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  1. Past hour
  2. No problem with yt either. I have ditched enhancer for youtube, and use the following UB filters in My Filters (those suffice) *_ad_$media,domain=youtube.com,3p youtube.com##ytd-video-masthead-ad-advertiser-info-renderer,ytm-promoted-sparkles-web-renderer youtube.com##.masthead-ad-control,.ad-div,.pyv-afc-ads-container youtube.com###promotion-shelf youtube.com,youtube-nocookie.com##+js(json-prune.js, [].playerResponse.adPlacements [].playerResponse.playerAds playerResponse.adPlacements playerResponse.playerAds adPlacements playerAds) youtube.com,youtube-nocookie.com##+js(set-constant.js, ytInitialPlayerResponse.adPlacements, undefined) youtube.com,youtube-nocookie.com##+js(set-constant.js, playerResponse.adPlacements, undefined) youtube.com##ytd-display-ad-renderer:upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer) www.youtube.com###main www.youtube.com##.ytd-banner-promo-renderer.style-scope.ytd-banner-promo-renderer-background www.youtube.com###masthead-ad youtube.com##ytd-video-masthead-ad-advertiser-info-renderer,ytm-promoted-sparkles-web-renderer youtube.com,youtube-nocookie.com##+js(json-prune.js, [].playerResponse.adPlacements [].playerResponse.playerAds playerResponse.adPlacements playerResponse.playerAds adPlacements playerAds) youtube.com,youtube-nocookie.com##+js(set-constant.js, ytInitialPlayerResponse.adPlacements, undefined) youtube.com,youtube-nocookie.com##+js(set-constant.js, playerResponse.adPlacements, undefined) youtube.com##ytd-display-ad-renderer:upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer) youtube.com##.masthead-ad-control,.ad-div,.pyv-afc-ads-container youtube.com###promotion-shelf But just in case also am testing (so far with little problems: youtube.com##ytd-popup-container > tp-yt-paper-dialog > ytd-mealbar-promo-renderer, ytd-popup-container > tp-yt-paper-dialog > yt-mealbar-promo-renderer:has-text(/Claim Offer|Join now|Not Now|No thanks|YouTube TV|live TV|Live TV|movies|sports|Try it free|unlimited DVR|watch NFL/) youtube.com##.ytp-quality-menu .ytp-premium-label:upward(.ytp-menuitem) youtube.com##.ytp-suggested-action youtube.com##.ytp-button.branding-img-container youtube.com##.ytp-button.ytp-cards-button youtube.com##.ytp-cards-teaser youtube.com##.ytp-ce-element.ytp-ce-channel /annotations_module.js$script,xhr,important,domain=youtube.com /endscreen.js$script,xhr,important,domain=youtube.com ! Move homepage placeholders to the end www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="home"] :is(ytd-rich-grid-row, #contents.ytd-rich-grid-row):style(display: contents !important) ! YT consent youtube.com##+js(set, ytInitialData.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer.forceConsent, false) youtube.com##+js(json-prune, [].response.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer) youtube.com##+js(json-prune, topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer) ! 2021-12-01: When specific videos redirect persistently to consent page try this filter (discussion: https://redd.it/r3ec5x ): youtube.com##+js(set, ytInitialData.onResponseReceivedEndpoints, undefined) ! 2021-12-14 YT consent v2 https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/7636#issuecomment-992858673 youtube.com##+js(set, ytInitialData.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpV2Renderer, undefined) youtube.com##+js(json-prune, [].response.overlay.consentBumpV2Renderer topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpV2Renderer overlay.consentBumpV2Renderer response.overlay.consentBumpV2Renderer) ! 2022-10-16 when navigating directly to #shorts youtube.com##+js(set, ytInitialData.desktopTopbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpV2Renderer, undefined) ! YT login youtube.com##+js(set, ytInitialPlayerResponse.auxiliaryUi.messageRenderers.upsellDialogRenderer.isVisible, false) youtube.com##+js(set, ytInitialData.overlay.upsellDialogRenderer.isVisible, false) youtube.com##+js(json-prune, [].playerResponse.auxiliaryUi.messageRenderers.upsellDialogRenderer) ! probably this one is also neded, but I cannot reproduce anymore ! youtube.com##+js(json-prune, auxiliaryUi.messageRenderers.upsellDialogRenderer) ! YT Homepage and Subscriptions - Hide the Shorts section youtube.com##[is-shorts] ! YT Menu - Hide the Shorts button www.youtube.com###guide [title="Shorts"], .ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer[title="Shorts"] ! YT Search - Hide Shorts www.youtube.com##ytd-search ytd-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]) ! YT Search, Channels and Sidebar or below the player - Hide the Shorts sections www.youtube.com##ytd-reel-shelf-renderer ! YT Channels - Hide the Shorts tab www.youtube.com##[tab-title="Shorts"] ! YT Subscriptions - Hide Shorts - Grid View www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-grid-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]) ! YT Subscriptions - Hide Shorts - List View www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]) ! YT Subscriptions - New Layout - Hide Shorts www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-rich-item-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]) ! YT Sidebar - Hide Shorts www.youtube.com###related