if any tool can make TRIM successful on any SSD or nvme disk? I ask this, because I checked a lot of tools under XP SP3, but still I am not sure, if TRIM works on a nvme disk. Under Win10, after running TRIM with any tool, Win10 tells, that no TRIM has been done on this nvme device Dietmar
    1 point
  29. https://blog.simplix.info/update7/#history
    1 point
  30. Hi, I make a test of working TRIM via O-O defrag tool on XP SP3. For this, I zeroed all out of the Samsung 960 Pro 500 Gbyte nvme disk. During out zeroeing speed goes down as much as possible, slower than a harddisk. Then I run 2 time O-O defrag TRIM under XP SP3 on it. All was yellow before and all was yellow after. O-O defrag ends without error. With Crystal Diskmark 5.1.2 you can see, that for the Seq read, write, speed was still about 500 Mb/s. Then I trim this 960 Pro with Win10. And voila, speed for the Seq read, write goes up to 1551 Mb/s. So, I am to 100% sure, that TRIM via O-O defrag does not work on this Samsung 960Pro. TRIM via Win10 works. So, this is congruent with all my test before belonging to the O-O defrag tool. It is just a fake tool for TRIM running under XP SP3 Dietmar
    1 point
  31. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD I make a lot of tries with the Lower Filter driver iusb3hcs.sys which was originally introduced for Win7 for to enable USB3 on Haswell boards and below. This HC Switch driver was modded by @daniel_k for XP and works. But even if pci.sys and iusb3hcs.sys are both signed (in the eyes of XP), their work together as "Pci bus" is not signed, crazy. See the discussion at zone94.com http://zone94.com/downloads/software/operating-systems/123-windows-xp-professional-sp3-x86-integral-edition?comment_id=9205 A Lower Filter is a connection between a driver and the underlaying hardware. I think, that the acpi.sys 7777 does not allow Lower Filter, but the acpi.sys 5048 does. Now, XP SP3 choose during install always the pci.sys driver alone, without the Lower Filter iusb3hcs.sys, because it is signed. I find the difference in Registry in ACPI ENUM and this difference can be just add to a working installation and the Lower Filter driver iusb3hcs.sys is forced into pci.sys. But this methode does not work during installation, because the Enum tree is written always new then Dietmar EDIT: Now I think, that the WdfCoInstaller01009.dll is needed for this Lower Filter driver iusb3hcs.sys. This is not working [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\ACPI\PNP0A08] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\ACPI\PNP0A08\0] "Capabilities"=dword:00000030 "HardwareID"=hex(7):41,00,43,00,50,00,49,00,5c,00,50,00,4e,00,50,00,30,00,41,\ 00,30,00,38,00,00,00,2a,00,50,00,4e,00,50,00,30,00,41,00,30,00,38,00,00,00,\ 00,00 "CompatibleIDs"=hex(7):2a,00,50,00,4e,00,50,00,30,00,41,00,30,00,33,00,00,00,\ 00,00 "Service"="pci" "ConfigFlags"=dword:00000000 "ParentIdPrefix"="3&11583659&0" "ClassGUID"="{4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" "Class"="System" "Driver"="{4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0015" "UINumberDescFormat"="PCI-Steckplatz %1!u!" "Mfg"="(Standardsystemgeräte)" "DeviceDesc"="PCI-Bus" and this is working [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\ACPI\PNP0A08] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\ACPI\PNP0A08\0] "Capabilities"=dword:00000030 "HardwareID"=hex(7):41,00,43,00,50,00,49,00,5c,00,50,00,4e,00,50,00,30,00,41,\ 00,30,00,38,00,00,00,2a,00,50,00,4e,00,50,00,30,00,41,00,30,00,38,00,00,00,\ 00,00 "CompatibleIDs"=hex(7):2a,00,50,00,4e,00,50,00,30,00,41,00,30,00,33,00,00,00,\ 00,00 "Service"="pci" "ConfigFlags"=dword:00000000 "ParentIdPrefix"="3&11583659&0" "ClassGUID"="{4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" "Class"="System" "Driver"="{4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0015" "UINumberDescFormat"="PCI-Steckplatz %1!u!" "Mfg"="(Standardsystemgeräte)" "DeviceDesc"="PCI bus" "LowerFilters"=hex(7):69,00,75,00,73,00,62,00,33,00,68,00,63,00,73,00,00,00,00,\ 00
    1 point
