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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Below is a list of compatible hardware that works on Windows 9x systems (and or have suitable drivers) Especially of interest is newer hardware that supports or still supports Win9x. Please start by including hardware you have on your system that you can confirm works with Win9x. I will add the hardware to the list as time allows. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================= PROCESSORS: Win9x DOES NOT support HyperThreading (please disable in the BIOS), Multiple Processors or MultiCore processors. Win98/Me may run on MultiCore processors but only 1 core will be utilised. Windows 95 has timing problems with CPU speeds higher than 350 Mhz. Windows 98 FE (and consequently Win95) cannot exceed CPU speeds higher than 2.2 Ghz (Note: This can be fixed. Read this thread: ) Supported Processors: Intel: 486 DX2-66 + Pentium Pentium Pro Pentium MMX Pentium 2 Pentium 2 Xeon Pentium 3 Pentium 3 Xeon Pentium 4 Xeon (Pentium 4) Pentium 4 Extreme Edition ... (3.73 GHz is the fastest) Pentium D ... (Only a Single Core will be utilised) Pentium Dual-Core ... (Only a Single Core will be utilised) Core 2 Duo ... (Only a Single Core will be utilised) Core 2 Quad ... (Only a Single Core will be utilised) Dual-Core Xeon ... (Only a Single Core will be utilised) Quad-Core Xeon ... (Only a Single Core will be utilised) Celeron Celeron D AMD: 486 586 K5 K6 Athlon Duron Semperon Athlon XP Opteron Athlon 64 (FX-57 2.8 GHz is the fastest) Turion 64 HARD DISKS: Windows 95 supports FAT16. Windows 95B / 98 / 98SE / Me supports FAT16 and FAT32 Win95 can NOT support hard drives bigger than 32 gig FAT16 supports drive partitions up to 2 GB. Win9x's FAT32 can be used on any hard drive larger than 512MB and supports hard disks up to 137 GB in size. To use bigger hard disks the system requires a system update. (See Below) Windows 9x natively supports ATA IDE Hard Disk Drives. SCSI, SATA and RAID disk drives are supported through third party drivers. Large Hard Disk Support Windows 98 and Me do not natively support 48-bit LBA drives larger than 137 GB. This means: - If you have a hard disk larger than 137GB... and Windows trys to save data onto that disk past the 137GB barrier, data corruption (loss of files) is likely to occur. - It doesn't matter if you partition the hard disk into smaller partitions, all partitions above the hard disks physical 137GB barrier will be affected. - If you put a single partition on the hard disk using fdisk or alternative, and its less than 137GB (UNDER 128GB is recommended as safe) you will be fine (Just Don't allocate the remainder of the disk). But if you want to use the rest of the disk you must use a work around. Work Arounds: LLXX's Enable48BitLBA - Implements 48-bit LBA support into Windows 95/98/98SE and ME's default IDE driver. Windows 98 - get the 4.10.2186 driver Windows 98 Second Edition - most users should get the 4.10.2225 driver. If you have a old IBM laptop you may have to get 4.10.2226 Windows Me - get the 4.90.3000 driver - create a primary partition on that drive (smaller than 128GB), using fdisk - install win9x on that partition - install drivers - install the suitable LLXXs patch - fill the rest of the disk with new partitions. (Keep them under 128GB if you still wish to use Scandisk and Defrag) http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=78592 Intel Application Accelerator - Allows users to access the full capacity of hard drives that are larger than 137GB on supported Intel® chipsets with a supported operating system. http://www.intel.com/support/chipsets/iaa/sb/cs-009299.htm Rudolph Loew's 48-bit Patch - The High Capacity Disk Patch Program patches Windows 98/98SE/ME to provide direct support for hard drives larger than 137GB without requiring a controller card. The patch installs support for the 48-Bit LBA addressing mode required for hard drives larger than 137GB. http://rloew1.no-ip.com PCI ATA Controller card - Using a PCI ATA controller card to connect your 48-bit LBA hard drive to the system is the easiest and simplest option. With this option you can partition the hard drive without the need to upgrade the BIOS to support 48-bit LBA if it does not support this technology. The drivers provided with controller card will provide 48-bit LBA support in Windows 98 or Me. More information on the 48bitLBA --> http://www.48bitlba.com/win98.htm Partition Size Limits The size of individual Partitions are subject to additional limitations due to FileSystem design and Partition management tools. Microsoft specifies a maximum Partition size of 128GB. Third Party Partition Management tools may have other limits. DEFRAG and SCANDISK (in Windows Mode) are limited to less than 136.9GB Some people have reported limits as low as 127GB. DOS, WINDOWS and SCANDISK (in DOS Mode) can handle at least 400GB. WARNING: Diskeeper 10 claims to support Partitions up to 768GB and Windows 98/SE/ME. Tests show that it can corrupt large Partitions. It is recommended that you Partition your Large Hard Drive with 2 or more Partitions so that no single Primary or Logical Partition is larger than 127GB. FDISK can be used to Partition Large Hard Drives but will incorrectly report sizes above 64GB. You will need to enter sizes as Percentages in order to use the full capacity of the Hard Drive. OPTICAL DISK DRIVES: Windows 9x natively supports IDE optical drives without additional drivers. This includes CD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RW and DVD Dual Layer drives. FLOPPY DISK DRIVES Windows 9x natively supports internal Floppy Disk Drives.
