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  1. General and specific solutions for problems regarding AU/WU/MU in Windows XP List of used abbreviations: AU = Automatic Updates AV = Antivirus IE = Internet Explorer KB = Knowledge Base MDL = My Digital Life Forums. Link: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/ MKB = Microsoft Knowledge Base MU = Microsoft Update OS = operating system OSs = operating systems WU = Windows Update WUMT = Windows Update MiniTool We all are well informed about restoring WU/MU in Windows XP. A lot of threads and solutions to get access to WU/MU website. But we are here in a Windows XP forum. Therefore, this thread is targeted on Windows XP only and is meant to collect and provide solutions for general or specific problems which can occur after or while restoring update functionality. The main WU/MU related thread, which is targeted on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista, is totally bloated and completely out of control, many post are definitely off-topic. To find general or specific solutions, you have to be a Sherlock Holmes or you'll need a lot of time to read tons of posts with no or low quality of information. And a lot of solutions are simply missing. I am no longer interested in posting new solutions or self-created fixes which can never be found again in such threads. From now on, I rather try to avoid posting in threads where people are talking permanently off-topic. Therefore, I decided to create my own one. Anyway, this main thread can be found here: https://msfn.org/board/topic/178377-on-decommissioning-of-update-servers-for-2000-xp-and-vista-as-of-july-2019/ The second post of this thread contains a numbered list of general solutions for problems regarding AU/WU/MU and methods of restoring WU/MU functionality in Windows XP. After performing these general solutions and methods, users are able to exclude errors or misconfiguration relating to AU/WU/MU in their Windows XP system. It is senseless to solve a specific problem if there is a general one. If WU/MU can't be restored generally and a user thinks about a reinstallation, the general solutions listed in second post can be tried first. There are different solutions to do this restoring successfully. General solutions: Link: https://msfn.org/board/topic/183498-general-and-specific-solutions-for-problems-regarding-auwumu-in-windows-xp/?do=findComment&comment=1216506 The third post of this thread contains a numbered list of specific solutions for problems regarding AU/WU/MU in Windows XP. These specific solutions will be provided with a meaningful title and a link to the creator's post in this thread. Specific solutions: Link: https://msfn.org/board/topic/183498-general-and-specific-solutions-for-problems-regarding-auwumu-in-windows-xp/?do=findComment&comment=1216507 The ninth post of this thread contains a numbered list of additional resources which can be helpful or informative to find an efficient solution for a specific problem. I'll only add resources relating to the topic of this thread. Additional resources: Link: https://msfn.org/board/topic/183498-general-and-specific-solutions-for-problems-regarding-auwumu-in-windows-xp/?do=findComment&comment=1216513 More solutions or resources can be added by posting in commenting zone. The idea is one solution, one post. The same applies to additional resources. Today I start to post some general solutions and methods, a brand-new specific solution and an additional resource. If you want to post an AU/WU/MU related solution or an additional resource in this thread, you can use the commenting zone to do this. Please post it by choosing a meaningful headline in bold and font size 18 for better visibility! If it seems to be a real solution (it's not my job to test them all) or an interesting resource, I will list it in second, third or ninth post with a link to the member's original comment for better overview. Due to the modular character of this thread each posted solution or resource can be upvoted or liked separately with credits to their poster. Any discussions or questions about these solutions or resources are explicitly welcome. But one thing must be totally clear, everything should relate to this topic. That means please stay on-topic! If you enjoyed this thread or maybe you found it interesting and helpful, we would be pleased about any reaction by liking or upvoting and of course commenting. Kind regards, AstroSkipper
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