  32. Nice, stable PORTABLE Chrome browser for XP SP3 It is an English version now. I get also 528 points in HTML5 test Dietmar
    1 point
  33. @AstroSkipper Now I do not think, that Trimcheck 0.7 is a tool, that can always correct tell, it a TRIM operation has been done successfull or not. I make a try for to see this behavior with my 970 Pro nvme disk. Under win10 I use TRIM. Before I set up this jason file from Trimcheck. But after TRIM via Win10, Trimcheck still tells, that no TRIM has been done on this disk. I know to 100%, that TRIM from win10 works on this nvme disk. So, until now to valid prove, if TRIM happens or not Dietmar
    1 point
  34. @AstroSkipper On Win10, I can TRIM this nvme device easy. So it looks, that until now no nvme TRIM tool is on the market, that runs under XP SP3 Dietmar
    1 point
  35. @AstroSkipper I just test Trimcheck 0.7 under XP SP3. For TRIM I use OODefrag17ProfessionalEnu. Trimcheck tells me after this procedure, that no TRIM has been done on the Samsung 970 Pro nvme disk running under XP SP3 as bootdevice Dietmar
    1 point
  36. Hi, I try to install fresh from my 200 Euro expensive original win10 Home version 1703 from March 2017, on my Asrock z370 k6 fatal1ty board. Crazy, install stops, because this original USB stick from Microsoft shows unreadable sectors. And it is write protected, so no chance for any repair. Nice from Microsoft. Ok, after crazy search for this 1703 german version of this win10, I find 15063.0.170710-1358.rs2_release_svc_refresh_clientcombined_ret_x64fre_de-de_d6cd31298648aab2ff081004ceff2ffceb7aab64.esd on Microsoft Servers. There is also a 32 bit version of this 1703 version in german 15063.0.170710-1358.rs2_release_svc_refresh_clientcombined_ret_x86fre_de-de_52c33a275f77116954abe5f508d1254a49f5fe20.esd Then I build from it via this tool an *.iso for 64 bit. esd-decrypter-wimlib-63 From this I get the *.iso 15063.0.170710-1358.RS2_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTCOMBINED_OEMRET_X64FRE_DE-DE.ISO I make an bootable USB stick, using Rufus. And voila, there installs win10 home 1703 without any problems. At once I click on the nice file from @mjd79 wushowhide.diagcab and can select there, not to install win 10 22H2. And now, all my problems with crazy Updates for my compi are gone. Very interesting to know, how many millions of hours are gone thanks to Microsoft on this crazy crazy stupid Update behavior. For example, now all devices in Device Manager are correct installed. And the Update offers me also the Nvidia driver for my Nvidia 730, which was not shown in the "last" win10 version Dietmar
    1 point
  37. Unbelievable! Very good job! All I can say is, applause, applause!
    1 point
  38. Great news, indeed! You give us hope again.
    1 point
  39. Yep! And it is even possible to answer such a request by quoting, copying and inserting it into one of the numerous Chrome threads.
    1 point
  40. Don't freakin' spam this thread with non-existent crap and absolutely off-topic vapourware.
    1 point
  41. You make an acc., you write one word, I can hear the accent, I know It's you, I don't need to check your IP. Let me remind, I never had any form of beef with you, I don't have any prejudgments towards you. But, a big but - I was under the impression you are here for a clean start, no ? I'm still somewhat glad you're here, you're a funny fella. Seeing this crap resurfacing again in any form/shape, and knowing some of the previous crap you're capable of, I have a favour to ask, just freaking leave win32 alone and don't remind him of any unpleasantries, he is under my personal protection along with Astroskipper, Dave-H and a small amount of some others (don't remember their names, I just woke up, check with me later, will ya), but these ones are especially not be messed with. I can't write - go and have fun with the others, 'cause it would be against the forum's policy. Win32 is a person of creativity, he's an artist. He needs positive stuff to get inspiration, don't you freakin' understand ?!??!?