    1 point
  2. No idea who discovered those great youtube tricks as first person in the world, but never mind in this case. For such well-known old tricks which were only forgotten for awhile until someone, or many, remembered to try them again, all attempts to identify Who-dunnit-first will go in circles anyway. Like UA-googlebot in general, or anti-polymer key in youtube-URL. In that mentioned long REDDIT topic the earliest UA discoverer seems to be one of the addon-authors, Mirza, a few weeks ago. But whatever, such great tricks should be spread, and the tinkerers among us will surely remember sooner next time to try pesky sites with UA googlebot :-) What a disaster that such useragent tricks will probably fail soon on many main sites, since all big browser makers last year happily announced to transfer those same data -plus more- in future builds only in stealth and unfakeable ways. Much deeper under the hood, requiring modern browsers and new server request methods, so finally all older engines can be identified 100% and get blocked much easier, grrr. But origin or not, since you like to spread such user tricks, here's a tiny, crucial yt-fix which could use more spreading too (while it still works...) Figured it out myself last year after long struggling due to old browser probs, where that pesky "Show more" button for video description is broken since years. It's so basic that probably a bunch of other people found it on their own too, no big feat. Nevertheless haven't seen it posted elsewhere yet, and it's not mentioned in that long reddit-topic either although the prob was discussed there. Looks like semi-modern browsers now suddenly have the same prob, video description cropped and button broken, description remains hidden. But installing a whole addon or a javascript file user.js just to fix this button seems overkill to me. So this fix could please be spread a bit more too... This is just a tiny userCSS for youtube CLASSIC view, which makes the complete youtube description text visible at page load. No need to click that "Show more" button anymore. Minor catch: this useless button still remains visible too, looks confusing, but can live with it ;-P Can be added to slightly older Mozilla browers e.g. in current profile, in file /chrome/userContent.css @-moz-document domain(youtube.com) { #watch-description-text {height: auto !important; max-height: none !important;} } While at it, a reminder of yet another crucial UA trick: to get .3gp movies with TINY file size. Posted by a kind soul (thanks!) awhile back. Only useful for people desperate for extremely tiny filesize, due to bandwith probs or limited disk size, no matter how horrible the quality. Even if those videos have almost stamp size: UA Mobile IPAD still gets those offered, and the page source still contains direct download links too (itag ":36,") example Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A403 Safari/8536.25
    1 point
  3. Thank you, i'm sorry for the delay, i was busy with other things, ver 4.2.1 work good now, the only thing, would you please add these 2 exclusions: \Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\*urschipidea.inf \Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\*urschipidea.sys otherwise, 16KEXPRESS did not boot correctly with Win 2004, i've tested on VMWare also would you please fix language files, the Russian language did not look correctly, i've replaced language files from v4.2, so for me it looks good now. and i've added 2 diskpart scripts: Disk0_uefi_1 and Disk0_uefi_1_no_RE tools. Script Disk0_uefi did not work correctly for me. (asked for BitLocker) Thank you for your support. 4.2.1 fix
    1 point
  4. We know that. That's who siria linked to. There was no other content in his post. siria was the first person to bring it up in the relevant topic. My instructions were not posted here. They're on reddit, where that solution was shared earlier. Meanwhile people here have been going in circles with various browsers, useragents and URL tricks.
    1 point
  5. ... That's good to know... I have not ever been myself a user of ABL or other members of the AB family of content blockers, last thing I remember reading was how much more resource-greedy they were compared to uB0 (and RAM/CPU consumption should always be a consideration on those old hardware setups where NM27-sse is being deployed...). Resources-usage aside, the crux of the matter here is the following question: Does current ABL address successfully the very issues/reasons that forced uB0 to drop PM27 support? As detailed in the previously linked GitHub PR comment, uB0-legacy now needs ES6 support in the browser itself to tackle the removal of certain classes of unwanted content ; does ABL handle such content in a different way? If not, then existing users of uB0-legacy in NM27 should probably stay put at that version (sadly no longer updating ) and face some random/occasional breakage in their ad-removal... It'd be like Chrome 49 users on XP/Vista, who are now confined in using uB0 v1.16.18 for good... Unless something new crops up?
