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  2. I believe it's this one: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/comm-esr78/rev/6e1d49280545bb8996902c188e4823e738e83b7c Added in Thunderbird v78. @roytam1 What say you? Is it possible to apply this to MailNews?
  3. The file nssdbm3.dll is missing in your sequence compared with the ones in the previous posts. On purpose or by chance? And why do you think the sequence of the DLL file series is of importance? BTW, I wrote: What are your observations when comparing single-process mode with multiprocess mode in terms of rebasing the DLL file series?
  4. Hate any program that automatically updates, even firefox. You can add this to the registry and update manually only: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate] "ManagePreviewBuilds"=dword:00000001 "ManagePreviewBuildsPolicyValue"=dword:00000000 "TargetReleaseVersion"=dword:00000001 "TargetReleaseVersionInfo"="22H2" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU] "NoAutoUpdate"=dword:00000001
  5. I use StopUpdates10, and it blocks Windows Update entirely for me.
  6. That was back in 2020, can't believe how fast time goes, thanks for that. Maybe Sampei or another kind individual can code Hotmail for us too.
  7. I don't know if it would make sense, because with the DEFAULT setting (in Firefox) of the geo.enabled variable (to value = '"true") the page: https://polskieradio24.pl/ opens correctly. And no one is telling anyone to block geolocation by setting the geo.enabled variable to "false" I wrote about this problem ONLY because in Mypal68 it is the other way around: the DEFAULT value of the geo.enabled variable is "false" - so someone who does NOT modify the value of this variable may encounter a similar error on some other page and will not immediately know what is causing it.
  8. Yup, it's him. 4 years ago. https://msfn.org/board/topic/180462-my-browser-builds-part-2/?do=findComment&comment=1187647
  9. Mozilla added OAuth2 for gmail into Thunderbird I believe in v38.0. Not sure when Hotmail was included but it may have been around v60 so whether those working on MailNews can code it into their version is the question. Yahoo had it updated in MailNews by providing a key, I forget by who but it may have been Sampei.Nihira.
  10. MailNews is able to handle OAtuh2 for gmail and yahoo. I would have expected to see it work with hotmail as well.
  11. YES, it is that same laptop. Celeron version... - _- I think i forgot to include that info down there... Gotta edit that...
  12. TBH, there are more offline on demand scanners which are most recent in terms of engine and virus defhinitions. For example, eScanAV Anti-Virus Toolkit (MWAV) or RogueKiller Anti-Malware Free. The more rare ones are antimalware programmes with real-time protection in Windows XP.
  13. This leaves me with three offline on demand virus-crapware checking methods: sysclean.exe, discussed above, clamwin (that can be supplemented for somewhat constant on the fly scanning with ClamSentinel), and Avast anti rootkit. MBB isout of the picture now.
  14. Well, it runs and works (I guess) well. I run it on some old data disks with downloaded pages and data, mostly, and it did pick up remnants of viri (css files leftover mostly). Some of the extra patterns seem to be appied, but can't say for certain (there is little customization possible). Please note that the engine used by sysclean.com is embedded in said file and a bit old. You can get a newer engine from the Trend Micro Anti Threat Toolkit (ATTK), https://helpcenter.trendmicro.com/en-us/article/tmka-17906, unzip attk_ScanCleanOffline_gui_x86.exe, and get vsapi32.dll. Thanks to Hangar0 from PFC (our @Hangar0?). I notice, though, that on closing sysclean.com, the engine gets deleted together with other files sysclean.com creates when starting (and deletes again when closing) - including sysclean.exe. For testing purposes, I have (1) run sysclean.com and copied these generated files into a random folder, (2) closed sysclean.com, (3) copied the saved folder back to root, (4) copy now to root the updated engine plus tmcomm.cat (required by sysclean.exe). (6) save for future need sysclean.com into a random folder Then run sysclean.exe (which would have otherwise dissapeared with the newest engine on closing engine.com) BTW, I downloaded other patterns that do not state incompatibility with xp, and put them in the root folder: OTHER Patterns that may work at: https://www.trendmicro.com/en_gb/business/products/downloads.html#all-pattern-files https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=51&regs=uk https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=1&regs=uk https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=11&regs=uk https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=19&regs=uk https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=35&regs=uk https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=31&regs=uk https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=107&regs=uk https://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?clk=tab_pattern&clkval=103&regs=uk All in all, a good offline, on demand scanner. If you are not finicky about non portable stuff, you probably get the same or similar by using https://www.trendmicro.com/en_il/forHome/products/housecall.html which seems to run in XP and auto-updates patterns/definitions. Be well
  15. the lap-top "Lenovo G580" you described has sse but or we talking about the specs you posted below ? "AMD Athlon 600 MHz" that one only got MMX just to confirm are you talking about this one ? : https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/pd025312-overview-lenovo-g580
  16. If you are referring to mypal-68.14.4.en-US.win32-sse.zip, yes, it's a version for processors with SSE instruction set only.
  17. Thanks for the advice, I've had that Mypal version downloaded offline and i was settings up the XP,, so i probably forgot to update it. I think that's non SSE2 version.
  18. Update notification! I have revised my article "My essential tools for solving problems in Windows XP — Part 2 — File extractors and packers". 7-Zip has been updated to the version 24.08. And some files in the package UniExtract2 2.0.0 RC 4 Nightly has been updated on 06.07.2024, too. Cheers, AstroSkipper
  19. Thanks for that, yeah, InnoUnpack.exe v1.9.5 runs under XP SP3 normally.
  20. ... From the linked homepage : ... thus innounpacker-setup.exe (of v1.9.5) won't run on XP ; hence the suggestion by its author, echoed by @we3fan here ; however, the German author has not yet updated the application to v1.9.5 (on purpose? ), as the zipped distribution is still on v1.9.4 ; since the CLI tool is XP-compatible (thanks @AstroSkipper ), one can use it (on XP) to unpack innounpacker-setup.exe and ascertain whether the main GUI executable, InnoUnpack.exe, of latest v1.9.5, can launch under XP SP3 x86 ... Name and surname corrected in original post ... Thanks for that, too; a freeware in its basic functions, a donationware if you want "advanced" features ; of notable mention the ability of the (third-party-hosted) installer to perform a "portable" installation ...
  21. Off-topic, but why do you need that old browser anyway? Get rid of that, and use Mypal 68 instead. https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/releases
  22. https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/zRe3f114VAgyKaXdgQ51nuNCul9JqKRa (this link is valid for 30 days i think) There are some screenshots that I've shot on the phone, for some reason i can't write message properly on Mypal 29...
  23. BTW, I have successfully replaced the old version innounp 0.50 from the most recent beta UniExtract 2.0.0 RC4 Nightly (06.07.2024) by innounp 1.72. Works fine here.
  24. There is a further Windows GUI tool called InnoExtractor which also contains innounp 1.72 and is worth to mention here. Of course, it is compatible with Windows XP (and most probably also with Windows Vista, at least it is listed to be compatible with Vista). Here is the homepage of InnoExtractor: http://www.havysoft.cl/innoextractor.html
  25. that one (sp1)? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26999 screenshots before (like before you clicked) and when the error happens (like at 10 % , like after the ending ect.) a smartphone picture is already enough too
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