    1 point
  42. @win32 hi, could you suggest a real replacement for these ? Just stubs don't work for this precise case. Thank you ! GetMaximumProcessorCount this one somewhat worked if replaced to GetCurrentProcessorNumber These below didn't work if stubbed. GetThreadIdealProcessorEx K32GetModuleInformation K32GetProcessMemoryInfo
    1 point
  43. IMPORTANT: Whatever changes were made to the last October kernel, they are for the good ! I get much, much better performance in DX11 games. Esp. in the latest titles I recently ported to Vista. I mean the kernel32.dll.
    1 point
  44. New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win32-git-20190601-363bfeb2c-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win64-git-20190601-363bfeb2c-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win32-git-20190601-363bfeb2c-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win64-git-20190601-363bfeb2c-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - add main thread only cache for nsIAtoms to speed up atomization dom/base (a3434ba00) - add main thread only cache for nsIAtoms to speed up atomization xpcom/ds (ddff63b2d) - remove unnecessary spaces (58ff91d97) - make HTML parser to use faster atomization in main thread (a371a69a7) - Lots of time spent maintaining nsDisplayLayerEventRegions (#1116) (622ad88c5) - Add missing NS_AtomizeMainThread(nameToUse); (7214f0814) - Fix architecture flag for PPC64 (e24e6346b) - Issue #1102 - Disable <meta http-equiv=set-cookie> (ca9e6a4fa) - change for nsNodeInfoManager.cpp (c0c64138c) - Merge pull request #1114 from g4jc/disable-meta-cookie (722607270) - Merge pull request #1115 from win7-7/NS_Atomize-cache (915ffc660) - Make nsFind::Find handle empty string searches. (b89570e31) - [libpng] Backport an upstream libpng patch. (80eb8e08d) - NodeInfoManager should use a local cache (449cb277d) - [js, ARM] Always check error return from BufferOffset::diffB. (a24d62130) - [IndexedDB] Call SendFailureResult if the actor has been destroyed. (9dfb9401a) - Avoid some useless ForgetSkippable handling while we're already dealing with snow-white objects. (57e5655e8) - [Basilisk/Pale Moon] Update region.properties. (764e2a624) - use memcmp for nsIAtom Equals to improve performance xpcom/ds (733f6b770) - use memcmp for nsIAtom Equals to improve performance parser/html (bf1e5431f) - Issue #246 - Revert "Revert "Remove unwanted newtab page code"" (1eca3c3a6) - Issue #246 - Remove more of compact mode and newtab junk from Basilisk (73d1087fc) - [media] Rewrite AudioConverter::DownmixAudio (c4e345b6d) - Merge pull request #1121 from win7-7/nsHtml5PortabilitylocalEqualsBuffer-pr (1f239f817) - Merge pull request #1119 from win7-7/NodeInfoManager-local-cache (02b10f4bd) - Add commit message style guidelines (#1117) (a5bef2b46) - Issue #246 - Remove "enhanced" newtab code from toolkit (8db31d536) - Issue #246 - Remove "enhanced" newtab code from Pale Moon (97477c1e9) - Bump platform version for primarily #1112 and #1061 (104cd501a) - Merge pull request #1122 from adeshkp/remove-newtab-basilisk (63d677035) - [Pale Moon] Fix event.stopPropagation is not defined when clicking the show/hide tiles on about:newtab (a38cc1a2f) - [places] Prevent some abuse of smart queries. (5b5743eee) - Port an upstream Skia fix. (47c52f2dc) - Improve origin-clean algorithm (fb1b45e5f) - Update HSTS preload list (c7138e3b9) - Ensure we AddRef prior to early return in MediaType::Assign. (b3632493a) - Disallow res external protocol handler. (65991dc1f) - Make extra sure Compositables don't refer back to layers after reassignment. (9b655e366) - Tweak some NSPR variables for Darwin. (66b55fbc0) - Improve efficiency of (C++) heap allocations related to BytecodeEmitter::code. (6cc615bbe) - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (678a41b29) - Perform a size check when dealing with clipboard data to be sure. (1fe365eba) - Fix #1091 deprot (50062bdfc) - Make nsFind::Find actually use a string type as input. (d873bd969) - Treat *.jnlp as an executable class file, like *.jar (21495c589) - [WebGL] Enable size limit on Linux. (231155288) - Show the update UI instantly instead of after 10 minutes of inactivity (cee913be9) - [Pale Moon] Update the check for updates menu item logic for already staged automatic updates (d197e65f4) - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (363bfeb2c)
