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HOTFIXES: Win2000 SP4, WinXP SP2, WinXP SP3 and Win2003 SP2

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On the bulletin 2006-12 Microsoft says if Windows Media Format 11 is installed KB925398 isn't required.

In my simulation with WMP11 installed, Windows Update says KB925398 is required.

I think regtweak is needed ... again ...

For the moment I have include :


KB925454 (Cumulative update for IE6 , if IE7 no required) replace the last cumulative update

KB923694 (Cumulative update for OE6) replace the last cumulative update

edit: Anyone has successfully installed PNRP 2.0 silently ? I install all hotfixes together but pnrp 2.0 with /q /o /n /z seems to not install ...

KB925398 is required if you have WMP 6.4 installed, even if you have also WMP11. In fact, if you didn't delete it from XP installation (for example, with nLite), WMP 6.4 is always present. You can verify it: in WMP folder, see if there is a file called mplayer2.exe.... it is WMP 6.4, so KB925398 is required.

On the contrary, KB923689 is not required if you have WMP11.

I have also KB926247, that is not in your list. But actually, Windows Update didn't install it in my PC, because it's an hotfix for a windows service that normally isn't installed in a normal xp distribution.

Bye! :hello:

Thanks for WMP6.4 statement :thumbup

KB926247 doesn't appear on my system too. Which service require that hotfix ?

SNMP service. You can read about this by clicking here, than go to Vulnerability Details -> SNMP Memory Corruption Vulnerability - CVE-2006-5583: -> FAQ for SNMP Memory Corruption Vulnerability - CVE-2006-5583:

Happy to have helped you! ;)


what about a tweak to stop KB923789 from appearing on windows update

it only applies if your using flash 6 or before and i always install flash 9 on my pc yet this update allways appears. Even if you try to install it it had an error saying that the update does not apply to the version of flash that is installed

i tried

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\HotFix\KB923789]


"Comments"="Security Update for Windows XP (KB923789)"

but no good.

edit: Anyone has successfully installed PNRP 2.0 silently ? I install all hotfixes together but pnrp 2.0 with /q /o /n /z seems to not install ...

In fact, pnrp2 KB920342 install fine with /q /o /n /z but I must install it after all others updates ...


Thanks RyanVM !

Is there a new Windows Update client ? Because I install it, but when I go to Windows Update it ask to download again ...

I will retest when I will not tired ^^

edited: In fact, Internet Explorer 7.0 integrate a Windows Update client version so no need to install the windows update client before ...


Thanx the_guy but one thing why did u add KB923689 in xp sp2 hotfixes without adding a link for it ?or is it a mistake and that hotfix is only for win 2000

Thanx in advance


KB923689 isn't needed if WMP11 integrated or installed. (For me I don't install it, and Windows Update is okay ...)

On the bulletin MS says is just for WMP7.1/9/10.


I installed all of the listed updates for Windows XP SP2. Yet, when I go into Windows Update to do a check, it list the following required updates:





Also, is the flash hotfix required even if I install Adobe Flash 9? Thanks.


Thanks for WGA update, mine version updated from 1.5.540 to 1.5.560, big update ^^ but I like latest version ...

Microsoft has released a new version of the KB905474 update here.

However is there a way to hide it from Microsoft Update site without installing this?

If it was not initially installed, it will not update and it is not listed as a critical update any more.

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