ytd-compact-video-renderer:has([overlay-style="SHORTS"]) ! YT Mobile - Hide the Shorts Menu button m.youtube.com##ytm-pivot-bar-item-renderer:has(>.pivot-shorts) ! YT Mobile - Hide the Shorts sections m.youtube.com##ytm-reel-shelf-renderer ! YT Mobile - Hide Shorts in search results m.youtube.com##ytm-search ytm-video-with-context-renderer:has([data-style="SHORTS"]) ! YT Mobile - Hide the Shorts button on Channels m.youtube.com##[tab-title="Shorts"] ! Removes Mixes from the Main Page youtube.com##ytd-rich-item-renderer:has(#video-title-link[title*="Mix"][href$="start_radio=1"]) ! Removes Mixes from the right side panel youtube.com##ytd-compact-radio-renderer ! Removes Mixes from search results youtube.com##ytd-radio-renderer ! YT Live Videos www.youtube.com##:is(ytd-rich-item-renderer,ytd-grid-video-renderer,ytd-compact-video-renderer):has(.badge-style-type-live-now-alternate) ! YT Streamed www.youtube.com##:is(ytd-rich-item-renderer,ytd-grid-video-renderer,ytd-compact-video-renderer):has([aria-label~="Streamed"]) youtube-nocookie.com,youtube.com##.ytp-pause-overlay, .show-video-thumbnail-button ~youtube-nocookie.com,~youtube.com##iframe ~ #topvbar > #rvid ! YT Search - keep only videos (no shorts) youtube.com##ytd-search ytd-item-section-renderer>#contents>:is(:not(ytd-video-renderer,yt-showing-results-for-renderer),ytd-video-renderer:has([aria-label="Shorts"])),ytd-secondary-search-container-renderer ! YT Search - keep only videos (no shorts) and channels youtube.com##ytd-search ytd-item-section-renderer>#contents>:is(:not(ytd-video-renderer,ytd-channel-renderer,yt-showing-results-for-renderer),ytd-video-renderer:has([aria-label="Shorts"])),ytd-secondary-search-container-renderer ! YT Search - keep only videos (no shorts), channels and playlists youtube.com##ytd-search ytd-item-section-renderer>#contents>:is(:not(ytd-video-renderer,ytd-channel-renderer, ytd-playlist-renderer,yt-showing-results-for-renderer),ytd-video-renderer:has([aria-label="Shorts"])),ytd-secondary-search-container-renderer
  3. Proper blocking of trackers also speeds up the loading of web pages. Check the website below. Proper blocking of trackers in your uBlock Origin installed in Supermium/Thorium must be more (9) than those in the image:
  4. No such problems but I use my mod uBlock Origin Legacy together with a BPCF script. And when additionally using the extension uTube 33.1, no ads anymore here in New Moon 28.
  5. I can give you an example of these ads. But they are not present if UBO works well. Usually you have to view at least 2/3 videos (not to the end of the video) for them to appear.
  6. ... Well yes, sadly, this has also happened to me, especially when using Serpent 52 to post (only very rarely happens when using KafanMiniBrowser ) ... Well, after reloading the page (and praying during the page reload that whatever you've already written won't be lost ), do NOT immediately re-click the "Submit" button; first open in a new tab the MSFN thread you're posting to and inquire whether your post has indeed been uploaded, despite the browser hang; once you verify this is not the case, only then do click the "Submit" button anew ; FWIW, I had similar issues when using St52 to post comments on GitHub, but now, since MS made GH almost unusable in UXP-based browsers, I use KMB for GH (where that issue almost never manifests itself) ... And the very best is that now both posts have disappeared completely. Who has deleted them? I simply replied to a post addressed to me. And above all, why both? What's going on here?
  7. Today
  8. Same here. Might have something to do with @AstroSkipper's single-core rig, happens to me all the time posting from a Coppermine PIII (on any forum). BTW, IDA-RE's dll does seem to speed up Thorium/Supermium (launching for the first time, and at least as far as Speedometer 2 is concerned). Curious factoids: it's now called "chrome-xp-api-adapter.dll" instead of "progwrp.dll" (i renamed it), and it's 24KB vs. 131KB of the original.
  9. Agreed. The "Unread Content" and "Mark site read" 'buttons' seem to glitch on occasion also. Just a very lengthy time delay that most of us don't "wait for" because it usually doesn't take that long.
  10. @66cats IDK, call it a hybrid then. Yeah, I tried Debian ISO once on my laptop, the one ISO as it was meant to be, so no proprietary blobs. Got warning right away that firmware should be downloaded for Wi-Fi adapter, so didn't get anywhere. I'm mostly in "whatever, as long as it works" camp today. Source code availability is nice, but eh... Used to be more of a tinkerer, but these days, screw it. It's all such nonsense in the grand scheme of things, systemd vs non-systemd, PulseAudio or no PulseAudio, Blink vs Gecko, XUL vs WebExt etc etc. It's all f***in' politics and I hate politics, I just want a working computer. Is that too much to ask?? Well, I guess got it more or less so not much to complain about from my side. Regarding this forum post editor, it's been months since it last glitched out on me, but when it did, and that must have been couple forum software updates ago, you would click Submit Reply and it seemed it didn't do anything, even though it actually did so if you clicked the button again and refresh the page, you realized you just double posted.