    1 point
  45. New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP! * Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual. ** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions. Test binary: Win32 http://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk55-win32-git-20190525-7f9cc28f1-xpmod.7z Win64 http://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk55-win64-git-20190525-7f9cc28f1-xpmod.7z repo: https://github.com/roytam1/basilisk55 Repo changes: - ported changes from mozilla upstream: bug1351303, bug1352235, bug1371508, bug1430268, bug1352734 (7f9cc28f1)
    1 point
  46. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20190525-86c9c06-uxp-315ffd563-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20190525-86c9c06-uxp-315ffd563-xpmod.7z source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20190223.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - [NAVIGATOR] Alter the background size so that it matches the grippy better on the main window (d9aa7ac) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (86c9c06) For UXP changes please see above.
    1 point
  47. New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win32-git-20190525-315ffd563-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.2.win64-git-20190525-315ffd563-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win32-git-20190525-315ffd563-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.6.0a1.win64-git-20190525-315ffd563-xpmod.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - Unhook Unboxed Objects option (3ded48cbe) - remove unboxed code chunk (wip1) (9a3141515) - Remove initial chunk of Unboxed Objects machinery part 2 (3b36a43e8) - Remove Unboxed Objects in ScalarReplacement (d40bcc350) - Remove unboxed objects from GC (5fd4b8726) - Remove unboxed object code from iteration. (8feffe707) - Remove array header (a5c2961c4) - Remove Unboxed Objects from vm/ Part 1 + fix deprot (543fa1674) - Remove unboxed object code from jit, Part 1 (fa8bfa1a0) - Remove Unboxed Objects from vm/ - Part 2 (201d8ee48) - Implement array.flat and array.flatMap (162e22a7d) - Implement Symbol.prototype.description (41731a7f3) - Issue #971 - Fix browser.link.open_newwindow functionality in Pale Moon (f9dc4e8cc) - Merge pull request #1097 from FranklinDM/pm_external_sametab-work (a1f96f11d) - Merge pull request #1091 from MoonchildProductions/remove-unboxed (be8d03cf1) - Remove a stubbed telemetry function from app AUS. (bb5e0a1be) - Enable double buffering when using XRENDER. (2fd300786) - Merge pull request #1100 from Ionic/bugfix/xrender-flicker (372fccddf) - Issue #1104 - Set the browser's opener when adding a new tab - This modifies `loadOneTab` and `addTab` to accept an opener - This code was adapted from Basilisk's copy of tabbrowser.xml without the refactored code changes (which is a lot more involved as it divides addTab's functions into multiple functions) (797697e26) - Issue #1104 - Pass an opener to loadOneTab in the openURI function (10318170b) - Issue #1101 - Support gzip-compressed SVGs in OpenType+SVG fonts (73f9b2c70) - Merge pull request #1108 from g4jc/svg_opentype (f8157b8a6) - Merge pull request #1105 from FranklinDM/pm_uri_tabbrowser-work (f0e357608) - Merge pull request #1099 from adeshkp/remove-telemetry-func (315ffd563) My changes since my last build: - ported changes from mozilla upstream: bug1351303, bug1352235, bug1371508, bug1430268, bug1352734