    1 point
  6. Bk52 (the browser, as test application) was initially built by upstream on top of a fork of the Mozilla ESR 52.6.0 platform code; the derived platform is named UXP. Since then, both the original official Basilisk 52.9.x upstream project as well as roytam1's Serpent 52.9.0 fork have significantly diverged from that starting point, but have also diverged significantly between each other, too... IMHO, stating that Serpent 52 is "based on FF52 code" is no longer descriptive of the current situation... Bk55 (the browser, as test application) was initially built by upstream (Moonchild Productions) on top of a forked Mozilla Nightly 53.0a1 snapshot platform code, with very few 54.x and 55.x code elements merged in; the platform that was produced was named Moebius; the app (browser) built on top of it was named Basilisk and was given an app version of 55.x.x, for (if you ask me) sensationalistic reasons ; much of the initial Moebius code, hence, can be described as a pre-53 Firefox snapshot... Serpent 55 by roytam1 was forked off Bk55/Moebius; that upstream project was abandoned in favour of UXP (and Bk52/UXP); since then, St55 is being infrequently maintained as a code melting pot, merging bits of various other upstream projects (e.g. UXP, tenfourfox, Mozilla and even code from IceWeasel 53.x). TL;DR: Current Serpent 55.0.0 has extremely limited affiliation, codewise, with stable Firefox 55.0
    1 point
  7. Download Manager (S3) There's also a forum for it, 39 pages on mozillazine: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2793995
    1 point
  8. I can do that in my Linux system. 1. Install the program fontforge. 2. Create a script called e.g. otf2ttf.sh in /home/$USER/bin, with the following content: #!/usr/bin/fontforge i=1 while ( i<$argc ) Open($argv[i]) Generate($argv[i]:r + ".ttf") i = i+1 endloop 3. Make this script executable. 4. Open a terminal in the directory with your .otf file(s) and enter the following command: for i in *.otf; do echo $i; fontforge -script ~/bin/otf2ttf.sh $i; done 5. Profit! [Edit] Fontforge is available for Windows as well, but I have no idea how to proceed there...
    1 point
  9. bernd said: > Hi Roy, for a couple of your releases, "about:downloads" (Ctrl+J) seems to be partly broken. > I use the add-on "Download Manager (S3) 4.13" (based on the well-known "Download Status Bar") > as my dowload manager of choice. It's my most important add-on and really indispensable to me. > So when I call up the Ctrl+J command, the browser immediately crashes everytime. Last working build > without problems was: https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200404-842aa7563-xpmod.7z > Regarding a "clean profile", I made countless adjustments/modifications in "about:config" > and won't lose them. So this would be a problem... What to do now?? Just some thoughts, am no expert.... Are you using the english version? If not, does it crash in english too? Does about:downloads still crash if that addon is removed? CCleaner and similar tools are often found culprits of weird bugs Or possibly a buggy file in profile folder? Modifications in "about:config": All changes done manually in about:config are stored in your profile folder in file prefs.js, if they are different from default settings. On about:config those are displayed in bold font and marked as "user-set". You can look inside prefs.js with a text editor. Editing is only possible while the browser is closed, but easier on about:config. You can make a backup of that file and restore it later. But better make a BACKUP copy of the whole profile folder, there's a lot other important stuff in it too. If deleting prefs.js helps, you can start experimenting by deleting half its contents to figure out which half contains the culprit. Start the closed browser again for testing. Then delete another quarter of the file and test again, etc. Another trick: Multiple Profiles You can create another, independant new profile, and choose at session startup which one to use. The old and new (or more) profiles are stored in separate subfolders, very handy. Howto: Open "about:support" and click on button "Open Folder" to open the current profile folder. Step one level higher and find file "profiles.ini". If not there, look yet another level higher... Open it with a text editor (did you make a backup already??) Does it look similar to this? [Profile0] Name=default Path=abcdefg.default IsRelative=1 Default=1 [General] StartWithLastProfile=1 Change it to Default=0 and StartWithLastProfile=0 If StartWithLastProfile is missing, create it manually. At next browser start the Profile Manager should appear. Click the button to create a NEW profile, and check the box to ASK at startups.
    1 point
  10. I converted the newest .otf to .ttf: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/z9taofmjo76q6r9/Symbola.zip Virustotal scan: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/76185e9f80015c7079d4f68ef49cf467075ff7a6d0f737769a206a8a6c1f670d/detection
    1 point
  11. I'm sure they know full well that they've broken XP compatibility on an application which was originally sold as being XP compatible, but their line now I'm sure would be that as far as they're concerned nothing is now compatible with XP, even if it originally was! There won't be any more updates for Office 2010 after October anyway, so that will be the end of that.
    1 point
  12. My system: Intel P4 2.8GHz MSI 865PE Neo2-PFISR (Intel 865PE chipset) ATI Radeon 9800 TV tuner : Genius Video Wonder Pro III 120 GB SATA drive + 80 GB IDE drive (I have recently bought a 500GB drive from WD and made only a fresh install of W98) old HP Laserjet 5L printer hope it helps
    1 point
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