  11. ... Well yes, sadly, this has also happened to me, especially when using Serpent 52 to post (only very rarely happens when using KafanMiniBrowser ) ... Well, after reloading the page (and praying during the page reload that whatever you've already written won't be lost ), do NOT immediately re-click the "Submit" button; first open in a new tab the MSFN thread you're posting to and inquire whether your post has indeed been uploaded, despite the browser hang; once you verify this is not the case, only then do click the "Submit" button anew ; FWIW, I had similar issues when using St52 to post comments on GitHub, but now, since MS made GH almost unusable in UXP-based browsers, I use KMB for GH (where that issue almost never manifests itself) ... Kind regards.
  12. Thanks. Bottom line - the conspiracy theory that somebody shut down somebody else's project is just that, a conspiracy theory.
  13. The same logic that makes Supermium closed source (if any part of the project is not open source, it's not open source) should make Linux closed source (its kernel includes [proprietary] binary blobs). I guess those are the only open source Linux distros OTOH, most distros (including all the popular ones, the ones where WiFi & most HW works, ones using the standard, unmodded linux kernel) are proprietary. At least by that logic :\ Something tells me reliance on leaked/reversed MS code is the reason no source has been published for that .dll. Again, could be dead wrong.
  14. Please make sure to take a couple of seconds to perform a simple search before posting. Which part of the quoted text do you disagree with? Be concise. I concede that, like Linux, Supermium contains closed source code. If you feel this makes those projects proprietary, i got nothing.
  15. That is of course possible. In any case, I do not have those problems with uBO‘s logger you have described.
  16. Binaries are back, source issue is clarified: IDA-RE's dll is also closed source.
  17. It all started again 2 days ago, really any video I choose to watch (in Serpent 52.9 with uBlock legacy displays the adblocker disable nag window after a few seconds. I tried it in completely clean profile and I believe it might have to do with a new nag window about they not recognizing my age due to anonymous watching (the best kind) and it then triggers the adblock nag.....perhaps.
  18. Would this mean updating to a newer Firefox version requires for a complete new copy of Firefox setup zip extraction, patching the necessary EXEs with CFF Explorer once again, and get a fresh slate of Firefox before re-importing back the existing profile from the previous Firefox?
  19. Nevertheless, it's still close source. I can tell what to try for those willing to disassemble it, but I shan't give precise instructions, I respect win32's choice to make it close source. A small hint. JetBrain's free .NET Decompiler and Assembly Browser, and off you go, it might help those willing to dig.
  20. More likely to reduce the amount of work they would've to do each time the new version is released. I mean, no need to constantly cut out the unneeded code parts from chromium itself. Basically, the file consists of wisely stubbed/redirected APIs. (a compliment to win32)
  21. I've no idea what people are talking about when they're talking about ads on YouTube. Regarding uBO's blacklist, non-issue as far as I'm concerned. If I want ABP's lists, then I'll use ABP. Don't see the point in feeding uBO with a list that contains crapload of ABP specific filters. If something useful is in there, it can be implemented in uBO's lists.
  22. How does that invalidate the open-source components? There are distros out there that do not include binary blobs. Supermium's source code is here, it simply depends on closed-source Win7+ API emulator. Apparently Windows XP is so bad they have to emulate Windows 7+ (APIs) to make it run on XP. And even then it's far cry from the old XP compatible Chrome versions, which were higher quality releases with none of the bugs or deficiencies you see these days.
  23. Months ago, I added the filters you describe to my uBlock Origin My Filters list, but only for it on BNavigator. I noticed the problem months ago, that YouTube would present the adblocker nag overlay despite uBlock Origin Legacy being used with filter lists that would normally filter that content on other browsers. The problem does not occur with any of the other @roytam1 browsers, including Iceape-UXP, which is, like BNavigator, a SeaMonkey derivative. Adding the given filters helps but is not without incontinences (page scrolling breaks (workaround is to put video in fullscreen and then restore) and video stop playing once after a second or few (workaround is to click the video or its play button to manually start playing the video)). Such is rather unfortunate. Out of all rouytam1's browsers, YouTube works best in BNavigator, notwithstanding the herein described issue.
  24. I was trying to place the following text, between quotes, between the words "user" and "prior" of my previous post, but the forum would not allow it. Please treat the post as if it has the quoted information in the indicated place. The quoted information: "(which usually displays as white)"
  25. No. My impression is that the issue is that the uBlock Origin Logger window is not being painted correctly (probably not being painted at all) upon a new instance of its showing, probably despite otherwise being rendered or loaded. While the window shows blank to the user prior to right-clicking the content area or resizing the window using its side grab functionality, its is still interact-able and otherwise works. Upon right-clicking the content area or resizing the window using its side grab functionality, the Logger window is repainted and its contents are visible to the user. Your driver configuration/hardware configuration might not be affected.
  26. I use the flag --max-connections-per-host=15 on my very old and weak hardware, however, with Thorium under Windows XP. So far, it works great.
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