    1 point
  48. New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rths.cf/kmeleon/KM76.2-Goanna-20190518.7z Changelog: Out-of-tree changes: * update Goanna3 to git 3a87e4659..4a37a0ce8: - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1144802 part 1. Add a JSOP_GIMPLICITTHIS which acts like JSOP_IMPLICITTHIS when the script hasPollutedGlobalScope and JSOP_UNDEFINED otherwise. (7b0f4bf1f) - Bug 1144802 part 2. Add JIT and interpreter fast paths for JSOP_GIMPLICITTHIS when the script doesn't have a polluted scope. (7ed943ea9) - Bug 1144802 part 3. Output JSOP_GIMPLICITTHIS whenever we have a JSOP_GETNAME in call context and don't know for a fact that we need an implicit this. (5b77362cc) - Bug 1144802 part 4. Stop returning true from ByteCodeEmitter::needsImplicitThis based on the compileAndGo flag. (3961fb79d) - Bug 1144802 part 5. Flag eval scripts as having a polluted scopechain when inside a with scope. (59c83ceb0) - Bug 1144802 part 6. Remove the scopechain walk in BytecodeEmitter::needsImplicitThis, since consumers should now set hasPollutedGlobalScope as needed. (9df2cdacd) - Bug 1144802 part 7. Remove the scopechain walk in the FunctionBox constructor, since consumers should now set hasPollutedGlobalScope as needed. (4c271aff8) - Bug 1144802 part 8. Drop the scopechain member from GlobalSharedContext, since it's not needed anymore. (dc58199c2) - Bug 1336791 - Allow readelf to print types without parentheses. (Fix FreeBSD) (cef15d006) - pointer style (95722a23a) - Bug 974418 - Fix a TSan race involving the double-elements flag on template objects. (e5eb524b6) - pointer style fix and cleanup (2c44d9120) - Bug 1143802 - Forward jit level information to profiler frontend. (3eefdde2b) - pointer style (8c639a731) - Bug 1143860 - Add column number to PCToLineNumber. (7cdb37ad9) - Bug 1143860 - Deduplicate tracked optimizations when streaming the profile. (2c13cb5fe) - Bug 1145440 - Ship constant names for tracked strategy and outcomes in the profile JSON instead of slightly longer form strings. (3b8cfa5b5) - Bug 1142669 part 6 - Don't inline scripts that are known to inline a lot of code. (73bcdf96d) (38409ecc5) - import changes from tenfourfox: - #551: update certs, pins, TLDs (bc5094b91) (without pins) - #551: one last certbump (cb1e62033) (32174fa57) - import change from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1130439 - Trigger compacting GCs after the user becomes inactive (aa5936222) - Bug 1139429 - Fix ICU configuration for SunOS/OpenSolaris. (a0e4467b4) - Bug 1143521 - Remove IsPoisonedPtr stuff (341899b88) - Bug 1142351 - Part 1: Collect telemetry about deprecated flag argument for String.prototype.{search,match,replace}. (3ad712689) (partly) - Bug 1142351 - Part 2: Warn about deprecated flag argument for String.prototype (66c280d79) - Bug 1083498 - Remove SpiderMonkey's nonstandard behavior for destructuring for..in loops in JS1.7. (428b6a0d1) (4a37a0ce8) * Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses. A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76
    1 point
  49. New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20190518-e6c2bd5-uxp-c72afc3c8-xpmod.7z Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20190518-e6c2bd5-uxp-c72afc3c8-xpmod.7z source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.cf/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20190223.7z Official repo changes since my last build: - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (ef59b55) - [COMM] Update mach stub (333253c) - [PLATFORM] Update commit pointer (e6c2bd5) For UXP changes please see above.
    1 point
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